Weekly Chat 2/10 - 2/16

It's Valentine's Day this week. Do you have a plan?


  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    It's Valentine's Day this week. Do you have a plan?

    Yeah, it's Thursday, and just like any other non-fun day we will celebrate love in non-food ways, still enjoy a bacon truffle or two, AND log it!

    There will always be a holiday, a birthday, or just a bad day that beckons us to throw discipline to the wind and have a momentary lapse of reason...it's just a bad idea that I know, when it's all said and done, I'll regret. My philosophy is to live with no regrets, so I'll have a small treat and remember that these sorts of days don't have to be an all or nothing proposition. :)
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    See you all in about 2 weeks! The goal is to come back weighing the same. No specific plan for v day. I am planning to keep the trip lower carb with 1 more relaxed meal. Sorry to be so brief. It is too hard to type on the kindle. Have a great week!
  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    It's Valentine's Day this week. Do you have a plan?

    Delayed "celebrating" until my "fun day" on Saturday. :love:
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm planning on follow the plan since I did not do so this weekend while on vacation.
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    We really don't do much for V-Day, so no special plans here. I will be making chocolate dipped marshmallows for my son, that's all.

    I ate way too much tonight... I made beef stew for dinner along with homemade sourdough rolls... I ate 5 rolls. I really need to work out a lot tomorrow :)
  • No special Vday plans, haven't even talked to my husband about it. I imagine I'll pick up a card for him. He usually gets me a card & some candy - I was planning to tell him NO candy this year, I can do without.

    So - Slingshot week went good. I lost 1.8lbs this week & I'm thrilled. I did REALLY kick up the exercise at the end of the week so I know that's the reason I lost. Yesterday was my Fun Day. I ate healthy & followed CTL for first part of the day. I had whole grain spaghetti for dinner & some multi-grain garlic bread with real butter. I also had some half fat icecream for an evening treat. So, I treated my fun day as half a fun day & I also went for my hike. I decided it will work best for me to do my day off exercise on Mondays instead, it just fits my schedule better.

    So, this week I'm thinking about switching up the schedule, trying something a little different. I kinda miss my LC Days after a week of HC, so I might do something like this:

    Mon - LC
    Tue - LC
    Wed - HC
    Thur - LC
    Fri - HC
    Sat - LC
    Sun - Funday

    I'm not sure, I'm going to sit down & make my meal plan for the week & see how I map it out. It always seems that I gain at the beginning of the week & then just barely maintain or slightly lose at the end of the week, so I want to try doing 2 LC days to start off the week & see if that helps. Plus coming off my slingshot week, my body might be all confused!!!

    Anyhow, I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! & hoping we all have a successful week.
  • Hey everyone! I made a breakfast this morning that I found on Pinterest (LOVE Pinterest!) and it was really quick and yummy! You can see it here: http://pinterest.com/pin/94294185919485122/

    I'm making Valentine cookies today for my kids. I need to get a care package sent off to my college son and have to mail it TODAY. Luckily, sugar cookie dough doesn't tempt me like chocolate chip cookie dough! :wink:

    It's another snowday here for my kids! (Ice day, really)

    Have a fun day everyone!!! Monica :flowerforyou:
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    HOLA! So yesterday was my "fun day" and I know I OVER did it. lol. It was good but nothing really tasted like I wanted it to (except for the ice cream of course!). I wasn't really craving anything in particular but I was hung over so I ate everything my Hubby presented to me. lol. I laugh about it now but I'm sure I will be crying about it during my workout tonight. :smile:

    Another thing, no big plans for Valentine's Day. We're broke until Friday and I work both Saturday/Sunday. So, we will not be doing any celebrating until Monday the 18th. We may just go to the movies and just enjoy eachothers company without our little drama queen - she has been testing me these days and it's gettin old. lol.

    I hope everyone has a great Love Day - no matter what you all do! :flowerforyou:

  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Looks like all of you have good plans. I on the other hand, am not sure what we will be eating on Thursday. It will probably be a normal day for me... and as it is a HC day, it will likely be pasta or something like that for dinner. If I'm lucky I will have my car back by then.

    In the meantime, I am trying to resist the 126 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that I have in my house.

