Weeky Chat Thread Mon 2/18 to Sun 2/24

Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
Happy Monday!! Today will be HIIT 25 or 30 and Tone 30 for me :smile:


  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Well I was supposed to do Fire 45 this morning but had a date with my trainer instead (last session). I'm probably going to switch and do a low HIIT instead since it will be evening.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Starting week 10 today...whooooooo!
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I started week 15 today! Fire 60/Stretch 10 and guess what girls? My Fire 60 played with no problems, I just had to put in on my laptop! Hooray, I love that workout! My dvd player is possesed and started skipping through every workout this weekend, slightly scratching them in the process grr and then it would turn itself off. It is harder for me to foolow the moves on the laptop, but heck if it plays my dvds nicely I'll make it work!
    I mainted my weight on my official weigh in this am, which is what I'm trying to do now. I am striving to wear my weighted gloves for at least 20 minutes of each fire workout. I've also decided to add in the CLX burn circuit 1 (bonus found on the Tone/Sculpt dvd) to my weekly workouts 2xs a week since my focus is now on toning and strength instead of weight loss.
    Have a wonderful week everyone and keep calm and Turbo on!:laugh:
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ladies, Today I did CLX burn intrvals and a HIIT 25. Long workout. You do CLX frist then the HIIT i was already shakey after the burn and then just tried not to fall over on the HIIT. LOL, got a great burn cause I was alrady tired and pushed hard. I am feeling like I have recouped as far as my pulled muscles go so YAY!!!! Hope you all are pushing play.

    @Butterfly I love fire 60 so much fun. can you hook your laptop to the TV so you can veiw it better? My SIL does this when her and my bro watch movies :) Our DVD player shuts off when we are watching a movie if it goes to long, it's like it just gets to hot. :(
  • mrsTravo9112
    mrsTravo9112 Posts: 66 Member
    Had a 'not soo fab' eating weekend - BUT: Started week 8 today & went HARD! I'm excited, this is the farest I've ever been with any program... I love with the sweat! - can't wait to see my end results.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    I'm just starting week 4 and excited to get to where all of you are!

    I don't think i have turbo 60. is it in the advanced pack?
  • Casper2976
    Casper2976 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm brand new to Turbo Fire and returning to the working out scene in general. I'm SO excited to start up this week. I'm thrilled to have found your group, too. I tried getting into a FB group but they "required" Shakeology and I don't have it. I'm happy to have found all of you! Have a great day!
  • jmaguil4
    Hey guys!

    I'm restarting TF today, so Fire 30 for me. I previously lost 20 doing up to week 8, and of course eating better. I have since maintained, so I do believe in eating more than 1200, and not gaining. I will definitely be dropping in here for motivation!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ok, week 3 day 4- first time doing tone 30- liked it! It was boring but definitely a good workout! I could barely complete some of the reps. :smile: I did HIIT 30 again instead of HIIT 15 (I just don't see the point. Yes, good workout. But 15 mins? Too short for me. I prefer and hour of exercise).

    butterfly, so glad you figured the fire 60 dvd thing out!!!

    amber, yeah fire 60's part of the advanced pack. I was lucky enough to have the set I got off ebay to include the advanced dvds so I jumped right into a 20 week schedule that includes the advanced dvds. Love it!

    jmaguil4, Good for you for maintianing! That's the hardest part. I personaly think eating 1200 cals is ridiculous. It's too little! People that lose on that will never maintain easily in the long run. I'm eating 1800-1900 a day and losing slowly but surely.

    casper- welcome! The group waxes and wanes with how chatty everyone is, but we're always dropping back by at some point! Good for you for coming back to exercise! So important to find something you enjoy and can do long term :smile: That's silly about the other group REQUIRING shakeology. Geez.

    Vini, Good work getting through that workout and congrats on the no pulled muscle thing, woohoo!

    dym, week 10, wow! Flies by I'm sure. I can't believe I'm already half way through week three!

    mrstravo- if I get past week 4 it'll be the longest i've ever stuck with one program also! I get bored and end up switching to other exercises. I'm thinking since I enjoy TF so much and there's enough variety with the dvds I won't get bored. And a bad eating weekend? Oh well. You'll get back on it today!!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    I had a really off week last week and I restarted Week 10 today. HIIT 20 and Tone 30 all done. My goal for this week is just to finish the week.

