Help me get back on track!

fothers365 Posts: 59 Member
Hi everyone,

I am from Derbyshire and the mum of three young girls, 5y, 3y and 1y. I was doing really well until the weather got cold and was more or less probably at maintenance at about 55kg (81/2 stone I think roughly) and am about 5'4.

Since winter I have really struggled! It is fairly cold in our house and I am freezing all the time despite loads of layers and constantly hungry for stodge whereas in the better weather I was more than happy with salad stuff and more healthy things.

I have put on a bit and am now 57-58kg and need to get back on the healthy bandwagon but really struggle.

I know it will be easier when we get to spring but who knows when that will be!

I have a fitbit so have a good number to aim for each day.

I could really do with some friends- I wasn't bothered before as I was managing no problem but need them now!!

Does anyone else really struggle in winter or is it just me?

ETA- I don't think it helps I am up for the day at 4am each day as that is when the 1 year old has decided it is morning!!:grumble:


  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Howdy? I'm a Londoner :smile:

    I think you should cut yourself some slack. You've got 3 little ones under 6 :noway: and I think you're doing perfectly. Are you eating within your calories? You are allowed some treats now and then :wink:

    I would have said you can workout at home when the baby goes down for a nap but if you're up at 4a.m, you'll be shattered anyway. I'll be your friend :flowerforyou:
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member

    I've 4 children aged 6 and under so know exactly where you're coming from in regards to early mornings!

    I've sent a friend request.

    Hope to speak soon :smile:
  • Baz_Man
    Baz_Man Posts: 23 Member
    Hey Fothers,

    Yep, I have trouble in the winter as well, more so with exercise motivation than food. It's either too cold or too wet (so I keep telling myself) and as soon as it get's dark the urge to sit on the sofa and not move just takes over!

    I have a 3 year old that wakes up at 5am as well and wants tucking in every ten minutes. Lack of sleep seems to be the real killer, if I end up with 4 / 5 hours sleep everything goes to pot, exercise, diet, logging food, everything!

    How do you get on with the fitbit? I've got one as well and seem to take as many steps as a sloth on some days. About 3000 steps on average when I'm stuck in work till late. Shocking!

    Happy to be a friend on here and offer some motivation as I could do with the help as well!
  • mumnpets
    mumnpets Posts: 16 Member
    Hi i saw your post and would be glad to be your friend. im from Derbyshire ,i find the winter difficult due to having fibromyalgia .