Skyrim Appreciation Post

tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
Any other Skyrim lovers out there? I've been a gamer for a long time, but Skyrim has certainly kept me entertained and engaged more than any other game I've played. I finally gave in and downloaded Dragonborn, but I haven't played Dawnguard yet. I mostly stick with one character because I still haven't completed one game to my satisfaction and am always discovering new things!

So, questions -

1) What was your favorite side quest, and why?
2) What shouts do you use the most?


  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I LOVE Skyrim! I don't get a ton of time to play, though, which is why I've had it for a year and I'm not quite to level 30. I just downloaded Dawnguard and Hearthfire but haven't used either yet.

    I liked the side quest where I got to go in the crazy guy's head. That was fun. I mostly use unrelenting force, mostly because I like to watch them go flying.
  • _Thanatos_
    I play Skyrim on the PC, so I enjoy playing with mods when things start to get a bit mundane. I usually play as Mages because I think it's more fun. Who doesn't love vaporizing those damn Bandits with Lightning?

    I simply can't wait for a new Fallout game with Skyrim-like modifications and improvements. My social life will end at that point.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I've got it loaded up, just not had a chance to play it yet...
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I've been playing Skyrim since Nov 2011. Still going strong and I have like 7 characters now. I play on 360 so have all the DLC and love them all.

    1) I really love the Thieves Guild storyline, and the Nightingale armor is my most favorite light armor set, hands down.
    2) Probably fire breath. Although a few weeks ago I fus-roh-dah'd everyone off the mountain of High Hrothgar after the conference, which was completely hysterical (I saved beforehand and reloaded after) and strangely gratifying (take that Elenwen!)

    Having said that, my least favorite storyline is probably the Gauldur Amulet because of all the getting fus-roh-dah'd around and weapons glitching into walls. So annoying.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I've had it since Oct, 2012. I'm playing mostly as a Battle Mage and like it a lot. I am stoked about Elder Scrolls Online because the one thing I miss while playing Skyrim is the social aspect that I get out of MMOs. I'm relatively early still and I'm mainly working the MAge's College Questline.
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    Played this way too much. I suppose my favorite quest is the daedric one where you look for Sam in the bar.

    My play style in this game is basically "run up to dragon, smash with mace". I never bothered with shouts or magic most of the time.

    I like the glitches in the game. In my first hour playing the game I had already fell through the floor and couldn't move. One time I saw an invisible skeleton of a named dragon just sitting in the middle of nowhere.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member

    I like the glitches in the game. In my first hour playing the game I had already fell through the floor and couldn't move. One time I saw an invisible skeleton of a named dragon just sitting in the middle of nowhere.

    I swear I'm not trolling, but how do you "see" an "invisible" skeleton?
  • Thruen
    Thruen Posts: 80 Member
    If you skyrim lovers haven't played morrowind yet, get it. You will love it. If the old graphic bother you there are graphic enhancing mods for it.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I am on my first playthrough of skyrim and it is my first time playing an elder scrolls game. I am currently nearing level 30 and I have completed all of the Companions side quests. I have been focusing mainly on side quests. I had to backtrack a bit in my saves. I am a wood elf archer. I'm thinking of restarting from scratch as melee because playing as an archer makes the game ridiculously easy even on harder difficulty levels. my friend who has beaten the game a few times confirms this is a common complaint about the game. so I'm thinking of going 2her and starting over from scratch.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I am on my first playthrough of skyrim and it is my first time playing an elder scrolls game. I am currently nearing level 30 and I have completed all of the Companions side quests. I have been focusing mainly on side quests. I had to backtrack a bit in my saves. I am a wood elf archer. I'm thinking of restarting from scratch as melee because playing as an archer makes the game ridiculously easy even on harder difficulty levels. my friend who has beaten the game a few times confirms this is a common complaint about the game. so I'm thinking of going 2her and starting over from scratch.

    Play as a caster. You don't become OP until later levels. Currently getting me *kitten* handed to me often.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    My wife got me three PS3 games for Christmas 2011.... it wasn't until right before Christmas 2012 that I actually played something OTHER than Skyrim!

    There is just SO much in the game that it practically never ends. I didn't complete the main quest for the longest because I just kept doing all of the little side quests and different story lines. I just recently completed the main story of defeating Alduin, but I have only barely scratched the surface of the civil war quests after finally joining a side.

    I'm up to Level 59 with my character and now I'm looking forward to the DLC's *finally* being made available for the PS3 systems!!

    I really don't do a whole lot of shouts unless I just get in a bind. My character is maxed out on the bow skill, so I pretty much take out most enemies before they even know I'm there. :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I may consider trying a caster later on down the line. According to what my friend told me, however, playing a caster at lower levels isn't just difficult, it's stressful. He said that most of the abilities that make casting viable (as in make it not horribly useless) only come into play at high level skill unlocks.
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    Sigh, I wish I had the time and energy I used to have for it, but life happened.
    Daedric quests are my absolute favorite, even if I do everything completely differently 90% of my characters end up using the Mace of Molag Bal for the entire game because I get that quest at like level 2 ((daedric princes of domination hmu hey buddy)). Mace in one hand, Wabbojack in the other. I am a machine of destruction.

    Haven't had the monies to purchase any expansions, but a friend hooked me up with Morrowind (all expansions included) and Oblivion. Spring break looks promising for this little lorefag. :smokin:
  • JavaSparrow
    JavaSparrow Posts: 51 Member
    In skyrim i was just trying to do everything right that i did stupidly in oblivion.
    My skyrim character's like a rogue/archer. i dabbled in casting but really only used healing/destruction spells :s I love all the shouts :D render dragon, unrelenting force, clear skies are my favorite. Whirlwind sprint is good for getting to my horse when im over encumbered too, and the "kill" one is just a cool thing to shout at enemies ^_^
    my favorite side quests...hmmm. The thieves guild might have been cool if they still didn't all hate me for burning one too many beehives xD
    the daedra artifacts quests are interesting, i just kind of don't like being asked to kill people who arn't bothering me...unless it's for the DB.
    I love the DB. That love was left over from oblivion :3 but i wish the quest line for it were longer.
    now i'm trying to level my one handed, since its kind of silly being a rogue who never uses a dagger.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I may consider trying a caster later on down the line. According to what my friend told me, however, playing a caster at lower levels isn't just difficult, it's stressful. He said that most of the abilities that make casting viable (as in make it not horribly useless) only come into play at high level skill unlocks.

    For me what works at lower levels is to have a cast a familiar or atronach, and always have a follower. I also play as more of a battlemage (plate wearing caster) than a pure clothie. Also have to make proper use of your shouts and potions and stuff.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I started playing Skyrim again for the sole purpose of marrying and hate f*cking Lydia.

    Also sweet rolls.
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Skyrim... most likely my favorite game of all time.

    My favorite Side Quest(s) is everything Thieves Guild... I love sneaking, stealing, arrows... incredible fun.

    My favorite shout is Unrelenting Force.

    I've played for nearly 300 hours total... wish I could play more, but eh, life things require my attention too :)

    It's been great revisiting Solstheim as well... just can't seem to escape this game!