Whole9 30 day challenge

danni_l Posts: 144 Member
Has anyone else done this? Im on day one today. I usually do low carb, but really miss all the fruit and am a bit sick of cheese (I never thought Id say that!) so am trying this out.



  • EricCowperthwaite
    I have not done this before ... I have a friend whose regular diet is basically Whole30 .... he may be a bit on the extreme end ;-)

    I have been considering doing a Whole30, but right now I'm in the first week of Power90 and didn't think that doing both starting at the same time was a good idea. Curious how it goes for you, though.
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    Hey, just for an update, Ive now gone over 3 weeks with no alcohol, which is rare for me! I feel great, have started up bikram again and cycling.
    Ive had a couple of cheats - sugar in coffee without realise, a hot chip off my husbands plate, but nothing extreme.
    Ive lost nearly 3 kilos (I know you are not supposed to weigh yourself!) and feel great. I really think its taught me some skills which I will continue from the 30 days.
    Also Im planning on stretching the no alcohol on for a bit longer :)
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I just started this Monday (it's Wednesday) with a friend. I'd never heard of it before and I am not that in to Paleo, but I needed something to kick my *kitten* back in to Atkins mode after the holidays. I couldn't get on track and stay there!

    It's a pretty restrictive diet - moreso than Atkins. No soy, no peanuts, no sugar substitutes, no dairy. Other than the allowance of more fruit, it's very compatible with low carb. In fact the only fruits I've bought are berries, melons and apples - which aren't that bad anyway. Just gotta be sure to limit my intake.

    So far I've been at 50 net carbs a day the first 2 days, but that's with eating a half of a large apple each day which is like 20+ net carbs. I really don't see myself needing to go too high in carbs...I'll probably save the rest of my apples for when I go back to the gym.

    I am not sure how I feel on this diet yet because I have both an ear infection and PMS. So I feel like crap but you can't pin down the reason! I can't get to the gym or anything.

    But I have been peeing like a racehorse, which I guess is a "symptom" of the plan, and I'm a big fan of extra excretion for weight loss so - yay!

    I don't think I'll stay Paleo once I'm done with the whole 30, but I hope it inspires me to be better with Atkins and rely less on pre-packaged LC junk, peanut butter, cheese and Splenda. Hopefully it'll give me some more recipes I enjoy too. I'm sort of bad at trying new recipes unless I'm forced to, and when your food choices are so limited...well, you're forced to.

    Here's a more specific link if anyone is interested: http://whole9life.com/2012/08/the-whole30-program/
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member

    But I have been peeing like a racehorse, which I guess is a "symptom" of the plan, and I'm a big fan of extra excretion for weight loss so - yay!

    Hahahaha this cracked me up!!

    I know what you mean about restrictive, but I think due to following atkins and having various food intolerences I didnt eat a lot of the restricted foods anyway!
    Ive just about finished up now and will continue to follow the rules, but more in a paleo / low carb way. Feeling really good and have shown myself I can actually go without cheese haha! :)