New to the group, check in here



  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member
    Hey girlz :smile:

    Ive been on MFP for a bit, and with this group for a bit.... alot of really good information out there :wink: and a bunch of awesome people in the same boat !
    We all have a common goal , TO LOSE WEIGHT :heart: LOOK BETTER :heart: FEEL BETTER :heart:
    We're all in the wonderful age of change, WE CAN BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER !!!!
    In good :smile: times and in bad :sad: at the gym :happy: and at the Dr's :ohwell:
    Its a WOMAN thing .... we all go through some part of it, we might as well support each other :wink:
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been with MFP for a while but, have recently been MIA due to some illness that my children all decided to share with everyone except me thankfully. I am hopefully back on track and will be able to post my weekly loss and such. Losing weight for me has century been hard due to an injury I received, being unable to do a lot of exercises, and finding out that I have a host of other medical problems like diabetes that I was told I have just last month. I welcome each and everyone of you and can not wait to cheer on with the losing of these pesky pounds.
  • Hi, my name is Bonnie, I am 47 years old and a single mother of 2 grown kids (24 daughter and 21 son) who both live at home with me. That is when they are actually home, lol

    I am new here and thought this group sounded like a great bunch of people to chat with and get support from. I am looking to lose about 65 lbs and need all of the support I can get.

    I just had my first official weigh in at the gym this week so I am on my way.
  • Hi everyone. I'm Barb and47. new to the group and fitness pal. Just started tracking and lost 4.4 lbs last week - so off to a good start. my long term goal is to lose 60 to 70 lbs, but would like to lose 30 of it in the next 4 months. I am planning on doing that by watching what I eat, a strict calorie intake, and working out. Basically I want to "tone as I go" because I don't want the excess skin hanging. My shortfall is being accountable. That is why I joined - for motivation, support and accountability.
  • JennaG70
    JennaG70 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, my name is Jennifer and am 42 years old. I've been married for 14 years and am mom to four daughters, ages 21,12,12 & 6 years. While I'm not new to MFP, I am new to joining groups here. I stayed relatively fit and trim up until about age 38 when I suddenly lost both of my besties within a few months of one another. I had not suffered with depression of any kind since my teen years until then, and I packed on over 80 pounds seemingly overnight. That gain was piled on top of the 30 lbs of baby weight I was still packing from my unexpected pregnancy from 3 years prior. Needless to say, I've tried unsuccessfully to lose this extra baggage for 2 years now. Near the end of December 2012 I read Brian Wansink's "Mindless Eating" and Robb Wolf's "The Paelo Solution" and while I won't say that I had an epiphany, I will say that I got my crap together and got over myself. Since the first of January, I have lost 13 lbs and 28.5 inches overall.
  • horseswinelife
    horseswinelife Posts: 52 Member
    Hi - I am a 44yr Married Mom of 2 daughters (19 & 17). I have lost and gained the same 40+lbs for years now and am trying once again to get it off and keep it off. Ive done just about every diet/lifestyle change you can think of, but it always comes back.
  • juliesctt
    juliesctt Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I am 49 yrs old next week. So I am at the 'end' of the fabulous 40s. I am married with two boys (18 and 11) and live in Vancouver, Canada.

    I joined Dr Bernstein at the beginning of January 2013 and have lost 24 lbs. I have another 6 lbs to lose and reach my goal of 136 lbs. I started MFP about 2 weeks ago and I joined because I wanted support and inspiration to help me maintain my weight.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    welcome ladies! :flowerforyou:

