Looking Good!

How do you feel outside of loosing weight at the age of 50?

Just want to start up a discussion for our age group.

We are all trying to lose weight on this sight but we are different in how we approach life.



    I feel great at 52. I started eating better in 2012 and exercising, with the weight loss I gained some confidence but still quite modest. I am single and have been most of my life and I really enjoy it. I raised 2 daughters on my own and helped raise 3 grandchildren and had one for 4 years until she went back to live with her mom in September 2011, it was January of 2012 that I decided it was time to take care of myself and I seriously started using MFP then. Last year 2012 was an awesome year for me, I lost most of the weight I wanted, I started going out and meeting new friends, I moved in with my youngest daughter to help out and it has been going wonderfully. LIFE is GOOD, I am BLESSED! I am going through menopause so am fighting some issues with that but all in all since I am taking better care of myself that isn't going too bad.
  • priorgirls
    priorgirls Posts: 11 Member
    I feel like I just need to start... ha... to take care of myself. I am 58 and single and can get depressed about where I'm at in life, as far as my personal eating habits go. Health is becoming a priority; I think I just took it for granted for too long. My fear is getting old and not being able to move... Already having trouble with putting boots on because of the midriff bulge, etc. If I'm going to live my life, I want to be the best I can be for ME. I find it hard to stay on track when I get bored on weekends and crave food that makes me fat. Anyhow, gonna keep working at it. Funny thing is I'm happier when I take care of myself, and yet the thought of sitting in on a Friday night with a load of junk food is comforting and this is where I have to change my thinking. It is not very comforting the next day to wake up with a food hangover and feel bloated and tired.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, gang !

    Nice to meet you lovely ladies ....... I was going to write last night, but too tired ....... would have just rambled :laugh:

    I'm Mary Ann, age 61, living in NY with a grumpy husband and an equally grumpy cat ...... self--preservation makes me leave the house at least 18 hours a week to work part-time at an animal hospital ...... at least my coworkers are friendly ......

    Never had a weight problem until after my daughter was born 30 years ago ...... since then I've been on one diet after another ....... finally took a good long look at where I was heading & dug down deep ....... this time I lost 45# and kept it off for 3 years ........ now I'm chipping away at another 10# ....... the one thing I've learned is that as soon as I go back to my "old" way of eating, the weight starts creeping back, so no backsliding ..... and even my grumpy husband has started losing weight ....... he thinks it's all HIM ....... but I know better ROFL

    Have a peaceful day !

    Mary Ann
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    Good job with the weight loss and making your think it was him.lol