Puffy & happy o.O

LiveFit was recommended to me in late Nov but the reviews scared me off...I didn't want to feel fatter (who does?!)

So today my arms are beyond puffy and I'm ok with it!! This was exprected! I am glad I took the leap and am looking foward to melting the fat off these new muscles!!

Here are some of the reviews if you want to read them...

"The downside here? I started to feel a little chunky from all the muscle I was adding. I had read that phase 2 makes you feel like you’re getting massive, and I definitely had a little bit of that. It felt pretty bad at the time, but I decided to stick with it."
>> http://betterwithsprinklesblog.com/2012/09/09/my-thoughts-on-jamie-easons-livefit-trainer/

"(phase 2) this is also the phase where i bulked up. i felt like a freaking WHALE. someone (a random reader, i guess, they had never commented before) actually left me a comment saying that i had clearly gained weight and they thought i wasn’t being honest with what i was saying i ate...."

" i dropped all of that bulk and was pleasantly surprised with the results. my hard-earned muscles shined through. i was (and am!) 100% sold on the program! i am now telling everyone i know to try it if they want a wonderful workout plan"

"everyone that has been through the program before says they regret doing extra cardio in the first phase (if they did it) and that they wish they had eaten more to gain more muscle before leaning out in phase 2 and 3"


  • mznortiz
    mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
    I'm definitely feeling the arm puff. However, I also heard that this was common. I also need to reduce my sodium intake too.
    I am really pleased that I am still doing this program. Onward Week 7! Holy Cow!
  • nmalek1025
    I feel puffy too but I figure this will change once Phase 3 comes. I also haven't been disciplined my diet so that might have an effect. Im not jiggly though so that's a good thing and I am seeing definition! Def. sticking to the diet plan here on out...6 more weeks!
  • mznortiz
    mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
    I'm not using the scale and a guide for my success. I will say my face looks smaller and some of my clothes don't fit as snug. Some of my dress shirt and fitted blazers are tighter around the arms.
  • lindseymaekeller
    Is everyone just "feeling" puffy?Or is the scale actually going up? Cause..my scale is going WAY UP! lol!!! I am not too worried about it, but...if it keeps going up I'll start to really flip my ish.
  • kaci_g
    So I'm in week 4 but I've done cardio twice a week in phase along with the plan. But my scale has gone down with eating clean pretty consistently. Am I to expect to feel puffy or start the weight gain in phase 2?
  • MrsH2132012
    MrsH2132012 Posts: 67 Member
    My scales up but I'm down in inches, scale is not my main concern ????

    Cardio is phase 1 really defeats the purpose of this specific plan but we all do what works for us
    I'm ate at a surplus in phase 1 since my goal is muscle gain and fat loss not weight loss so I know that is why I'm puffy fat lol
  • MrsH2132012
    MrsH2132012 Posts: 67 Member
    Good lord that reply sounds like I'm a b¡tch!! Sorry I knew what I meant but it came out way wrong....if you want max results the cardio should be skipped

  • kris0812
    kris0812 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm on week 7 and feel very puffy, too, but I do feel like I've lost inches. I got on the scale a couple weeks ago and swore I wouldn't do it again until it's all over!! lol!! It was definitely up, but I know why!! :)
  • SeraFee
    SeraFee Posts: 52 Member
    Its good to know that I'm not the only one feeling heavier. I still weigh in weekly and my weight has been steady since about week 2. I'm trying not to get frustrated because I know I LOOK better even though the scale is trying to discourage me. I'm hoping that I will lean out more in Phase 3 ( I start next week!)