Introductions go here

Embera Posts: 289 Member
Its getting alittle messy around here in an effort to clean it up i ask that all intro ductions go here instead of evry one creating their own new topic. I'll start:

My name is amber im 20 and recently had my first child shes now 4 months old and im looking to get in shape to keep up with her I want to be able to do all the things my parents couldent. Im looking for ideas for working out with her as well as friends because I havent dieted before and am hoping friends will help to keep me motavated.


  • ljm0521
    ljm0521 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a 27 year old mommy to two little boys, T who is 3 and L who is 18 months. They are very busy and like you, I want to be able to keep up with them. My husband is very athletic and the boys love playing sports already too. I can see them wanting to go kick a soccer ball in a year or two and I want to be able to go play with them and keep up!
  • I'm a 30 year old stay at home homeschooling mom of 4. I put everyone else first.. adn its affecting my health. I'm trying to find some freinds that can relate to the world I live in. And we can support one another! :)
  • jchantres
    jchantres Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a 30 year old sahm with a 1 1/2 yo son & 1 month old daughter. Looking to get back to a healthy weight! Moved to Dallas for my husband's job and do not know anyone here so I'm looking for online motivation! Ultimate goal is to lose 60 pounds
  • mamavanryan
    mamavanryan Posts: 49 Member
    Stay at home mom, all the way from the Netherlands. I have a son who's 2.5 years old.
    Started gaining weight 10 years ago after getting depressed and having health issues. Diagnosed then with Fibromyalgia but after birth of my son discovered that most of my issues (even the depression) came from hypothyroidism caused by not perfectly working hypothalamus

    I've been told that losing weight is difficult having hypothyroidism, but I already lost 22lbs doing the Cohen diet, then I got stuck and tried the Cambridge Dieet, but my stomach couldn't handle that and got very sick from the shakes.

    Now I'm trying this, counting calories and still watching those carbs.
    Also want to try Pink Method but not owning a credit card doesn't help getting it ;)
    So for now my Wii Fit is my main workout system, walking the dog, nordic walking and of course cleaning the house.
  • lajonna
    lajonna Posts: 36
    I'm a military wife & have a 15 month old son. With crazy schedules with long hours & stress, I have to stay on top of my game. Working out hard has helped me so much emotionally de-stress & feel ten time better about myself. I know as a mom, you feel like you wont ever be sexy or just your normal self again. So many changes to your body. Some good some not so awesome. I am starting a eating clean challenge in Sep. to see if it will help my thyroid health. Fingers crossed! Good luck ladies. Here to help & motivate.
  • AishaL1
    AishaL1 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Aisha, and I'm a stay at home mom to a three year old boy name Micah.
    I have been going through a lot of changes over the last year since I stopped nursing. My hair started shedding like crazy, and I didn't recognize myself anymore. One mom said, "she put everyone else first" and I did the same. My husband has been very supportive of me getting in better shape. I lost 50 pounds last year, and gained about 10 back. I had to realize that I'm not a spring chicken, and needed to watch what I was eating. I'm now back on track, and have made healthy eating and exercise apart of my life. I try to workout at least 3x a week, and use the WII fit plus to include my little one. I also inspired my husband to cut out a lot of bad eating habits. I still have 21 pounds to lose, and I'm getting there one day at a time. My anniversary is this month, and I was hoping to be a lot closer to my goal, and just decided that I was not going to put unnecessary pressure on myself, and miss out on a great experience; which can be an inspiring testimony for someone else.

    I'm glad I found this group, and hope to learn new things.