  • Ugh....sorry Sarah about your house full of cookies!!!! I'm dreading Girl Scout cookie time too. I know my husband ordered some & we should be getting them soon. I know I can down an entire sleeve of thin mints in one sitting. Maybe I'll try & save those for Fun Day. It's day 2 of week 6 for me. After coming off Slingshot week & a loss of about 2lbs, I'm taking two LC days to try to avoid the standard beginning of the week gain. Plus I missed my Choc PB Protein shakes & my salsa, avacado & cottage cheese. I took yesterday off of exercising and I was up 1 lb this morning which I am counting as a success since most weeks I would see 2 or 3 lb gain after fun day. I think once I get back into my exercising routine this week & keep eating well, as I have been, I'll see another loss this week. I'm feeling pretty positive. And spring time is just around the corner!!! I think I wont be afraid to put on that first pair of shorts!!!
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    hey guys!!! have been off- and when iam off here honestly iam not doing well on dieting.. :(
    but have lost ONE LB! thats WO GYM!.. not sure how.. haha

    ive been getting more and more compliments about weight loss and aim only at 17!!! woot woot threw some clothes out my cloest today! :) gone FOR GOOD!!!

    thanks for that oat recipe looks so great!!!! .. just curious how many on are facebook here???? if you want to add me its ashley pantoja

    or email munecagirl22@yahoo.com.

    i know that may be too personal sharing fb but hey i feel like we are all a family and trying to stick to something noone else can lol:)
    miss you guys:)
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Welcome back Ashley!! So proud of you with the pound loss... no matter how it happened! You can get back on track... you know what to do.

    I did manage to get a couple of those boxes of cookies out of my house today. Tomorrow I hope that we will be able to off-load more.

    Today ended up being a good day. The first truly good day in a while. First off I got to snuggle with my hubby for a few hours this morning. My kids loved the "no school" time since I refused to come out of my bedroom until noon. Luckly they know how to fend for themselves for breakfast.

    Then I got on the phone and called DHS to check on the foodstamps application again... for probably the 6th time in 2 weeks. The lady that answered the phone talked with me for a bit... and then ended up patching me through to a supervisor since she wasn't getting rid of me too easily. LOL. I left a message for the supervisor, and held my composure for the message, simply explaining that I was at the end of my rope, and I ended up crying as I rattled off my phone number. She called me back within the hour! And processed my claim! And put January's money on my card right away, and then said that Feb's money would be on there tomorrow!

    But the icing on the cake? She told me that she could see that my husband's first three unemployment checks were released, so they are on their way! Awesome!

    A dear friend of mine picked me up this evening so we could go to jazzercise, and then she took me grocery shopping. I am one happy content mama with a fridge full of food! Yippee!

    When I got home I found out that my Dh's pell grant showed up today too! God is so good! It is all just in time for paying for the car on Thursday. What an emotional rollercoaster of a day.

    Oh, and I stepped on the scale today and it said 209! That means that I'm down 51 pounds. It won't be official until Saturday... but I can't wait to take my weight now!
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    thank you :)

    and wow seems like everything is looking up for you and zoo happy to hear at that 51lbs mark!! gives me hope.. i can not wait to the day i can write that down on here:)

    congrats on everything God is so good so so good..
  • Hey, babe!! So glad to hear things are coming together for you!!! What a releif that must be!!! And to be at 51lb lost...what an added achievement!! I think you deserve a celebration - & staying in bed til noon sounds like a great way to treat yourself!! Wish I could do that!!! I wake up so early for work that my body has it's own alarm clock now. And even on the weekends I've been waking up at 5:30 & can't go back to sleep. Part of the problem is all the energy I've had from exercising & eating right, I can't relax!!!

    Although, I must say, the last 2 days my energy levels were quite low. I'm sure it's because I spent a week on slingshot, HC all week & then tried 2 back to back days of LC. Monday I didn't exercise, took a recovery day & ate LC. Tuesday I ate LC & tried to work out but struggled. I ended up quitting a few minutes early & didn't do my usual core workout. I intended to spend the rest of the night doing some much needed housework, but had no energy. I struggled thru the bare minimum & ended up caving in & had a small bowl of 1/2 fat icecream. Ughh....oh well. Today I'm back on HC, hoping to get my energy back cuz I am definately getting in a good workout tonight & my housework is waiting!!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    JB - Ugh. I hate having to push through workouts that I'm just kinda going "so so" on. I've had days like yours. More than I can count. They suck don't they. :) Well... today is a new day! Get'er done!

