What are the top 3 things holding you back?

BWLWAjima Posts: 27 Member
Ladies, What are the top 3 obstacles/issues/situations that are negatively affecting your weight loss. What can you do to resolve these things that are in the way of you reaching your health goals?


  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Three things I can think of are 1. Self-sabatoge 2. Emotional eating 3. Eating when no longer hungry. I sabatoge myself by doing the last two things. However, I've decided that I deserve to be healthy. I also pray to God and ask Him to help me in this process. I recognize when my desire to eat is from stress or boredom. I have a very high stress job as an icu nurse. Counting calories is helping me learn proper portion sizes which is deterring my overeating. Thanks for posting this thread. The first step to change is admitting you have a problem. However. I believe there is no problem too big for God and with His help I can do this. We all can.
  • Smoothroz
    Smoothroz Posts: 77 Member
    Arthritis in my lower spine and knees hold me back at times. Other times I mush through the pain.
  • For me, it boils down to these 3 things:
    1. Poor stress management, which sometimes leads to emotional eating.
    2. Not taking the time to plan my food. When I cook ahead of time and pack lunches, I tend to do much better.
    3. Using food as a social activity.

    I have really been focusing on managing these 3, and it has been helping alot. I am also working on allowing myself to have a "bad" day and getting up and dusting myself off and starting fresh again.
  • fedgal
    fedgal Posts: 17 Member
    Definitely out of town business trips. I have been doing okay in town--cooking and bringing my lunch, and exercising daily, but when I'm out of town on per diem, I fall off the wagon. Cocktails with dinner and social activities (like complimentary buffet breakfast) interfere with my routine. I'll just have to exercise more willpower.
  • Lynna88
    Lynna88 Posts: 6 Member
    the three things for me are:
    1)emotional eating (cycle is coming next week)
    2) cost of some of the foods (pay day is next week)
    3) torn ligament in my right ankle prevents many of my work outs from being successful.....

    with all that being said...I have been able to work out 45 minutes 3 days a week via physical therapy and I have added walking 45 minutes on Saturdays.

    I have continued to complete my daily diary on myfitness pal and have started using a bodybug to help me achieve my weight loss goals.
  • Me. Myself. I. Really that simple. I'm my own worse enemy. I have all the self-knowledge and tools in the world but I just don't use them. I have everything I need to lose and maintain a healthy weight but won't. I know all that there is about me and why I am so overweight -- eating disorder, systemic depression, body dysmorphia, addictive personality. Self-knowledge has helped get me to this point but I still lack the willingness to even be willing to try.
  • 3ast3rnst4r
    3ast3rnst4r Posts: 1 Member
    1.Not keeping enough healthy choice snacks in the pantry
    2.Neglecting to put my fork down between bites
    3.Social Eating

    I think being in this group will help keep me accountable...and not make me feel like im alone on this journey. I did weight watchers and was able to loose about 40lbs and i truly believe the meetings and the "accountability" of it all is what really helped motivate me. This discussion board/group can serve the same purpose, and its a whole lot cheaper than weight watchers!