Starting 2/18-Looking for Buddies

elallio Posts: 13 Member
Hi all,

I am starting JMBR tomorrow! I have done P90x and Insanity but cannot get excited to finish any of the programs thus I gain the weight back slowly but surely since I feel discouraged.

I am looking for some buddies to keep me encouraged and share stats and such! I have about 25ish pounds to lose and would love to do it before June 1st- my wedding date! I was able to lose 25 pounds doing only the first two months of P90x and limiting my carb and calorie hopefully I can be successful on JMBR.

Hope you will join on this crazy Jillian roller coaster! I will post stats tomorrow!



  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    I just started week 3 and let me tell you that IT IS AWESOME and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this program. I did P90X and tried Insanity (hated it). I am a fan of P90X; however, I don't usually have over an hour to workout a day. Jillian's program is awesome and slowly builds endurance and strength and it's only a 1/2 hour so I think you push harder cuz 'you can do anything for a 1/2 hour, right?'

    Good luck in your journey :)
  • GreatPyrGirl
    GreatPyrGirl Posts: 4 Member
    I started today. I'm not in shape, so it was hard, but I pushed through and did the full 30 min. Would love some friends to keep me motivated as this progresses. Starting out at 219, need to lose 50-60 lbs. Diet didn't start today. Doing a metabolic test tomorrow at 12:30pm, so I need to start fasting soon.
  • elallio
    elallio Posts: 13 Member
    So excited to see some others are starting today! I finished workout 1 today and did a little bit of p90x ab ripper x....not sure if I will continue to do that, but I ended up burning 430 calories in 50 minutes so that is awesome. is a tough workout but feels so good when you are done. I always have trouble with the diet part too. I can workout out but I can't mentally conquer the diet part. It is so frustrating but all in my control. 1/2 hour and day at a time, right?

    What kind of metabolic test are you doing?
  • GreatPyrGirl
    GreatPyrGirl Posts: 4 Member
    Actually, I looked it up, it's a biometric screening (through my company's wellness program). I don't know all the details, but I know I will get BMI & lipids. It's free, so the fasting will be worth it. An additional motivator for me to focus on working out and eating well.
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    I started yesterday and so far i'm enjoying this program. please add me so we can support each other
  • GreatPyrGirl
    GreatPyrGirl Posts: 4 Member
    2nd workout done - i'm gonna be sore tomorrow!
  • elallio
    elallio Posts: 13 Member
    I didn't realize how rough workout 2 was until I was walking up to my office! I love but hate that feeling.

    Only burned 340 calories though...still a good workout.

    One day at a time :)
  • mcarter619
    mcarter619 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in the 3rd week and I was in same shoes as you are. Keep at it you will see a difference.
  • elallio
    elallio Posts: 13 Member
    It is good to know it does make a difference. It is hard when you work hard and eat right and get nothing. How long did it take for you to notice a difference?
  • I started Sunday 2/17 and I'm excited. I have to say that her Cardio 1 workout was the toughest I've done so far (maybe it's because I'm not a cardio person). Can't wait til the 90 day mark (one day at at time) Add me so we can support each other through the program.
  • elallio
    elallio Posts: 13 Member
    How is everyone doing, especially on their diet?
  • naiauhane
    naiauhane Posts: 15 Member
    Good job everyone!

    I'm starting week one again tomorrow. I originally started three weeks ago and hoped to be starting week 4 tomorrow, but traveling for work and a non-Jillian injury put me out of commission for the last two weeks =(

    Getting through that week one was great though. Day one I had to stop a few times during the workout because I was getting lightheaded. Day two I got lightheaded a couple of times. After that I was already getting conditioned and the lightheadedness went away. Pretty cool. Jillian is fun and motivating.

    Before starting Body Recovery, I also cut up old Self and Shape magazines and made myself a motivational board with lots of sayings and pictures. The board has really helped me. During the workouts, I lean the board up against a piece of furniture so that I can read the phrases if I'm going through a tough part in the workout. Jillian says something about needing a why behind doing the workout and I couldn't agree more.

    I was not following her diet plan. I'm not sure if I'm on board with the idea of eating so few calories. I know changing fat to muscle mass takes time and the weight shift down the scale seems to take forever. If I'm not seeing any major changes after week four, then I may incorporate her diet plan too.

    Keep going everyone!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I actually started in January but 3 weeks of bronchitis put me out of commission so now i'm just wrapping up week 2... I agree that the cardio one kicked my butt - the move that is like cross country skiing makes me want to pass out... but keeping it moving!... i run 1-2 miles every day after my 30 minutes with jillian... would love to have a few more friends who are on the same work out plan :)
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    The FLU and "crud" came to my house right after I started my first week! I didn't exercise at all last week and also ate badly; so I am BACK ON today, Monday the 25th, restarting Kickstart week! Will feel good to get back on plan!
    @naiauhane I too made myself a motivational board, I agree it helps to list your goals and personal sayings/pictures that mean something to each of us.
    We can do this!! :-)
  • Hey I started today, workout 1 is done..
    I think I wont do the kickstart ...
    Anyone starting today?
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    I started a week ago and love it! After doing Cardo 1 for the first time I was mad at how short of breath i was so I quit smoking cold turkey that night (on day 4 right now). Starting week 2 tonight! Wish me luck!
  • I just started yesterday (2/24) and am proud to say I woke up early today to get my workout in before work! (before this, i have woken up early to work out exactly zero times in my life). Looking for JMBR people who are in the similar weeks (1 or 2) to support each other!
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    im week 2 :)
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Hi All! :) Anyone may feel free to add me! I just started week 2 yesterday... lol