Losing 15 pounds partner wanted!! :)



  • I have 18lbs to lose, I hope that still gets me in with you ladies! I could really use some friends with similar goals. Most of the people on my friends list have already met their goals or are very close.
  • emj095
    emj095 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey ladies!
    My name is Emily! I am 5'4", weigh around 135-140, and want to lose 10-15 pounds by this summer. I'm new here and would love some motivation/accountability buddies!

    Add me :)
  • unique2myself
    unique2myself Posts: 27 Member
    Im in! Friend me :)

    I am 159lbs and want to get to 135 as my "final" goal.

    Lets do this ! I have been needing a group to go with and be accountable to.
  • Wow! I'm glad to see so many ladies in the same range as me. I want to add everyone! :happy:

    I'm 5'5.5"and 155. Losing 10 - 15 pounds of fat would put me right at my goal and ready for summer time!

    Not sure if the OP still needs a partner but i could sure use one.

    All are welcome to add. I love having friends with similar goals
  • Hey,

    I'm in, looking to lose 20 pounds by July which is the birthday month.

    I'm currently 185, my ultimate goal is to get back down to 150.

    Measurements are 39-33-44.5. I could stand to lose 2-4 inches are each.
  • I would love to have some extra motivation. My birthday is June and I want this one to be amazing... and of course I want to look super sexy ;) Anyone who wants to add me and kick my butt for those bad days (oh yes they happen, but I'm honest with my tracking) would be a friend always, and I would be willing to return the favor :) I'm currently 175 and want to get down to 150s (going for 160 for the bday)
    Thanks for the help ladies, stay motivated, we can do this for us!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I'm open to adding some encouraging friends! I'm 5'6" and just weighed in today at 139 lbs. I started at 144 lbs, and I hope to end up at about 125 lbs, or if I'm lucky: 120 lbs.

    I'd like to get to 125 lbs by May 1st if I can, because that's when I'm graduating with my bachelors in EE.

    Thanks, ladies!
  • jaybird110
    jaybird110 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in!
    I'm 5'4, 127 lb, and would love to lose 7 pounds, ten optimally!
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm in!

    5'3, CW 165 trying to get to 150 by May so I have 15 lbs to go.
  • We're on the same boat! getting ready for the summer :)
  • krivostead
    krivostead Posts: 8 Member
    If you're still looking for a partner, or if anyone would like to add me for a friend. I'm 5'7" and am 150, would love to be 135, or 130 if at all possible by bikini season. :)

    After having 2 kids, it's been so hard working full-time and trying to lose these last 15lbs of baby-weight.
  • Resa52
    Resa52 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 5'4" and about halfway through my journey of losing 16 lbs. Hoping to lose it by mid-June.

    Would rather get down to a 6-8 pants size than my goal weight (125) but we'll see how things shake out!
  • tayearnhart
    tayearnhart Posts: 5 Member

    I am getting SERIOUS this time my MFP and have 0 friends that use it!! I am 5'5" and about 160! I would loooooove to be down about 15/20 pounds by summer! I am hoping to get married next year and want to be a SEXY BRIDE. I need some encouragment and to see some posts on my feed! Pleeease add me and help me with this journey! thanks thanks thanks :happy:
  • emomonster92
    emomonster92 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi girls!
    I'm Sharon, i'm 5'7 lookin to get back down to 155, i'm at 174 right now. Got on a medication that made me gain weight now i can't get it off. Can maintain my weight really well once it gets to a point but losing it seems impossible, trying to get better at keeping track of MFP instead of just saying whatever and goin back into my old routine. I'm a junk food maniac and am trying to stay away from it, also a really bad McDonald's addict ;) Would love some support from other ladies like me, if ur close to my area even better! lol
  • mackenzieln
    mackenzieln Posts: 13 Member
    i'm 5'5 looking to lose 15 lbs as well. I'm currently 133
  • JamieA8
    JamieA8 Posts: 36 Member
    Would love to join you ladies! I am 5'4" and as of Friday morning 135.8lbs. I am looking to be 124 by May 11th for my family vacation to Fl. That only gives me 67 days. I have been working on this since Jan 29th and have only lost 2 lbs! I could really use some motivation!
  • sarahbw22
    sarahbw22 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm in too!!

    I'm 5'9 and currently 156 pounds. My goal is to lose 15 pounds and reach 141 pounds by the end of June. I would love some new buddies!! So please feel free to add me!

  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    Count me in!

    I started at 135, and have lost 2 pounds in my first week - so I'm down to 133. I'd love to get down to 120. I'm getting married in October (yays!) and I don't want to feel self-conscious on a day when EVERYONE is going to be taking my picture!! Ah! My dress is coming in the beginning of August, so I basically have until the end of July to lose the last 13 pounds. I will be so, so, so happy if it happens!

    This group and whole site are just awesome. :bigsmile:
  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in, 5'7", down to 141. Looking to go another 10ish, down 36 already. Beach trips in July, I am ready to get the last lbs off!!
  • I injured myself last August and have gained 10 horrible pounds over the course of this winter. I have always sucked it up and done this alone but thought some company might be fun this time around!! I am very active (usually) and would like to get down to 150 by June and less than 150 by August. I am currently 158 :( and 5' 9".