Twilight 'Get Off Your Butt' Challenge Feb 10th-17th



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,957 Member
    Day 2 -- Tuesday
    Cardio: minimum of 30 minutes / 5 days a week -- Started the morning with a brik walk (even jogged a tiny bit) then walked 15 minutes during my lunch for a total today of 56 min. So 2/5 days down.

    Butt Work... Glute squeezes. 100/250 did them today at work.

    H20 8x8 -- 2/7 days

    Calories/Nutrition --stayed under again even though it was a long day.

    Daily Sharing and check in... here I am!

    Twilight Fun....

    Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever. Will you marry me?

    Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.460

    I'm feeling warmer already!

    recommendation -- Getting in exercise first thing in the morning seems to energize me (at least it did today, I'll let you know how I feel by the end of the week). Suggested exercise -- One of my favorites Monkey arms, for nice looking arms. Do 20, but split them up, you can do them with weights or without. here's the link :

    Sorry Yvonne, I could not find a suitable place to roar today.

    Super News Flash -- My daughter just won the chance to attend a Q & A with Stephenie Meyer and the cast of
    The Host:love::love: :love:
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,841 Member
    Kathy, that is so cool!!!

    Day 2 -- Tuesday Check-in

    Cardio-- 35 min walk around the neighborhood

    Butt work-- 100/250 half in shower, half as I log

    Water 8*8--check!

    Calories under-- twice in a row, woo hoo!

    What I did and What It Took--I had to walk the short block with both dogs, since my old one is slow. But after 10 minutes of that I left him at home and started out again with the young one and we went for 25 more minutes. I was glad I did that.

    Twilight fun, summery feeling-- since Twi mentioned baseball, here's a great line from Jacob (again): "Next time you hit me, use a baseball bat or crowbar, OK?" (Eclipse)

    Recommendation-- uh, I wasn't so good there, didn't do my extra exercises though the ideas here are great. A simple idea of mine is to do jumping jacks like we used to do "Mississippi" in grade school but spell out the names of Stephenie Meyer's books instead.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Oh Kathy, that is soooo cool about your daughter, you will HAVE to keep us posted! the idea of spelling out the names of Stephanie Meyer's books while doing jumping jacks. I bet I have to spell them silently, I will be out of breath!

    New moon
    Short life of Bree Tanner
    Breaking Dawn
    The Host
    Midnight Sun
    Prom Nights from Hell. (Maybe just spell part of it since she was a co-writer!)

    Whew, I am already tired!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    happy hump day, everyone!

    i didn't post yesterday, but it was a successful kind of day, so yay!

    as for day three, it's also been so far so good, aside from the fact that i am completely neglecting my glute squeezes. but i'm doing so many squats and lunges i still don't feel too bad about it.

    went for jog number 2 today and increased my distance from six-tenths to eight-tenths of a mile. i feel pretty confident that next time around i will hit the mile mark mark if not more, so i'm pretty relieved it seems to be coming back so quickly. of course, i am s-l-o-w as molasses, but i've never been fast anyways.

    i hit my water goal on monday and was off by one serving yesterday. i'll be sure to down it all today, and hopefully more. i'd like to get back to drinking at least 10 servings per day. when i was drinking 12 servings per day it broke a 4 month long plateau, so eventually i would like to get back to that mark. but not today. eight sounds like enough for now!

    my tip of the day - curtsy lunges:
    (basically a lunge in which you cross your leg behind you instead of putting it straight back - but she explains it really well)

    and who i would turn into vampires because their incredible physiques should be preserved for posterity:
    (these trainers are also giving some really good bum moves)

    alright everyone - watch out for vampires - it's a twilighty kind of day in my neck of the woods, overcast and misty! yay!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Don't ya hate it when you type a lot of stuff, and go to another site to look something up, and when you come back its ALL gone?

    :smooched: Okay, a summery feeling from the movie is when Bella wonders why the Cullens appear to have skipped school, and she is told by the sun soaking Jessica that when its sunny Dr. Cullen takes them all camping.

