Already noticing changes

angela1700 Posts: 31 Member
I am only 4 workouts into stage 1 and am already noticing changes. Today I did my weekly 5k run. Usually it is more like a walk/jog because about a mile in my legs feel like they are going to collapse under me. Well the squats and deadlifts are paying off because today my legs felt great and I ran the entire way. I don't see any changes in how my body looks yet, but, feeling stronger while I run, is pretty awesome. :-)


  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    That's great!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Very cool!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    That's awesome!

    I'm right there with ya!! My husband laughed at me this weekend because I kept looking at my arms. I have nice shoulders! LOL!
  • bmstee03
    bmstee03 Posts: 119 Member
    I have noticed the back of my legs look way better since lifting and I really want to go run. It is far too cold here and the indoor track makes me feel clostrophobic and the treadmill just stinks. Can't wait for Spring!
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I have noticed the back of my legs look way better since lifting and I really want to go run. It is far too cold here and the indoor track makes me feel clostrophobic and the treadmill just stinks. Can't wait for Spring!

    Me too! I was so excited because it is supposed to warm up today...then I found out it's supposed to storm all afternoon. EPIC FAIL! I miss running outside!! :sad:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    That's certainly great progress! :)