New to Paleo/ Question about cake

I have been doing paleo for 2 weeks now. I have been feeling great. I have not had a problem not eating the processed foods I normally would.
But Saturday night I was at a benefit for our local food pantry and decided to have a small piece of cake. I didn't even finish it, after a few bites it was really unappealing. That surprised me. Anyways I'm wondering if how I felt later and the next day was because of that food choice.
I slept really badly that night, restless sleep. The next day my stomach was all messed up and many bouts of bathroom trips. My questions is can it be from that tiny piece of cake? I guess I would be surprised if it was and that it could affect me so negatively. Has anyone had that affect from eating something like that?

I was really proud of myself on Friday night, we went out with friends and by the time we sat down to eat I was really hungry. We had bread on the table and I really thought I wanted some but ended up just waiting for my salad & steak. WooHoo for me.


  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Yep, likely from the cake. You'll learn pretty quickly the foods that negatively affect you.
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    I have heard that reaction is common. I *wish* I had that response. As much as my waistline hates carbs, I still can eat them without too many negative effects.
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    After being off most sugar type carbs for a couple of months, I had a similar reaction. I didn't have a problem with it being appealing, I ate every bite. I was so sick to my stomach that evening - now comes the cake not being appealing anymore :)
  • bdin2012
    Geez, I can't believe I felt so bad. I really have not thought of myself as ever having a problem with gluten or any foods. It was awful. I guess next time I'll really have to make a choice to have a second of sweetness or a whole evening/day of yuckiness. Thanks for all your replies.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    Yep, it was that dang cake's fault. It's funny how removing something from your diet for such a short period of time can mess you up when you reintroduce it, isn't it?

    It takes me days to recover after eating any kind of dairy. Becoming paleo has really opened my eyes about how lactose intolerant I am. I actually ended up throwing up a couple of times on Christmas after eating too much cheesy foods.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I would say from the cake, I had rice chips one day, and my stomach was awful and had a very bad sleep. Just off for a day or two.