    julie, I'm in beautiful BC as well, Prince George!
  • usedtobeskinny
    usedtobeskinny Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Kim. 42, mother of 3. I gained 75 pounds when I quit smoking nearly 8 years ago and managed to lose half the weight before I just stopped. It suited me just fine but now I am sick of it. Want to get back in shape and living a more health conscious life.
  • erbrat
    erbrat Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I'm Rhonda...turning 46 in April and have been on Weight Watchers and lost 15, still need to lose 25+ and just joined MFP and looking forward to this group! I'm a single mom of a 12 yr old boy who will be 13 in April, I want to be active and the best I can be for him.
  • erbrat
    erbrat Posts: 11 Member
    I love your pic on the ticker!!
  • mamadaigs
    mamadaigs Posts: 3 Member
    I am not sure at all if I am adding my comments to the right section--here goes!! Married, 48 year old Mom of three grown children. Post menopause--due to hysterectomy in my early 40's. Sailed through that without any weight gain. Quit a social smoking problem 2 years ago January 11 (yey me), but in the last year, I have gained over 15 pounds. I am not even 5 feet, so this weight really shows on my little body. I have joined several forums and groups in the past but end up leaving because I feel I didn't get the support and friendship I would like. Love to have fun, laugh, cook, hang with my family. I love my Shih Tzu Cooper. Trying to stay on task with going to the gym. I did go to the gym last winter, from January thru July, when my son got married. Since then, not so much. Thats about it for now. Glad to be here. My fitness pal was recommended to me this past week by my doctor.

  • Hi everyone. I am new to the group and new to MFP. I am a 48 yr old married mother of a 13 yr old girl. Looking to conquer to demon of obesity once and for all. I want to be at my goal weight by age 50 which is about 60 pounds away. My short term goal is to lose 15 pounds in the next 16 weeks. I think this is definitely an attainable goal. Looking forward to supporting and being supported by you all!
  • t_elliot
    t_elliot Posts: 38 Member
    Hello! I am 46. Happily married for 26 years with 2 boys age 22 and 24. I live in the BC interior and love to camp, garden and hang out with my family. Hoping to lose 20 pounds before my son's wedding in July. My long term goal is to be under 140 which I haven't been since my 20's. I have been a MFP member off and on for the past 2 years. Have been using the Bodymedia Link since Jan. Much success to all of you in your weight loss and fitness goals.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hello ladies and welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Rhonda, I like yours too! =)

    t_elliot, I'm in Prince George!
  • mamadaigs
    mamadaigs Posts: 3 Member
    if at the end of the day something is -21 or whatever number is that because you are under or over?? I get this a lot in the Protein section
  • Theresa8267
    Theresa8267 Posts: 16 Member
    I am 45 year old mother of 3 boys, 21,18, and 14. I joined MFP in January and have lost 9 pounds so far. I am looking for friends to motivate me. I have about 17 pounds to go to reach my first goal. I will reevaluate when I reach it.
  • tylee68
    tylee68 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi..I am a 44 year old Mom of two young adults( 21 and 19). I weigh way more now than I did full term pregnant and have tried to lose weight for 2 years, but obviously haven't tried very hard if I am being honest with myself. I am ready for the challenge and really want to feel healthier and better about myself. It would also be great to fit into some attractive clothing instead of items that look square and shapeless. Have only lost 5 pound in several months and the 1200 to 1400 cals per day are not working for me.Yikes
  • Hi everyone. I'm Terri and I'm 47. My only child graduated college in May and I decided it was my time to start living. I always made her my priority. Well, it's my turn now. I just want to be on the outside what I feel on the inside. My start weight was 239 and I want to get down to at least 130. I've got a long way to go.
  • luligirl
    luligirl Posts: 3 Member
    Hi to all! I'm Charlotte and am turning 43 in a few weeks. I am tired of feeling tired and frumpy and have 30 lbs to lose. I'm trying now just to do it in 10 lb increments. Did anyone else notice that somehow at 40, your body changed and its much much harder to lose weight? Not to mention, I am tired from work and motherhood, so exercise seems to be difficult to get started. MFP has been a huge help in getting started and seeing all the success is just so encouraging! I love a good success story and hope to be one myself soon.

    But.... I keep telling myself, babysteps... rome wasn't built in a day eventhough it seems like my butt was!