Training days

I thought to start this topic for you to tell about a specific workout you have done. Maybe tell how well it went and when it was very hard. Maybe motivate eachother to go to the next day and dig a little deeper!
Remember: "Sweat is just fat crying"


  • Today was my 10th training day. 10 days of this insanity!! 53 days to go. Seems a long time to go... well time passes by by itself, so no worries there. It the moment i'm in a state, like I can't wait for the next workout. Somehow i'm really enjoying myself doing this, eventhough the first week I was very sore. Well it made me feel alive :wink:

    Anyone else have that feeling too, or is it just me? :smile:
  • rmaglathlin
    rmaglathlin Posts: 20 Member
    i'm only on day three. today felt pretty hard. its funny, going into this i totally thought it wasn't going to be that difficult. i'm a very athletic person, have run half and full marathons, surf, usually do a spin class 4-5 x week, but these workouts are really freakin' hard!

    i get what you mean, though, about being psyched for the next workout. i am excited to see how it goes. i think my favorite feeling is being out of breath right at the very end of the worout, before stretching. there is this moment where i can still feel all of my core muscles tensed and my breathing trying to push through that tension. makes me realize those abs i want are really under there! just 60 more days till i can see them!

    how's everyone else doing?
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    Day 5 in the books. I play soccer so I consider myself pretty fit (and i'm the fastest on my team) but these workouts are hard and I LOVE it!
    Today was Pure Cardio which I was a little scared for but it wasnt too bad once i got into it. The soreness is fading. I have to say that my calves were by far the sorest muscle group for me. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Insanity improves my soccer game!
  • DAY #3 DONE!!!! same here i,ve done bootcamps before and thought insanity wouln't be that hard,boy was i wrong , these workouts are pretty hard!!! but i like that. and i am sore especially my legs. but i am also walking and i did a zumba class on monday and a circuit training class today.........

    lets keep digging deeper!!!!!!
  • Day 3. I got my butt kicked again. All week I've been super sore, but I like that I've pushed through. Great job everyone
  • Day 3 :) is it just me or do yalls calves hurt? I had a hard time at work today...I'm a bartender and our beer taps are really high so I was pretty much on my tippy toes every couple minutes....paaaainful
  • I will be doing day 9 tonight and just so you know....All the pain you are feeling right now will ease and disapear shortly. The Cardio Recovery does an excelent job in stretching you out and as you dig deeper the pain will also be less. Funny how we are all excited on the next day and what it will bring!

    Keep up the good work and the Deep Digging!
  • Day 3 :) is it just me or do yalls calves hurt? I had a hard time at work today...I'm a bartender and our beer taps are really high so I was pretty much on my tippy toes every couple minutes....paaaainful

    Yes my calves did hurt the most too. Walking stairs was killing. No worries it will fade away. The cardio recovery helped very well for me.
  • I did my first training day today - plyo cardio.

    I had sweat dripping off my face. Proper hard!

    Made a lot easier by watching ST take his top off half way through.

    Is it bad that it made me feel better to see the people behind him take a break?

    I am soooo tired right now though. Hoping my body can adjust to the early start as well as the workout
  • HebaJ1984
    HebaJ1984 Posts: 9 Member
    Yesterday I was on day 11 which was Cardio Recovery time... my legs were literally shaking towards the end! But I think my workout timing wasn't too great, it was almost 10:00 pm and after a veryyyy long hectic day at work!
    I put all the energy I had left in me into that workout.
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I finished day 11 this morning (Cardio Recovery). I'm starting to feel little pains in my shins and joints, so the recovery today was a nice change of pace. I'm already looking forward to the sweat pouring workout tomorrow!! It's hard to imagine what month 2 is going to be like though, because these month 1 workouts are beating the crap out of me.

    I've also got an 8k scheduled for the end of April, and I'm not running at all right now during Insanity. I'm concerned that I'll lose whatever run fitness I built during Couch to 5k. Hopefully, the work I'm doing now is going to translate into better run fitness down the road, otherwise I could be in trouble for that race.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I did day 1 today. I knew I was out of shape, I didn't know how bad. I didn't come close to finishing. I really just tried to do SOMETHING each rotation and really couldn't do that. I finally threw in the towel at about 30 minutes. I have jello legs today and I am sure I will be sore as can be tomorrow. However, I AM GOING TO GET UP TOMORROW AT 4:15 AM AND DO IT AGAIN. I am just going to do all I can everyday.
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    Day 6, Plyo Cardio Circuit done and 442 calories burned. I felt great today! met my calorie and water in take goals and NO sweets for me today! Rest day tomorrow then on to week 2!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Tackled day 1 today. Feel so guilty glad for the little work emails that popped in as I was doing the workout, because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have survived without the extra little breaks. That exercise where you stand up, drop down, do four pushups, then mountain climb is brutal.
  • Sisina87
    Sisina87 Posts: 12 Member
    It's my day off today, so I'm treating myself a little treat today. Start week 2tomoro, I'm sooo pumped to get my beach body!
  • I had my rest day yesterday, so I went out running :tongue:
    Having a hard time to combine the running with insanity, so I cut the running back for now to once a week on the rest day.
    I also did the Cardio Abs as a separate workout because I have the feeling Insanity is not challenging the abs that much, or am I wrong?