    I tried the monkey arms, without weights, wow, talk about joints popping! I obviously need more upper body workouts!
    60 glute squeezes in the car, my my what the passing motorists must think I am up to! Teehee

    50 minute walk today after work plus 40 minutes on the recumbent bike. Sunny milder weather is certainly a motivator to me. the snow missed us yesterday!!! Tomorrow I will walk at work, we have to go to another building across campus and that will make for a nice workout.

    Kept under my calories, but yesterday I had to cave and had a bowl of cereal before bed, I can't sleep when I am hungry.
    Working to get water consumption up again. If I don't fill my cup at work when I get there, it really puts me behind. Note to self, Don't forget to fill your water cup!

    Special big screen tv will be delivered on Saturday. No I am not going to watch a Mariners game with Charlie, but I do think I will pop in a Twilight DVD!!! I can hardly wait!
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,841 Member
    Day 3--Wednesday

    Good going, Yvonne! You included Short Life of Bree Tanner along with all the others for jumping jacks, which I forgot!

    I had a half and half day. Morning I was busy and productive, and my cardio burn was higher on the circuit. After some errands, I got home and all I wanted to do was eat the easiest stuff and sit on my backside! Glad the glute-squeezes are "exercise."

    Cardio-- 30 minutes, plus a couple more for a set of jumping jacks
    Butt work -- 150/250
    Water 8*8-- yup
    Cals under--Nope! Stole a bit from my bank account.

    Got up and going, jumping jacks out in the backyard (really nice day), kept vigorous on the workout at Curves, and got to see improvement on the scale there after climbing higher last month.

    My summery feeling is actually after James attacks Bella in the ballet studio. Although she is in terrible shape and recovering in the hospital, she still fights with Edward to make him stay. They then have a great summer together, which you read about in New Moon (after she wakens from her dream about Gran): "All through the perfect summer--the happiest summer I had ever had, the happiest summer anyone anywhere had ever had, and the rainiest summer in the history of the Olympic Peninsula..." Who needs sunshine with a summer like that?!

    So my recommendation for today is a move little ballerinas and big practice all the time, the plie. We don't need to be self-conscious if we're not graceful, cuz Bella sucked too!

    Both first and second positions of plie are shown here (second recommended for those of us with knee problems):
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,957 Member
    Day 3 -- Wednesday
    Cardio: minimum of 30 minutes / 5 days a week -- Started the morning with another brisk walk (jogged a teeny-tiny bit more) for a total of 62 min. today for a total of 163 minutes. So 3/5 days down.

    Butt Work... Glute squeezes. 150/250 did them while watching TV tonight.

    H20 8x8 -- 3/7 days Had no trouble drinking 11 cups since I start drinking first thing in the morning

    Calories/Nutrition --stayed under again -- that's 3 days in a row.

    Daily Sharing and check in... present!

    Twilight Fun.... This is for all our Team Jacob ladies because Jake's warmth is like the sun.

    He’s like a drug for you, Bella. I see that you can’t live without him now. It’s too late. But I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun.

    Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 26, p.599

    recommendation -- : Here's another arm exercise -- Pom Pom Circles. I suggest 10 reps at most, with or without weights (but make the weights very small because they are tough and leave me with sore shoulders.)

    I tried The Lion, but I roared very quietly (my dog really thought I'd gone crazy)! No Rump Raises or Curtseys, yet, but I like the idea of Mississippi with the Twilight names!

    NSV, today a student I'd helped last school year came into the lab and commented on how much weight I'd lost. This prompted my new coworker to ask me how I did it and begged me to email her the link for MFP. :happy:
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Pom Pom circles and plies, oh my!! Sounds like fun!

    Cardio. 40 minute walk at work 190/150 need cardio on one more day! My coworker is off Friday and Monday so I will be hoofing it alone those days.

    H20: okay I sucked today. Got about 1/2 of it in so far.

    Glute squeezes: 180/250

    Calories: over by a bit tonight. It's Valentines Day, so chocolate was my friend.

    Check in: present and counted for

    Twilight summer: Meyer says that the idea for Twilight came to her in a dream on June 2, 2003. After a summer of detachment from the world, immersed in writing, she finished the manuscript on August 29, 2003. To me that is one awesome summer. Thank you Stephenie for changing my life! :heart:

    Kathy, such an awesome NSV! And to think you may have brought another o the MFP side!!!
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,841 Member
    Day 4--Thursday

    Cardio -- 50 minutes walking so I'm ahead of the curve for the week
    Butt Work-- Gotta do another set of 25 in front of TV
    Water--10*8 better than usual
    Cals under-- woo hoo, 3 out of 4 days!
    OK, I was good on walking, but didn't do diddly-squat of the extras. But I have wonderful intentions for those for towmorrow!

    Kathy's quote of Jacob made me think how Jacob is like the sun, both in warmth but also as a grounded center for Bella.

    It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like… gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her.

    Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.176

    I really can't make any recommendations til I start taking some!!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 4 -- Thursday

    Cardio: 36/150 - It's been a rough couple of days and I've had no time or presence of mine to work out. Will have to make up for it.

    Butt Work... Glute squeezes. 170/250 - Did 50 at work in the privacy of my cubicle.

    Drinker H20 8x8: 4 days of 8!

    Calories/Nutrition: Over for the week so far, but will get some exercise today and over the weekend to help me out.

    Daily Sharing and check in: 3 of 4 I think.

    Twilight Fun: The way Edward is devoted to Bella makes me feel warm all over. :wink:

    Exercise Suggestion: Just do it!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 5 -- Friday

    Cardio: 71/150 - I have a lot of work to do this weekend.

    Butt Work... Glute squeezes. 200/250 - Did 30 tonight watching t.v.

    Drinker H20 8x8: 5 days of 8!

    Calories/Nutrition: Over for the week so far. Just can't seem to stay in control and come in under cals.

    Daily Sharing and check in: 4 of 5 I think.

    Twilight Fun: When Bella see's Edward step out into the sun in Volterra:

    I’d never seen anything more beautiful — even as I ran, gasping and screaming, I could appreciate that. And the last seven months meant nothing. And his words in the forest meant nothing. And it did not matter if he did not want me. I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived. - Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 20, p.451

    Exercise Suggestion: I need to listen to myself and others and just get busy!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,957 Member

    Twilight Fun: When Bella see's Edward step out into the sun in Volterra:

    I’d never seen anything more beautiful — even as I ran, gasping and screaming, I could appreciate that. And the last seven months meant nothing. And his words in the forest meant nothing. And it did not matter if he did not want me. I would never want anything but him, no matter how long I lived. - Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 20, p.451

    Exercise Suggestion: I need to listen to myself and others and just get busy!

    My favorite!!! :love: :love:

    Day 4&5

    Cardio: Thurs 61 min Fri 30 min. So I've got 5 days in, but I still plan a workout at curves tomorrow.

    Butt work: 50 Thurs (did them right in the middle of the lab while the Dean was walking through). 50 Fri (after I started reading these posts) .

    H2O: 8x8 every day so far. Not hard -- it's been Warm and dry.

    Calories : I've been under by a smidge each day.

    Check in / Sharing : Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, but it's been a great week. This semester I work 3 nights in a row, and I have been worried about staying on track for those days. This week went GREAT! I got up and went for a brisk walk with a bit of jogging thrown in each of those days,and I planned my meals and snacks.

    Twilight Fun : Bella enjoying her own sparkle after her transformation and realizing that she was born to be a vampire -- very summery. -- Sorry Yvonne, you already posted that scene.

    Recommendation: Push ups!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Kathy, no worries about Bella discovering the sunlight, I don't mind sharing.

    Isn't it hilarious that we can do the glute squeeze while no one else notices! I am going to have to think of another exercise we can do incognito for next week. Ohhhhh I have one! :bigsmile:

    Friday check in:

    My bf and I went to dinner to celebrate VD. We opted to avoid the crowds on Thursday. So I did pretty well up until that.
    He bought me a small box of Godiva chocolate Truffles, which he promptly said I could donate to the food pantry. Okay, ladies, you must know that I then developed a death grip on that chocolate box! I will eat them carefully, like I said, it was a small box.

    No workout Friday, but I should have put on my HRM as I did some house cleaning after dinner.
    Did pretty good with water.

    Exercise recommendation....clean house!!!

    TODAY THE NEW TV ARRIVES. My bf suggested that the first thing I watch on it is Twilight. Does he know me well, or what? I have told him my love for Twilight is no different than his love for Notre Dame football. Well, okay, maybe it's not exactly the same, but Then again, you know how guys get about their beloved football, maybe their love for football is actually worse!!!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member

    My bf and I went to dinner to celebrate VD. We opted to avoid the crowds on Thursday. So I did pretty well up until that.
    He bought me a small box of Godiva chocolate Truffles, which he promptly said I could donate to the food pantry. Okay, ladies, you must know that I then developed a death grip on that chocolate box! I will eat them carefully, like I said, it was a small box.

    TODAY THE NEW TV ARRIVES. My bf suggested that the first thing I watch on it is Twilight. Does he know me well, or what? I have told him my love for Twilight is no different than his love for Notre Dame football. Well, okay, maybe it's not exactly the same, but Then again, you know how guys get about their beloved football, maybe their love for football is actually worse!!!

    Yvonne, you have a great b/f!! And like you, there is no way I would be giving up that box of Godiva chocolate. It is SO good! I love that your b/f understands your love for Twilight. Nothing wrong with being passionate about Twilight, football, or even chocolate!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,957 Member
    Day 6 Thursday

    Cardio: Sat. 52 min. So I've got 6/5 days.

    Butt work: 50 today (while driving) so 300/250

    H2O: Today 13 glasses of water.

    Calories : Still a smidge under today.

    Check in / Sharing : Here!

    Twilight Fun : Edward's sexy walk across the parking lot with the song of "Monsters" playing in New Moon. That seems summery.:love:

    Recommendation: Don't forget to take a rest day.
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,841 Member
    Days 5 & 6

    Cardio-- Fri. 0, Sat. 30 minutes. Thought I'd pretty much sunk my week with bingeing and no cardio yesterday, but looking at the whole week makes me glad of this challenge: 175 minutes of cardio total so far.

    Butt work -- 70 yesterday in the car, 30 today. I'm not sure I don't make a strange face when doing the squeezes, lol!

    Water Fri. 10/8, Sat.9/8

    Calories-- Fri. Confession 669 calories over budget, Sat. Banked 147. Still in debt 330 ish.

    Twilight happy thoughts-- this summer I'm going to Forks with my husband!

    Recommendation--Reading Twilight!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 6 -- Saturday

    Cardio: 103/150 - Need a good workout on Sunday to hit the goal for the week.

    Butt Work... Glute squeezes. 230/250

    Drinker H20 8x8: 6 days of 8!

    Calories/Nutrition: Over 410 calories for the week so far. Just can't seem to stay in control and come in under goal.

    Daily Sharing and check in: 5 of 6 I think.

    Twilight Fun: What about Twilight isn't fun? Though the weather in Forks is the opposite of summer, reading Twilight always makes me smile and feel a warm sense of comfort.

    Exercise Suggestion: Embrace indoor exercise when the weather outside isn't suitable. I REALLY need to work on this again.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member

    Twilight happy thoughts-- this summer I'm going to Forks with my husband!

    Suzy, I am jealous. Are you driving up the coast or flying and driving from a closer location?
    I just watched an old recorded TV version of Twilight last night, and during commercials they had deleted scenes and more about how the movie was made and they talked about the places where it was filmed. I never got to see the high schools or cafe in Oregon where they filmed, so this time, when I go out to see my parents in Oregon, I am going to take a side trip to go find the locations. I need to make a list.....
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,841 Member
    Surf, we're going to be visiting my daughter north of Seattle, so flying there, but Forks comes first! Priorities, you know!:laugh:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,957 Member
    Day 7 Sunday

    Cardio: 37 min today for a grand total of 328 minutes for the week and 7/5 days.

    Butt work: 50 today (while watching TV ) so 350/250

    H2O: Today 8 glasses of water.

    Calories : Under for today and for the week.

    Check in / Sharing : Here for 6/7 days.

    Twilight Fun : A kind of bittersweet summery scene is when Bella visits Renee in Florida.

    Recommendation: Join next week's challenge.