2 homemade cough syrps

MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
since my kids are sick thought I'd share my in a pinch recipes that work(NOT FOR KIDS UNDER 2)

1 syrup is
1 tbsp honey Use real honey
1 tsp lemon juice

take 1 tsp every 2 hours till cough stops

cinnamon honey cough syrup

1 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp honey

I store this is a small dressing tupperware container

1 tsp every 4 hours

both of these work great
cinnamon one is good for bronicitis and honey lemon is good for cold type cough


  • Those are great. If you don't mind a tiny bit of alcohol:
    Mix together:

    1 tsp. honey
    1 tsp. fresh lemon juice (or equivalent)
    1 tsp. pure vanilla

    The honey makes it cling to the throat (at least that's the theory-- never stuck my head down a throat to find out!) and the lemon is supposed to 'cut through' the phlegm (Don't you just love that word?--yuk!). The alcohol calms the nerves in the throat that are in spasms.

    Another one that worked for Whooping cough (when NOTHING else would work) was plain hot tea (any kind) with honey in it. Actually, hot water with honey did just as much good. I'd tried prescription cough syrups and OTC ones, but this worked best. God figure! :)