    Anyways keep at it everyone, I already see some changes on my body and I just completed the second week, so its all well worth it :smile:
    Today the second fit test. I will post the results after.
  • I had my rest day yesterday, so I went out running :tongue:
    Having a hard time to combine the running with insanity, so I cut the running back for now to once a week on the rest day.
    I also did the Cardio Abs as a separate workout because I have the feeling Insanity is not challenging the abs that much, or am I wrong?

    Anyways keep at it everyone, I already see some changes on my body and I just completed the second week, so its all well worth it :smile:
    Today the second fit test. I will post the results after.

    Hey there Mangoman...I am going to do day 13 today (Pure Cardio and Cardio Ads for the first time). When you say the Cardio Abs is not challenging and you said you did it as a separate work out could you give me a bit more info on what you mean? I have the option of doing the Cardio Abs or doing the INSANE ABS....What do you think?

  • I had my rest day yesterday, so I went out running :tongue:
    Having a hard time to combine the running with insanity, so I cut the running back for now to once a week on the rest day.
    I also did the Cardio Abs as a separate workout because I have the feeling Insanity is not challenging the abs that much, or am I wrong?

    Anyways keep at it everyone, I already see some changes on my body and I just completed the second week, so its all well worth it :smile:
    Today the second fit test. I will post the results after.

    Hey there Mangoman...I am going to do day 13 today (Pure Cardio and Cardio Ads for the first time). When you say the Cardio Abs is not challenging and you said you did it as a separate work out could you give me a bit more info on what you mean? I have the option of doing the Cardio Abs or doing the INSANE ABS....What do you think?


    i would do the insane abs in month2 if you have no prior experience with insanity. i found insane abs much more difficult than cardio abs. plus it is double as long.

    i am currently in my recovery week and welcome the change of pace. the last week of month one was tough as the exercises do get quite repetitive and the body starts complaining about four weeks of almost daily hard exercise.
  • I had my rest day yesterday, so I went out running :tongue:
    Having a hard time to combine the running with insanity, so I cut the running back for now to once a week on the rest day.
    I also did the Cardio Abs as a separate workout because I have the feeling Insanity is not challenging the abs that much, or am I wrong?

    Anyways keep at it everyone, I already see some changes on my body and I just completed the second week, so its all well worth it :smile:
    Today the second fit test. I will post the results after.

    Hey there Mangoman...I am going to do day 13 today (Pure Cardio and Cardio Ads for the first time). When you say the Cardio Abs is not challenging and you said you did it as a separate work out could you give me a bit more info on what you mean? I have the option of doing the Cardio Abs or doing the INSANE ABS....What do you think?


    i would do the insane abs in month2 if you have no prior experience with insanity. i found insane abs much more difficult than cardio abs. plus it is double as long.

    i am currently in my recovery week and welcome the change of pace. the last week of month one was tough as the exercises do get quite repetitive and the body starts complaining about four weeks of almost daily hard exercise.

    Sounds Good, I took a look at the Insane Abs and I think Ill do the Cadio Abs first....see where it takes me and If I need to step it up a notch later I can......Thanks for the advice.
  • I had my rest day yesterday, so I went out running :tongue:
    Having a hard time to combine the running with insanity, so I cut the running back for now to once a week on the rest day.
    I also did the Cardio Abs as a separate workout because I have the feeling Insanity is not challenging the abs that much, or am I wrong?

    Anyways keep at it everyone, I already see some changes on my body and I just completed the second week, so its all well worth it :smile:
    Today the second fit test. I will post the results after.

    Hey there Mangoman...I am going to do day 13 today (Pure Cardio and Cardio Ads for the first time). When you say the Cardio Abs is not challenging and you said you did it as a separate work out could you give me a bit more info on what you mean? I have the option of doing the Cardio Abs or doing the INSANE ABS....What do you think?


    i would do the insane abs in month2 if you have no prior experience with insanity. i found insane abs much more difficult than cardio abs. plus it is double as long.

    i am currently in my recovery week and welcome the change of pace. the last week of month one was tough as the exercises do get quite repetitive and the body starts complaining about four weeks of almost daily hard exercise.

    Sounds Good, I took a look at the Insane Abs and I think Ill do the Cadio Abs first....see where it takes me and If I need to step it up a notch later I can......Thanks for the advice.

    What I meant was in general. You do lot of squats and pushups and Cardio, but during the normal workouts your abs are not handled that much. In the first week I was sore all over accept for my abs. That's why I took it again as a seperate workout.
    Going to start my Fit Test within the hour. I.m really curious if I will do better then last time