How did week one of the Feb Challenge go for you?

BWLWAjima Posts: 27 Member
Day 6 of our February Challenge - It's our 1st Check-in Weekend for February! Don't forget to check-in and stay accountable to the challenge goals. You can check-in on Facebook, here on our online community or on our blog:

How is this month’s challenge going for you?

Have you been on track with clean eating this week?

Have you been consistent with regular exercise 5 days per week and keeping a food journal?


  • Thanks for this community and the ability to share. ummm...yes eating, no exercising. coming off of the flu the week before this challenge began. finding it difficult to get the motivation back. right before I got sick I had just started making it to the gym five days per week. now, i barely made it three. thank god I have been monitoring my diet though. thanks
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    Exercise is good, tracking good did have some treats on Saturday in the form of mini tootsie rolls...but so far so good
  • I'm doing well. I haven't had any issues with staying on track. I ate out with my daughter and had a white potatoe loaded with veggies instead of a sweet potatoe. That was the only thing out of the norm for me. I'm consistent with my diet and exercise. I even cut back on my consumption of my favorite snack (popcorn), which I prepare myself to ensure that it is not loaded with anything I don't put on it. I've lost 4.8 pounds this month so far.
  • mrsscott2u
    mrsscott2u Posts: 6 Member
    Food tracking excellent so far exercise so far none I hate exercising alone and can't afford the group thing right now. Food for most part on point.
  • tilishamichelle
    tilishamichelle Posts: 34 Member
    This is my first week joining you guys! Today was a salad for lunch and i had my favorite protein bar. But i am going to stay focused.
  • Lynna88
    Lynna88 Posts: 6 Member
    week 2 was much better for me then the first week. I have now read the eating clean book and have started transitioning my home to make it even easier. This week I have prepared my meals for the week along with my snacks. I am thankful for this challenge because I am using it to start a life style change for me and my family. :smile:
  • imallard
    imallard Posts: 4 Member
    I continue to exercise 5 days a week at least 1 hour per day. I have started eating clean and juice on the week-ends right now.
  • realgoldn
    realgoldn Posts: 9 Member
    ok when are you logging your calories? I am really sucking at tracking what and how much i eat