Swim caps and long hair

grelca Posts: 10 Member
I got in a pool yesterday for the first time in a really long time and even with a ponytail my hair kept hardcore getting in my way, so I'm thinking I should pick up a swim cap. However when I used to wear one on my junior high swim team I had problems getting all my hair in and my hair was only shoulder length (now it's almost to my butt - an aside, I wonder how much "weight" I'd "lose" if I cut it all off but I never would I love it too much :tongue:). Does anyone make swim caps for people with long hair or does anyone have other tips for getting long hair out of the way? I'd appreciate any help!


  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Mine is not as long as yours, but is super thick. Ponytail and then swim cap. It will fit.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I just got a zoggs cap which is sort of a stretchy lycra type thing. Much easier than the old school rubbery ones. i got mine from amazon. Pretty sure it will work for any hair lenght
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    See my problem was always that the water would leak into the cap and my hair would come out of it.
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I have the same problem - my hair is to the middle of my back and very thick. I've seen special swim caps for long hard on Amazon, but never tried them. I use an old-school Speedo rubbery swim cap. Put my hair in a low pony tail at the nape of my neck, snap the swim cap on and go. I don't try to shove all my hair under the cap, I just let the pony tail hang out the bottom and it seems to work pretty well. Whenever I've tried to shove all my hair up into the cap, it ends up popping off midway through my swim.
  • jessicafk11
    jessicafk11 Posts: 44 Member
    When I swam in HS I had really long hair . . . like really really long. Its super thick too. But I managed to get it into a regular silicone cap (latex ones would rip with all my hair but the silicone lasted me a season). I think I put it in a bun and then pulled on the cap. That being said, I think they do make larger caps but I've never used one so I cannot comment on how they work.
  • erika0430
    I put my hair in a messy bun then flip my head upside down spread the cap put my forehead in and slide it on!
    Good Luck! I recommend the cap! No Tangels No clorine Hair Dry and bittle No pony mess!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I third the bun. Mine is really thick and it works well. My daughters is long and I do the same for her and haven't had any problems.
  • clari_netter
    clari_netter Posts: 20 Member
    My hair goes down to my bum, I just use latex caps as they're stronger, tie it up in a low pony tail and flip it forwards then fold it (my hair) over a few times on top of my head and it fits in fine, I find I always have problems with my goggle straps slipping if I wear it all in a bun. I've also wondered if I got rid of it all would I lose much weight...
  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    what? what? I have always have short hair, but I use a cap for resistance. That said - who keeps their hair dry? I don't as I dye my hair so I saturate it first - so clorine won't get in, then I put the cap on. I was going to suggest the pony or a braid down your back...but now, I don't know. Good luck whatever you do.
  • erika0430
    I meant no Dried-out hair... Yes my hair gets wet but not saturated