Up calorie intake, gain weight?

Can anyone help me please? I've been trying to up my calorie intake, but as soon as I did that, I started to gain weight again and somehow it won't come off anymore. Ideas and tips are more than welcome!


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Need a bit more information in order to help..
    How long have you been eating more? What exactly is "eating more?" Were you eating 1200 cals then then upped to 1300? or did you up to 3000? What are you eating? is your diary open to see?

    If you were eating low cal before and started eating more, then Yes, your body likely will "gain" weight in the short term, especially if you were eating very low cal. Your body was likely starving and now it thinks you are on vacation, so its packing on the fat because it thinks in a few short days you are going to drop back down to whatever level you were eating before.
    So keep eating more. Stoke the fire, and eventually the flames settle down because it knows you are feeding it more and regularily.
    Once it realizes you are eating at a nice calorie level, then your body will start to burn it properly and let the fat go.
  • ItsDiana
    My diary is open. I'm eating 1200 again because of the weight gain, upped it to 1400/1500 for a few weeks. Lost 5kg, gained 3 back now.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    How long is a few weeks? Im going to guess 1400/1500 is still undereating for you...
    Have you run your numbers here?: http://scoobysworkshop.com/
    This will show you what your TDEE and BMR are and what a healthy calorie number should be for you to lose weight in a nice slow pattern.

    Looking at your diary just over this past week and there is no consistency. Once day you had 800 cals, another 1400.. another 1700 and another at 1000. You need to be consistent in your eating. Stick to a calorie goal and MEET it. Its no wonder your body isnt quite sure what to do with the weight yet.

    Im guessing you have eaten at 1200 cals or less for long periods of time? If so, then its possible you may need to do a TDEE reset in order to "fix" your metabolism so it can burn properly. For a lot of us, this is not a quick fix way of life. This is so you can fix your metabolism and eat "normally" for the rest of your life and to stop the 1200 cal dieting cycle.

    Please read through the stickies, or feel free to visit our website at http://eatmore2weighless.com/ for more information on resetting.

  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I agree with Rayann. You need to go back and read the group stickies and check out http://eatmore2weighless.com/

    I don't think you understand the concepts. You ate over 1200 calories in only 7 of the past 30 days. That is not eating more.

    I know it is scary. You can do it. There is tremendous support in this group for you. Don't give up!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You just proved how under-eating you are normally.

    You had 2 weeks of barely much more, and gained water weight with stored glucose because you never replenish them anyway.

    For avg 250 cal increase to actually be fat, you'd have to eat that much more than your daily maintenance for 3 weeks.

    Isn't that sad if your daily maintenance is now 1200 because you've suppressed it so badly, and likely burned off so much muscle?
  • ItsDiana
    That's really helpfull, thanks Ryann!