Week 7 Heel ache

Hey y'all! I'm having some issues with my heel...it aches, like a soreness, but it's not painful. I feel it when I'm running, put it feels like a sore foot muscle more than anything. Do any of y'all have this is, or have dealt with this issue before?
Thanks a bunch!!


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't have that problem, but this is what I was able to find: http://www.active.com/running/Articles/Don_t_ignore_heel_pain__Tips_for_treatment_and_prevention

    Hoping for the best for you!

    I was also reading on active.com about low-impact alternatives for runners. One thing that they really liked was pedaling a stationary bike as fast as possilbe with no resistance in order to increase speed. If you need to stop running for a bit, that might be something to consider.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Here are some other possibilities: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/181453.php
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    Sounds similar to the ache I would develop in my right heel, only when running. My running buddy recommended I try buying a new pair of sneakers. I was surprised because they were only a few months old, but I did and it stopped hurting. I know I seem to put the weight more on my right side than my left and my Under Armor sneakers were apparently not all they were hyped up to be so they didn't last the number of miles that I expected them to.

    I've been running in my current shoes since that time, which was about a year ago. Once spring is physically here and the ice is gone again, I'm retiring this pair.
  • Frankie3333
    Frankie3333 Posts: 53 Member
    I work as a Medical Assistant at a podiatry office. It is probably plantar facsiitis. I would try to go to a foot doctor in your area. They can prescribe you an anti inflammatory, orthotics or heel cups.

    good luck!:: :smile:
  • runningindigo
    runningindigo Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks ladies so much for the info! I notice when I don't move my foot often enough, it gets stiff and it's achey once I finally get up to walk on it. Today there's actually no pain! Hmmm...I've got this week and next week on the C25k so hopefully I won't have anymore pain and I can get thru it! We'll see!! :wink:

    @Frankie Do you think it could be that even tho the pain isn't extreme? I was doing some reading about it and the symptoms don't really match mine. But I'll still check into it just in case! Thanks a bunch!

    @FloraSin That's what I was thinking too, but I just bough a pair this past Dec and everything was fine when I started the C25k in Jan. I think I'll try my other shoes (which has very minimal mileage lol!!) and see if I can tell a difference or not! Thanks so much for your tips!!

    @vardaeml Thanks so much for those links....very informative!! I actually read that about alternatives like stationary bikes (forget where tho lol!)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Also, check your form. You really don't want to be landing on your heel when your run. Much better to shorten your stride and land mid-foot or on the ball of your feet. This keeps your feet underneath your body and leads to a much easier, lower stress running gait then heel-striking.