Reading Material

IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
I am currently reading the Lyle McDonald book The Ketogenic Diet. I have basically been doing Atkins Induction since Jan 1 when someone said "oh you're doing Keto- sorta" so this had me wanting more. I found the Reddit group and read what I can when I have time. Then I thought I would look for a group here on MFP. Anyway, I get the point and science behind keto. I am curious to know - does a newer book exist with instructions and tips that I am not seeing on Amazon? Or just something else I should be reading overall? Thanks!


  • MLutin
    I get most of my keto info from other users on reddit. The FAQ's and resources there are pretty good.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    Thanks so much for replying. I printed those out when I was trying to compare it to Atkins Induction. I was just wondering if their was a book (because everyone has a book out now, right? lol) that had more information in it. The McDonald book was full of science stuff - which is great if you want to know the hows and whys. But I also like a bit of structure - what to eat and what to eat with it.

    I spent all night battling my insomnia, reading up on the Reddit threads!

    I saw the Keto Cookbook on Amazon and the reviews seem to be pretty good there and on various websites. Might have to grab that. Always looking for new recipes (I have a food website and a cooking channel for a company I write for so its a bonus for me!)