    Hugs to All!!:):)
  • hi everyone,

    my name is lauren i am a stay at home mother with 2 children i am 21 years old my son is 3 and my daughter is 1. im just trying to lose weight and be healthy which i think is the ultimate goal umm im new so it would be great if some of you guys introduced me to what goes on here on this website it would be much appreciated i look forward to forming friendships here
  • Hello! My name is Alyssa and I am a stay at home mother of a 13 month old girl and a 7 year old girl. I started my new eating habit and exercise plan n November 1st. This is also the same day I stopped nursing my baby, so things were tough! I'm also a full time student. Since November 1st I have lost 20 lbs by being mindful of the foods I put into my body, drinking lots of water, eating less, cutting out sweets (mostly) and getting serious about doing cardio 4 to 5 times a week. I've been taking very brisk walks with the baby almost every day that last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Today I started weight training, and I include the baby in some random exercises as well :)
    I'm about 5'7" and started this new life change at 193 lbs...I am now down to 173 but I feel like my weight loss has been slowing down the past few weeks, so I decided to really start keeping track of food intake and exercise!
    I hope that by joining this group I can feel a sense of connectedness and rely on support from some of you and provide support when needed!
    Anyway, my BMI is still over 27....almost at 28...need to get it down to a good 25 or 26!
    Looking forward to hearing about what all you ladies are doing, what works for you, what doesn't etc...

    My best friends wedding is on January 13th and I'm the Matron on Honor so I need to look goooood!!

    Also, I just married last may, and I was the heaviest I had ever been :(

    Thanks for reading!
  • Hi, I'm Sierra and my son is 9 months old and has the energy of three toddler's on a sugar high! I'm looking to get in shape and eat healthier, as well as set good examples for me son. I am a hippie mama married to a Soldier, so mama's time is all for baby O.o
  • It's been so long since I've logged into any of my groups, I don't remember if I've introduced myself or not (smh). I'd really like to add some friends to help keep me motivated and inspired. I've tried this weight loss/healthy lifestyle thing before and did well. I got cocky and thought I could go back to eating what I wanted and the weight would continue to drop off...HA! So this time, I am in it for the long haul...the rest of my life. My life is definitely more important that the crap I am putting in my mouth. I have a very energetic two year old toddler, and a beautiful 12 year old that I need to be around for and be able to get out and have fun with them without being self conscience and ashamed.
    My first goal is to get under 200 lbs, my current weight is 213. Ultimately, I'd like to be around 150. I'm 5'3". I'm not sure what my healthy weight range is, I'm just trying to start losing again and meet my first goal. I'm taking baby steps so that I don't feel overwhelmed and give up. I'm sure I will learn a lot just by being involved in groups and being more "social" (another goal of mine) lol.
    Happy New Year to you all and good luck on your new lifestyles.

  • chantemo4
    chantemo4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a 38-year-old Canadian mother of four. My youngest is now 8 months old and it's really time I start taking better care of myself. I'm still nursing, which kind of adds its own challenges, but I'm going to at least take the first step and start logging and making sure I get enough exercise. I had lost 60 lbs and reached my goal weight before deciding to have child #4, and I now have about 40 lbs to lose....
  • jheads
    jheads Posts: 145 Member
    Hi I'm Heather. I'm a 38 yo mother of 5 (20,15,12,6,2). I have been joking about not losing the baby weight from my oldest and it just kept piling on so here I am......largest I've ever been!!!! I'm really hoping to find some kind and encouraging friends on here. I'm a pretty good cheerleader!!
  • 7w6sxChris
    7w6sxChris Posts: 15 Member
    Hey al!!! I am a SAHM of two ages 3 and 5. I actually started this site last year, lost half the weight and then got sidetracked moving states. BUT it is now summer and I am looking foward to re-joining the community for support, fun and getting healthy :-)
  • jenix8
    jenix8 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi :) I am a SAHM of eight (18, 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 2 & 2 mos) ready to get back into shape and start getting healthy again. This go round I have a significant amount of weight to lose...about 80 pounds. I am determined to stay on track this time and am hoping that MFP and the 'friends' I make on here will help keep me motivated and encouraged but most importantly, that I will feel a sense of accountability so that I won't stop trying. Thanks for letting me join your group!
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Hey everyone

    I'm Leah, 30yrs old, mother of a 3 year old daughter. I've been putting my health on the back burner for a long while now. It's time to make changes. Moved to New mexico about 7 years ago and have put on A LOT of weight. Don't have family here so I find my support and motiavtion here. :)
  • CDT12000
    CDT12000 Posts: 30 Member
    I am a 39 year old mom of 3 kids 8 years and younger. I am sooooo encouraged by the fact that there is an entire genre dedicated to Stay at Home Moms. This means that I can have friends that understand exactly what I am going through. I have about 50 pds to lose. Please add me if you are a person dedicated to encouraging others as well as being encouraged!