Hello - Please introduce yourself :0)

Hello and welcome. Please introduce yourself, where you are from, how many rounds have you done, what you have achieved so far, what goals you have for this year and what's your favorite exercise


  • Terczo
    Terczo Posts: 2
    I'll start, my name is Terri, I live in Melbourne VIC, i have 2 kids 4ys and 18mths, I'm a group exercise instructor and teach BodyPump and RPM. Round 1 2013 will be my second round, I did round 3 in 2012 and lost 12kg. Since doing it on my own I have managed to maintain this within 2kgs. I want to loose another 5kg in Round 1 2013.
  • Hello, my name is Fiona. I have 2 boys aged 7 and 3.5 and live in Switzerland. This is my first round of 12wbt and my goal this round is to lose about 10kg to get me into the healthy weight range for my height.
  • I am Roxanne. I am a SAHM with 3 daughters Hannah (16), Mia (14) and Erica (5). I live in Esko, Minnesota (USA). I love to travel. But most of my travel is with my husband (Al) while he works. It's ok because I am getting to see parts of my country I wouldn't otherwise see. Every couple of years the family takes a 2 week camping trip as we travel across the country. This summer we are traveling to California. It's great family time.

    I spend most of my time running my girls from one activity to another. I thought life would slow down for me this year with all 3 in school and my oldest having her drivers liscence. But atlas no. My 5yo is very active with dance, gymnastics and piano. She also wanted to play hockey but we put the stop at that one. My oldest is a competitive gymnast. But she drives herself to practices. Mia quit gymnastics and started cheering this year. Most of her activities are at school which is only two miles away. So not so bad.

    I am an avid reader. Which is probably why I have lost control of my weight. I also love watching TV and being on the computer. Too much time sitting on my bum!

    That is already changing! I bike for 30 minutes and walk on my treadmill for 15-30minutes everyday. Thanks to 12wbt!

    I'm loving the 12wbt training program. And its good to see some of us using myfitnesspal. I look forward to getting to know you through Round 1 and beyond.
  • Hi my name is Cassandra, though most call me Cass. I live in Melbourne in the Northern suburbs. I am a sole parent of a 4 year old boy. I am a group fitness instructor and teach RPM and Boxing. Im also a qualified Beauty therapist looking at getting back into doing some Beauty work on the side. All whilst studying the Diploma of Business Administration. I did Round 3 2012 and lost 6 kilos. I am currently doing Round 4 and have really lost 1kg and thank goodness I have not put on any weight over the christmas and new period. My goal is to to lose 2 more kilos for this round. and lose another 5 in Round 1 2013. Then I will be at my goal. Good luck everyone.:)
  • Hi my name is Charlotte I am 35, and this is my 1st time doing the 12WBT. I live in rural Victoria, about a hour out from Mildura. My health kick started started last year when I gave up smoking (8mths and counting) YAY! and I tried to do the exercise thing with a personal trainer about i did something nasty to my back and it kind of put things on hold and ended up putting 10kgs to my already over weight self :( so this year is about shifting that and a little bit more!!!! I really excited to be doing this and I hope my motivation keeps up. Good luck everyone :D
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Hoping this group is still active!!

    I'm Rach - 28yo, living in country Vic near Ballarat / Geelong, getting married in under 8 weeks! I have been trying to lose the last 5kg for over a year now, and I'm only just starting to take it very seriously again. As long as I'm under 70kg by the wedding, I'll be happy (and that's only 2.8kg away!)
  • Holabackgirl54
    Holabackgirl54 Posts: 1 Member
    Hola peeps,

    My name is Karen (Hola Back Girl) I am just finishing Round 4 and have signed up for Round 1. I love this program. It really does works if you put the work in. I'm always around the forums on 12wbt, so I hope I see you all there as well. We have an awesome bunch of people on the forums and anything you may need or want to know then there will always be someone there to help. Good luck to everyone this round and keep in touch!

    ROCK ON!
  • Hi, My name is Shaunagh and I'm from Gladstone sunny Queensland. I am starting 12WBT on Monday!! I wish you all luck!!!
  • Hi. I'm Rache. I'm in NZ. This will be my 3rd round of 12wbt. I initially lost 8kg during my first round & then slacked off. I've gained 5kg back but am really going to kick it in round 1.
  • Hi, I'm Scilla this is my 2nd round - I did R3 2012 and managed to loose around 4kg but found 2 of those so decided to try again and I'll try and give away 10kg.

    I live in Brisneyland and at the moment it's been raining for 3 days and I"ve used that as an excuse to not workout, that and my little puppy.

    I'm also part of the Vixen Angels forum, so if you're on the 12wbt forums, look for us. We're a very supportive, chatty bunch and welcome anyone that needs a little tuff love!

    Please feel to give me a little tuff love if you see that I'm not keeping to my calories!

    Can anyone tell me how to search for individuals?
  • Hi there! I'm Sharon, a Melbourne mum just loving this fitness pal site and app!
    Joindd the 12wbt for the 2nd round so very excited for it to get started.
    Have about 20+ kilos to lose and will do it - I just know it. Can see myself continuing
    the program and will for the rest of the year as have met some lovely ladies whom I
    exercise with every Saturday.

    Looking forward to seeing all your results and all the best in your respective journeys!