Summer Intensives

Is anyone else planning on audition for Summer Intensives? I got an email recently from the National Ballet Academy of Denver asking me to audition for theirs. I'm so excited!! I can't go in person to any of the auditions due do my mom's health (she's going through treatment for breast cancer) so I'm doing DVD auditions. My favourite teacher is going to help me out with it!


  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    oooo congratulations on getting invited to audition! That's really exciting. It's great they allow a DVD audition too.

    I just started adult beginner ballet this past Sept. so I will be spending the summer waiting impatiently to start class in September again! :)
  • wyodawn
    wyodawn Posts: 217 Member
    I'm way past that age :) but I did a lot of auditions (in Miami) growing up and now help some of my students with their audition DVDs since we live a long way away from any major cities. What other places are you considering?

    Best of luck to your mom with her treatment.
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    oooo congratulations on getting invited to audition! That's really exciting. It's great they allow a DVD audition too.

    I just started adult beginner ballet this past Sept. so I will be spending the summer waiting impatiently to start class in September again! :)
    You have to wait?!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    oooo congratulations on getting invited to audition! That's really exciting. It's great they allow a DVD audition too.

    I just started adult beginner ballet this past Sept. so I will be spending the summer waiting impatiently to start class in September again! :)
    You have to wait?!

    Actually I just looked at the websites of my studios (I go to one on Tuesdays and a different one on Thursdays) and the Tuesday one has an adult summer class! Woohoo!
  • I auditions for Joffrey and Alivin Ailey! It was really fun and I'm actually planning out my trip to the Joffrey summer intensive right now! I've never danced any where besides my studio so I'm over come with excitement!! Merde on your auditions!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    oooo congratulations on getting invited to audition! That's really exciting. It's great they allow a DVD audition too.

    I just started adult beginner ballet this past Sept. so I will be spending the summer waiting impatiently to start class in September again! :)
    You have to wait?!

    Actually I just looked at the websites of my studios (I go to one on Tuesdays and a different one on Thursdays) and the Tuesday one has an adult summer class! Woohoo!

    AHA! Hooray!