Starting another round on March 3

SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
I finished one round of JMBR and am currently doing the Six Week Six Pack. Plan to do another round beginning March 3rd--anyone starting around then?


  • vee1217
    vee1217 Posts: 13 Member
    I will finish my fist round of JMBR on FEb 25 adn was thkining about doing another round:)
  • kayenne78
    kayenne78 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm starting today! I'm a first timer so I'm going to need some support :) I'm so excited! Lol
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    I'm in my first week (started Monday the 25th) so will be right along with you guys! :-)
  • lilbrowngirl
    lilbrowngirl Posts: 35 Member
    Hoping to start this Sunday or Monday and would love some body rev pals! For those Thad did it before how did you feel after?
  • kayenne78
    kayenne78 Posts: 34 Member
    Day 1 complete! I'm doing the kickstart and following the meal plan... I though the video went so fast! I like it way better than any of her other DVDs
  • I'm starting tomorrow (March 4). This will be my first excited! :)
  • I am on week six tomorrow. I have not lost one pound =( But in defense of the program I just did two rounds of Insanity and have lost 50 pounds..stuck on weight lose but I am slowly losing inches.What is everyone putting in to log this workout??
  • kayenne78
    kayenne78 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been putting in circuit training - I'm not sure if its completely accurate though :)
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I started 2/25 (first-timer with JMBR, long time veteran with several other JM workout videos). Loving BR so far. Ready to really bring it tomorrow starting Week 2!
  • alwest68
    alwest68 Posts: 9
    I started today for the first time. I am doing the 7 day jump start.
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Just got in wo 1 for start of week 2--still sore, but keep on moving!! later on today will try to do some more cardio....Welcome to everyone just starting today! :-)
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I started Round 2 yesterday, so I'm all in. Here's to an easier 13 weeks than the first time.
  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    Was doing this a while back, but got waylaid by kidney stones, Mom visiting for the first time in 7 years overseas, xmas...and then a plethora of more and more pitiful excuses. But I've started again - am currently on week 3 and really trying to knuckle down and get a whole round DONE. I'm going to be 30 at the end of this month so I really feel like I want to challenge ME and do this for myself so I don't wind up struggling for years and years with health and exercise. LOVE Jillian - she's so tough!
  • hkell727
    hkell727 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a first time and just started yesterday (3/5). Just finished my 2nd workout today. Very sore but am liking it so far. I like her a lot better in these videos than her other ones! Is anyone doing additional workouts with the 30 minute videos or just sticking to the video?
  • hkell727
    hkell727 Posts: 20 Member
    I have also been putting it under circuit training.
  • I started March 3 as well...first timer! The workouts are killer so far. Definitely not easy. I've had to modify planks somewhat and my crunches and supermans are... well.... terrible! LOL. I hope to get better with time though.

    I'm glad that I can come on here and see all your inspiring stories and just to get a reassurance that in the end my hard work will pay off. And yes, I'm a guy. Seems to be only a few guys on here that did BR, lol.
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    I started on March 3!! Whoo hoo! Can't believe the first week is almost over! I feel great! :D
  • Started March 3 as well. I've never made it out of Phase 1 with the workouts - something always comes up! I am sticking to it this time - there is no way I don't have 30 minutes in my day for a workout. I am doing this.

    hkell727, I will be doing the videos as well as maintaining my running routine.

    As far as entering the workouts on MFP, I use a heart rate monitor. I never trust the estimator that the site uses, and want it to be as accurate as possible, especially since I usually eat back my exercise calories. I guess if you aren't eating back any of them, it doesn't really matter.
  • kayenne78
    kayenne78 Posts: 34 Member
    First week over! I saw minimal results on the scale but my arms and legs feel so much stronger!
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Finished kickstart week 1!! So excited for rest day tomorrow, and no more double daily workouts from now on, haha. Anyone else feeling exhausted though?? I am used to having so much energy, but this whole week I've been WIPED. For the first few days I was trying the 1200 calorie thing as per Jilian but then increased to 1400 (my BMR), cuz I was just too damn starving all the time. It was ANNOYING. I'm still tired though....I think my body is just getting used to using all this energy. *shrugs*