    Hope you all have a good week!
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope everybody had a great Monday :) I did Fire 45 + Stretch 10 today. It was my first time doing Fire 45, so i did the new to class option. Still got a great burn, but I think it would've been a better burn without my heart rate coming down like it did during each breakdown segment. That is one tough workout and it doesn't even seem so bad until you're done! I'm sore tonight (in a good way)!
    Low HIIT 25 + Stretch 10 for me tomorrow, though I may do core 20 also. We'll see :) I just really love the core workout.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Finally got around to restarting yesterday with Fire 30 (crushed it!) but woke up with a hideous migraine this morning. Resting throughout the day and fingers crossed I'll feel up to HIIT 15 later on.

    I worked out in the evening after dinner, which is new for me as I've always been a morning person but it's not possible at the moment. As I was full, I didn't feel like eating anything after exercising and I think that may have caused the migraine. Going to try some Greek yoghurt after HIIT 15 tonight.

    Have a great workout everyone!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    yea - I didn't care for HIIT 15, I didn't even feel like I really got a workout. I remember I could barely walk the next day after the first time I did the toning. I can't remember if that is this week or next week for me....I haven't done it in a while..

    Low HIIT 25 today...
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    gah! Busy workday today. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be busy vs. bored but it sure cuts into my internet goofing off time! LOL! Sounds like you're all doing great today! My BMF is prediting a 2900+ burn- wow! Busy workday for sure. The sinus specialist I assist was in clinic 8-330 today so I was moving around all day. After I got home I did 45ez and stretch 10 and burned 470 calories! I hadn't done that one for over a week, so I had fun with it. Off to find dinner now, and I've got enough calories for CHOCOLATE! My favorite is ghiradelli sea salt soiree. It's super dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt, it's super low sugar- almost healthy! LOL.
  • MuireannM
    MuireannM Posts: 20 Member
    Hi All

    I'm still getting over my week in Vegas. I've gained 5lb from a full week of eating all sorts of food and drinking huge cocktails. I'm still trying to recover from the 11 hour flight home,the 8 hour time difference and the terrible diet I consumed, my sleep pattern is still a bit all over the place. Something popped in my ear on take off, which has caused me slight vertigo so a bit unsteady on my feet also. I was doing so well with TF before I went and was hoping to be back to it by now :( I'm now aiming to get back into the programme from the start next Monday, hoping all dizziness will have gone by then. Fingers crossed anyway!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Week 4 day 3...since I went to the trainer on Monday instead of doing Turbo 45, I made it up today...on my rest day. I hadn't done that one in a long time and I had only done it once before so a lot of it was new to me.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    rest day for me today! :smile:
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    Yesterday was my 100th day of Turbofire! :bigsmile: That is huge for me because I have never stuck with any fitness program for longer than 30 days (and I hated every workout of the shred btw). Just a few months ago my weight was going up and I was feeling stressed, flabby, angry and exhausted all the time. Turbofire has changed all of that! I'm 20lbs lighter, toned, have tons more energy and a positive attitude. It has truly triggered a lifestyle change for me.
    Anyway, yesterday was fire 45 ez/stretch 10. This used to be my least favorite workout of the set because one section would leave me completely out of breath, but I can power straight through the whole routine and it has become one of my favorites!
    Today was rest, but I did clx burn circuit 1.
    I tried to enter the Turbo contest, but I cannot get my entry to submit. I am not starting the program over though, I'd just use my pics and stats from a few weeks ago. I thought the rules said as long as they were from the past year it was ok?
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    100 days of TF! What an inspiration!

    I also have a history of lapsing on programmes do I really hope this time it's for good.

    I just couldn't workout on my migraine day so took that as rest and caught up with HIIT15 yesterday. I also added Cord 20 and a 20 min yoga routine to stretch out afterwards.

    Tonight will be Fire 30. Can't wait!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Butterfly~ Congrats on 100 days of TF! That is so great to have come this far! Woo hoo!

    Yesterday was Rest day but I jumped on the elliptical instead. Today is HIIT25/Sculpt 30. I'll do the HIIT 25 and skip out on Sculpt 30 and do CLX Burn Circuit 1 instead.

    This 10th week is my longest ever on a dvd workout program. I've never made it this far in and I still have 10 weeks to go. I'm starting to get bored and am now incorporating some weight training to the mix and adding a couple days of the elliptical to my weeks. It's not that I'm in a hurry...I'm starting to feel like I need more. Turbo Fire is turning me into a monster. LOL.

    Anyway, I hope you're all pressing play and have a great rest of the week!