Anyone doing Shred with bodymedia?

chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
Just curious, because I just did my first Shred session with it. It says I burned 209 calories and was moderate activity. I'm suppose to do 60 min of moderate and 30 min of vigorous. But I'm thinking if Shred is moderate then wtf do I have to do to get vigorous?!


  • ronnie1008
    Just curious, because I just did my first Shred session with it. It says I burned 209 calories and was moderate activity. I'm suppose to do 60 min of moderate and 30 min of vigorous. But I'm thinking if Shred is moderate then wtf do I have to do to get vigorous?!

    Ha, ha, ha... :laugh:
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Oh dear!
    My HRM said I was burning about 180-190 in level 1 and about 235 in level 2. I'll find out soon what it says about level 3 :)
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    LOL me too, I have 2 more nights of Level 2 :D Can't wait! I changed the default METs in my Bodymedia account manager so maybe it will count it as vigorous now so I can meet my goals.