what size dumbells

I was just wondering how much weight are you guys using while doing the DVD?? 3 lbs 5lbs ??


  • mom2almj
    mom2almj Posts: 2 Member
    I have been using 3 pound weights. I have worked my way up to Level 3 Day 1. Hope this helps.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    I used the 5 pound weights. I got to a point on level 1 that I could use 8 pounds. But on level 2 I use the 5 pounds.
  • sydneyaw
    sydneyaw Posts: 93 Member
    I've been using 3 pound ones, once I get to level 3 I will up it to 5 pounds.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    5 lbs right now ... hope to move up to 8 lbs by level 2
  • naturallyrandom
    naturallyrandom Posts: 13 Member
    5 lb
  • Emiyla
    Emiyla Posts: 15
    I've been using 3lb planning to move up to 5lb for level 3 :-)
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    2lbs for the first go-round, then we'll see. I don't want to go too heavy and disrupt my regular training.
  • I'm using 2lbs...I have no muscles at all so working my way in gradually!x
  • Shaylj
    Shaylj Posts: 16 Member
    I just did day 1 and I used 2.5 lbs. I don't see me moving up to heavier weights for quite a while!
  • I just did Day 1 today and used soup cans (about 1 lb each) to see how I felt. I'm going to go get 2 lb weights today. I want to make sure I completely do the exercises and not wimp out too much. Once I can get through the workout without feeling like death, I'll up it 1 lb each level.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I just did Day 1 today and used soup cans (about 1 lb each) to see how I felt. I'm going to go get 2 lb weights today. I want to make sure I completely do the exercises and not wimp out too much. Once I can get through the workout without feeling like death, I'll up it 1 lb each level.

    I hear the whole "feeling like death" part. Not sure yet if it's me feeling like death or wishing I could make Jillian feel like death after all the torture she puts me through. Probably a little bit of both :tongue: