NEW TO THE GROUP? Please check in here!



  • Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for the invitation to the group :-D

    I'm Alison, 52, live near Birmingham, UK, and have a fabulous 17 year old daughter who is my world.

    This is my second time here at MFP after an 18 month break. I lost over 2 stones last time and noticed that my weight was creeping back on again so it's time for round 2 :-D

    I'm post menopause and have been for about a year. Having gone through perimenopause, mostly clueless, thanks to the lack of any believable material available, I am in the process of launching a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to .... the menopause :-D

    I am now what can be called a 'menopause expert' and will be publishing the world's first monthly on-line magazine dedicated to our hormones (PMS, pre and perimenopause, menopause and post menopause) very soon.

    If I can be of any help to any of you please feel free to add me and ask me any questions I will be absolutely delighted to help :-D

  • ellenjnk
    ellenjnk Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies! I am brand new to MFP and very excited to get started... and to be a part of your group! I just turned 50 in October and am determined to embrace this new stage in my life with gusto. Although I will always be a Georgia girl at heart, I live in a beautiful area of north Florida and love it here. I have one daughter that is about to graduate from college and even though I still cry when she leaves to go back, I thoroughly enjoy empty nesting with my husband. :love:

    I was always an active, fit person but in my mid-40's, the weight just started creepin' on and my metabolism started slowing down. I haven't yet reached menopause but the signs are starting to appear. I really need motivation from other women who are going through the same peri-menopause/menopause thing so I can stay on track with my health and fitness. I have pretty bad knees (hereditary) so walking and biking have always been my thing.

    Good luck to everyone and thanks for having me! I look forward to checking in here.
  • grward612
    grward612 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi all! I just joined the group and REALLY need some encouragement. I'm 46 and this group just might be the fix I need!

    I have been active all my life with outdoor activities, aerobics, teaching aerobics and a random gym bunny. Exercise has never been an issue for me, but my poor, poor, poor eating habits have been. My weight fluctuates constantly all over the place. My dieting attempts have included everything from complete failures to complete success. I know what I need to do, but I don't always WANT to do it!!! And I have never been able to MAINTAIN a lower, healthier weight, so maybe my complete successes weren't so complete. :(

    Being in my forties sure has made a huge difference. The weight is much harder to get off AND the skin isn't nearly as responsive as it once was. Knowing others my age are enduring the same struggles will be a great help!

    Right now I'm down 10 pounds but have plateaued for three weeks. The plataue is challenging me mentally and I need to do something before I give up!

    I'm excited to join and will be checking in DAILY!! Thanks for having me!!
  • You had me at "don't forget the wine!" I'm 49 and trying to get "fifty by fifty," as my husband and I have recently taken up kayaking and whitewater rafting for the first time ever. My 30's and early 40's were a long testament to bad eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle and stress can really wreck your body! I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers a few years back, but about half of the weight has crept back on, and I'd like to lose a bit more.

    I'm the proud "step-grandma" to seven grandkids and have 3 stepdaughters and one son from a previous marriage. He is one of my biggest cheerleaders, as he is a wilderness first responder and wilderness guide.

    I work from home as a copywriter and my husband and I travel as often as we can. My biggest problems with weight loss are my love of chocolate and my dread of exercise, although the elliptical machine in our basement is a big motivator in the winter!

    I'd welcome hearing from anyone in the group! (Oh, and I live in western Pennsylvania, in case anyone is nearby!)
  • Hi ladies, I'm Jeni aged 41, from Hampshire in the UK, one husband, 3 dogs and 2 cats :heart: had a massive upheaval in our lives nearly 3 years ago which means we moved to this part of the country which I'm still very unfamiliar with, thankfully it's lovely so that helps and we're enjoying exploring :smile:

    I gave up work 18 months ago nearly after twenty years of high stress jobs with long long hours, I have no money but have never been happier :smile: I volunteer, do lots of housework, care for my husband and fur family and I honestly don't know where the time goes each day!!

    Promised myself I would be fit by 40 but managed to sail through that target without having done it.

    Am a previous big loser with Lighterlife and Atkins to name but two, put it all back on of course plus a bit so have a big target to aim at, however this time my mind seems to be quite set and I'm trying to tackle this new challenge the same way I did when I gave up smoking!

    Looking forward to making new friends on here, it's a fab resource - best of luck to everyone in their weight loss journey :heart:
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    Hi all, This looks like a great group! My name is Trish, I joined MFP recently because I am trying to lose weight before my 50th birthday in July. I am sick of the 30 extra has to go!!
    I am a mother to 3 children who are all out of the house at college. I am a Pediatric RN and have worked 12hr nights for 27 years. My last 7-8 years going through peri-menopause and then menopause have not been kind to me weight wise. Seems like just looking at food makes me gain! I have always been moderately active with walking and bicyling but I'm really going ot have to step it up to lose!
    looking forward to getting to know you all :o)
  • the3rdwife
    the3rdwife Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, my name is Gabby. I'm 41 & live in Nottingham, England. I have a son who is currently 5 years old, a dog & 2 cats. Oh and a husband who works long hours.
    I've been yo yoing for years, I am an EMOTIONAL EATER & have little will power and will talk myself into eating when I know I shouldn't. My battle is with myself.
    I joined MFP as weightwatchers & slimming world didnt work for me. I struggle with structure, MFP allows me to take responsibility for what I eat & take control
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    Hello ladies!

    Your group description sounds wonderful! Particularly...well, all of this:

    "About us in general: We are a group of adult women (mostly over 40), who love to cook, eat, and entertain, while getting (or staying) healthy.

    We share menu ideas, exercise options, eating out tips, and a host of clues to navigating our ever-changing bodies (yikes!) and health surprises.

    We hope you'll join us and participate regularly. Be sure to ask us questions! SOMEBODY will have an answer for you.

    And please post anytime you're pondering the Universe or wondering what to have for dinner...

    Don't forget the wine! Here's to the ladies who lunch! " :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    A little about me ~ My name is Brenda. I just turned 47 a few days ago. I am married with two adorable, funny and energetic boys, ages 8 (nearly 9) and 6 years old. I love to chat, and my favorite topics are all listed in the quote above :drinker:

    Last year at this time we dicovered we would be relocating out of state. From that point on, most of my time was dedicated to figuring out and arranging all the details to make that happen. We are now settled and happy, and I realized that along the way I'd gained about 13 or so pounds. I have a closet full of clothing I miss and would love to be able to wear again! So, I'm getting back on track and it feels great!

    A friend told me about MFP and I think it's a wonderful tool! I find tracking my food and seeing the macros to be fun! For exercise, I mainly switch between TaeBo and JM's 30 Day Shred, plus some strength trainging. I'm happy to say that I'm seeing results with toning and inches have been shed (Yay!), but these last 10 pounds around my belly are so stubborn and will not go away! Perimenopause is making this more challenging than it should be, I think (?)

    It's so nice to meet you, and I am looking forward to getting to know you! :smile:
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, everyone, my name is Jane. I live in Iowa. I'm 58, have been married 38 years as of tomorrow and have 2 grown boys and a granddaughter. I have been overweight most of my life and have tried many different diets, losing and gaining back. In the past two years, I have had challenges with the exercising. I have osteoarthritis and 2 total knee replacements, which I'm very grateful for. Recently, I sprained my left foot and it still hurts to be on it for a length of time to exercise. I know I can do it and am an emotional eater and am so thankful for all the support MFP gives us.
    I love to help others and am grateful for those who understand our journey. I AM going to do it this time. Logging an accountability is the only way I succeed and am willing to do this for my health.
    Let's help each other with our ideas and support!
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Hello! My name is Eileen and I'm new to the group.

    I am a 60 year old fine artist living in the most beautiful place in the world.... Cape Ann, Massachusetts. There is no more perfect place to be a painter! I have lived here for 2 1/2 years, moving here to be with the man who would become my husband 2 years ago. He is also an artist and has lived here all of his life. I am a Mass. native, but lived in Maine for the 12 years before I came here to be with him. I grew up in Waltham, MA, which is just a few miles west of Boston. I have three children and 4 grandchildren.

    My fitness journey actually began almost 10 years ago. I was living in a very remote part of Maine..I was in a bad marriage that left me feeling so empty that I tried compensating for that emptiness by filling it up with food and useless "stuff". I ate LOTS of food that saw me gain 70 pounds, topping out at 185 pounds. My health began to decline... I developed "Syndrome X"... high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood glucose. I went on medication for the first two, but my doctor decided to work with me on getting my weight down in hopes of dealing with the type II diabetes. It almost 2 years, but I lost the 70 pounds (I also lost the bad marriage) and kept the weight off for 5 years!. It wasn't until I met my current husband that 17 pound crept back on. I could say it kind of snuck up on me, but it took 2 years. I decided I could not go back to the way it was and got back with the program last fall.... I've lost 21 pounds and have been working hard at getting fit again. I had my hip replaced 3 weeks ago and have been working with a physical therapist and feeling stronger every day. Once I am cleared to do so, I'll be taking some Yoga classes as I have to avoid anything that is high impact.
  • lwenzloff
    lwenzloff Posts: 3 Member
    Hey All,
    My Name is Lisa, and I also just joined the group. I'm 46 and live in North Florida. Been married 25 years and have three daughters (18, 16 and 8). My parents also live with me. My husband travels alot so it's alot to manage on my own. I decided in August last year that is was time to lose the 100 pounds dragging me down in every aspect of my life. As of today I am 40% of the way there. I lost part of that after spending a month at the Biggest Loser resort. After that I felt invincible. Now, with life in the way, I've continued to lose, but have been stuck around the 40 pound for 2 months.

    I try to eat well, and go to gym alot. My trainer that I adore now does bootcamps so I go to those 3 days a week, and I also love zumba and the arc trainer.

    My biggest struggle is planning ahead with meals, and keeping the motivation up at a high level. Looking forward to meeting you all:)
  • debmphillips
    debmphillips Posts: 10 Member
    Hi and thanks for the invite, feels like this group is a nice fit. Only I'll have grape juice in place of the wine :drinker:

    I'm Deb, turned 47 last month. I work at my local hospital in Upstate NY & this week we started Biggest Loser at work. So I weighed in 18 lbs heavier than when I left Weight Watchers several months ago (here we go again! :noway: ) and one of the tools the dieticians gave us was the info to this great site. I can't believe how easy this is to use and how you track it all exercise, food & the community to boot!

    My family consists of my fiancee, our shared 4 children (2 his & 2 mine = 4 ours:smooched: ). Two are married & joined here too, and our younger two are special needs & home. We have a dog & cat who we also consider children.

    I need to lose 108 lbs, Jim (finacee) about 150. So for the next 8 weeks while I'm doing Biggest Loser at work, I'll be weighing in weekly (my 1st weigh in was this Tues 2/5/13). One of my friends/coworkers is going to join me in going to Curves (one of the OR nurses owns a Curves in a neighboring town) & she donated a free week + discount for anyone at our job who is going to sign up for the next 7. So my hopes are to lose the 18 lbs I gained in the 8 weeks and if I don't I'm not too worried it'll happen THIS TIME FOR REAL!

    So strength in numbers, I've read a lot of different posts on here & look forward to making this site my new veg out place after work, dinner, cleanup, exercise, etc before heading to bed.

    OK a quick & easy dip recipe: Take 1 pint fat free Greek yogurt (we use Fage) + 1 envelope ranch dressing mix (any variety). Blend together. We used it for Superbowl snacks (veggies tray). My daughter uses it on her sandwiches in place of mayonnaise & likes it better. I don't particularly like ranch but this one I do. Surprisingly, it's not too strong.
  • Bubbas12
    Bubbas12 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi All! My name is Jamie and I'm 46 years old. I have an 8 year old son who is the light of my life! I gained a lot of weig when I was pregnant and have very slowly been losing it over the last 8 years. I've lost almost 20 pounds over the last 9 months and I would like to lose another 30-35 pounds.

    I'm looking forward to being a part of this group!
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the group. My name is Terri, and I live in Mississippi. I recently turned 52, and decided it's time to get this weight off! Married with three children, only one still at home.

    I was slightly overweight after my third child, but it was manageable. Then, I took a midnight postion at my company, and lost all control. I gained 70lbs in the last few years. I am now back on track, and have lost 71 lbs in the last eight months. Trying to eat healthy, and exercise 4-6 times a week is working. My goal is to lose another 20lbs before summer hits.

    Hoping this group has some postive, like minded people to motivate and encourage me, and I will do the same for them!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the group. My name is Terri, and I live in Mississippi. I recently turned 52, and decided it's time to get this weight off! Married with three children, only one still at home.

    I was slightly overweight after my third child, but it was manageable. Then, I took a midnight postion at my company, and lost all control. I gained 70lbs in the last few years. I am now back on track, and have lost 71 lbs in the last eight months. Trying to eat healthy, and exercise 4-6 times a week is working. My goal is to lose another 20lbs before summer hits.

    Hoping this group has some postive, like minded people to motivate and encourage me, and I will do the same for them!

    I'm 51 and started at 70 pounds to lose, so your story is an inspiration! Thank you for sharing it and welcome.

    Brooke from Colorado
  • Pinkiepreppie
    Pinkiepreppie Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Ladies! I believe I just might fit in here.

    I am a 48 year old mommy of a 15 year old girl, wife, teacher, & performing artist. I was thin until I began taking fertility drugs in my early 30's. My miracle pregnancy did wonders for my body...NOT. I lost and gained over and over after her birth, but what really kicked me in the behind was my hysterectomy 5 years ago. My body is shot. Gravity has taken over. I need to lose 80 pounds in order for my body to somewhat resemble the 30-something me. I do miss her so. She was pretty hot!

    I tend to stress-eat, you know, eat my feelings. I also love to overeat when celebrating. Honestly, I don't really need an excuse to overeat; any excuse will do!

    It is time for me to get serious about my weight problem because I'm sure it will affect my health longterm, and I really want to live a long, healthy life and one day enjoy my grandchildren.
  • cherieliny
    cherieliny Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I just started MFP on Monday and so far I love it. I live north of Atlanta, 41 yrs old.. 2 boys ages 12&9.
    I've been out of shape the past 3 years due to as stressful, sedentary job. Well, I just got laid off, the stress is gone, and its time to get back in shape!! I'm 5'7 and started on Monday @ 200.4 lb, the heaviest of my life. Goal is 150 range so I have a way to go..

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better!
  • cbrooks1232
    cbrooks1232 Posts: 11 Member

    Hello, my name is Cindy. I just joined MFP last week. I am from the Rivah City, which most of you probably know as Richmond VA. I am not a southern belle though because most of my childhood was in the Great State of Kansas, as the daughter of an Army officer.

    I love to cook. And I love to eat what I cook. And I love long, lazy naps on Sunday afternoons. Which are some of the reasons I am here. I have tried to get on the right path diet-wise by myself, but even though I know all the right rules, I just don't seem to be able to make any progress on my own.

    I started out at 212lbs last week. My mid-goal is to be at 185 and my end goal is 145. But more than that is my health. I want to feel energetic and healthy. And if I can turn a few heads in a swimsuit while doing so, I'll not complain :).

    Good to meet you all!!
  • Lovlilyn
    Lovlilyn Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, stealing from my profile:
    About Me

    Married, 3 children, work full time as a project manager in IT. I have fought being chubby/overweight since I was a teen. I got into fitness in my early 20s, even became and aerobic instructor. Three children didn't help my fat stores, and it's been a harder and harder task to take off weight after each child.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    I want to get in shape so I don't look old. I want to be closer to the weight I was at 25 when I turn 50. I have a seven year old daughter, and I don't want to look like her grandmother. Also, I want be healthy because medical cost keep going up - the best offense is a good defense.

    Lately I have stalled in my weight loss, and I am extremely frustrated - especially because this means I will not make my goal of losing 50lbs in 50 weeks. I am sticking with it, but it's very discouraging.
  • Jacqualynne
    Jacqualynne Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there
    I've just turned 45 Australian with 2 young teenagers. I also love to cook & are especially interested in high protein low carb meals

    I lost 15 kg (33lbs) 5 years ago on the Cohen's diet which is quite restrictive but medically monitored with regular bloods tests. The weight came off really quickly but I've gradually put about 1/2 back on.
    The Cohen's plan is basically a single protein (can't mix proteins) with salad or vegetables (& these are limited) there is no potatoes, rice, pasta bread etc, now I find these foods really bloat me anyway
    I'm trying to keep to around 1200 cal a day, on Cohens it was about 800, so it's feeling quite easy at the moment
    I'm having coffee with milk in the morning, occasional glass of wine and occasionally small amounts of carbs, all illegal in the past

    I'm keeping an open diary and log in everyday would love to friend others with similar goals