MOM with newly diagnosed autism spectrum 4 year old

dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
Hey all.. my son was recently diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. It has been a rough few months since his evaluations started. Ive actually gained back 5 pounds since the first evaluation until last week with the final diagnosis.

I recently posted in a message to a friend of mine that at first it was VERY emotional for me
It left me with SO many questions and doubts about the future... a "what did I do wrong" nagging in my mind..
But that I came to see that he has special qualities and even though he may be "different" than other kids it doenst make him any LESS wonderful, any less a blessing, any less than the gift that he truely is.

I am still in the "just finding out stage" and i know that with the right educational plans in place through the school board, that my lil man will have same opportunities as other kids his age. I am just waiting for the paperwork to be finalized so i can take it to the school and get him set up in his class with his educational plan in place.

whether or not he has a label on him is NOT going to affect what I KNOW he is capable of... Im sure he will even exceed my expectations and go on to be someone great. . Its not something that they can change, or we can change. , but day by day you just come to accept that GOD KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING.

There are MANY successful people who have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum who have gone on to do great things.

Sure it will be a struggle at times, but thats what support of friends/family and prayer is for.

I SURPRISED EVEN MYSELF WITH WHAT I SAID.. but its good to know that subconsciously I KNOW in my heart of hearts that its going to be ok.

... and if you are reading this, you need to know that too... :heart:


  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I know a new diagnosis is very worrisome. I should know I have two sons 16 and 14 both of them are on the spectrum. I wanted to show you a little something that might cheer you up!

    Go look up the blog called Incorrect Pleasures.

    It's a blog there that is dedicated to people that are confirmed Autistics as well as speculated with sources to back up there reasoning. So many famous names on there. Our kids are in great company and will be able to do anything they put their minds too.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    thanks im off to check it out now :)
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    What made you have him tested? What did the specialists tell you about where he is on the spectrum?

    I have a 13 year old son with autism. He's high functioning, but struggles with everything social.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    he is 3 1/2 and he STILL doesn't speak that much or that well. He mostly mimics what he hears on movies or what I say . I actually thought he just had speech problems but we found out during his evals and testing that he is actually in fact on the spectrum. Since all of his paperwork isn't quite finished yet, Im not sure WHERE on the spectrum he falls , just that he is ON it. They have recommended him for a full day program at one of the schools nearby. It is to help him with his speech and also his social issues. He will be in that program until its time for him to enter kindergarten and they will RE evaluate him then to see if he can be in a regular kindergarten program or if he needs to stay in the specialized program. I believe that the social interaction DAILY with other kids is going to do WONDERS for him (hes the only child at home here, his older brothers/sisters are either living with THEIR other parent or are old enough to be out of the house ..18+) Keeping my hopes, prayers, and wishes positive. that he thrives in this program.