    Ashley - today the scale is up slightly 209.6. Two reasons. 1) I weighed later in the morning yesterday, probably around 11... Often when I weigh later, my body has more time to wake up. Its a good thing. LOL. 2) Yesterday was a HC day, and I had lots of water. I can't wait to see what it does on Saturday.

    So far it has been a lazy day. I helped my daughter sort her GS cookies... and she made another delivery today. In an hour or so I go babysit at jazzercise (so my membership is free), and then later on I'll go for a run. We are eating the basics today... lots of fresh veggies, and fruit for the kids... just veggies for me. I'm looking forward to an omlette for dinner. I can't wait!
  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Just a quick check-in. All is going really well here. LC day tomorrow, so planning that out and then I weigh-in on Friday. I've been really working hard with my workouts -- and am starting to see some changes in my body. Hooray! :bigsmile:

    Things have been really quiet at home lately. It will be interesting next week: the kids are off of school all week due to February break. I'm not sure if it will be very challenging or not? I just need to continue to plan.

    I just have to say that I am LOVING carb-cycling. I have tried every "diet" and "way of eating" out there under the sun. I feel like I have found something so do-able and really fits with my personality for some reason. Anyone else feel that way?

    Well, hope you all are having a great week! Take crae,
  • Christine....Yes!! I feel the same way you do about CTL, it just fits. I feel this is definately going to be a way of life, long term for me. I'm really enjoying it.
  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Christine....Yes!! I feel the same way you do about CTL, it just fits. I feel this is definately going to be a way of life, long term for me. I'm really enjoying it.

    I agree! It has just enough "restriction" and just enough "freedom" for me. And, it is working! :bigsmile:
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm glad the program is working for most of you. I switch from Atkins to CTL 2-3 weeks ago and can't still figure it out. So much confusion among the two programs! I keep messing up between my LCD and HCD. I like the concept since I feel it is much flexible than Atkins. I'm not loosing any weight at all and getting very frustrated. I did not follow the program last weekend so I was not expecting a huge loss, well at least I'm not gaining!
    Just expressing my frustration. You all have a great day!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I'm glad the program is working for most of you. I switch from Atkins to CTL 2-3 weeks ago and can't still figure it out. So much confusion among the two programs! I keep messing up between my LCD and HCD. I like the concept since I feel it is much flexible than Atkins. I'm not loosing any weight at all and getting very frustrated. I did not follow the program last weekend so I was not expecting a huge loss, well at least I'm not gaining!
    Just expressing my frustration. You all have a great day!

    Mav... I just took a very quick look at your diary. I can see that you are having troubles.

    Like you said, the good news, is that you are not gaining! That is great. I just went through a 2 month "standstill" where I only lost a total of 2 pounds... but most weeks were a maintain from the week before. Changing diets can be frustrating... especially when you are use to a different way of thinking.

    Let's break CTL down to the bare basics.

    Breakfast every day is:
    Protein 1 palm
    Healthy Carb - 1 fist
    Veggies if desired
    NO HEALTHY FATS (Cheese, creamer, etc)

    Low Carb meals are always:
    Protein - 1 palm
    Healthy fat - 1 thumb
    Veggies - 2 fists (or more if desired)
    NO HEALTHY CARBS (bread, fruit, corn, etc)

    High Carb meals are always:
    Protein - 1 palm
    Healthy Carb - 1 fist
    Veggies - 2 fists (if you can fit them all in.. more if you need them)
    NO HEALTHY FATS (Cheese, nuts, etc)

    Work on eating 5x a day, every three hours or so. Set a timer if you need to. And, try, try, try to have each meal be roughly the same size.

    LC day example: 1200 calories = ~240/meal
    HC day example: 1500 calories = ~300/meal

    If you can work on these things, then you will be closer to the "diet framework" as Chris intended with his book.

    Good Luck! You can do this!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: