Summer Beach Body Challenge Weigh-Ins


Hello everyone! It is day one of our challenge! I hope you all got your measuring tapes and your scales ready! This is the format I want you to enter in!

We will be weighing-in every Friday. you have until midnight on Friday to put in your information. Every Saturday, I will post the results of the week. Every two weeks we will be taking measurements. Measurements are more accurate in seeing how successful we are! Measuring tape is inexpensive and very useful! If you have trouble forgetting, refer to the calendar!

Good luck!!!

Starting Weight:
Challenge Goal Weight:
How you plan to do it:
Your Strengths:
Your Struggles:

Starting Measurements:
Right Bicep-
Left Bicep-
Right Thigh-
Left Thigh-


  • MagicFeather
    MagicFeather Posts: 27 Member
    Starting Weight:154 today, (176 Dec 2012)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 138
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130
    How you plan to do it: healthy calorie restriction, Weight Watchers (online + weekly meetings), workout dvds, yoga, walking/hiking
    Your Strengths: determination, nutrition background, avid cook
    Your Struggles: patience to see it through no matter how long it takes, hectic home life with 2 kids <3 y.o. & going back to work in April

    Starting Measurements:
    Waist- 30.3
    Hips- 37.8
    Right Bicep-11.4
    Left Bicep- 11.4
    Right Thigh-23.6
    Left Thigh- 23.6

    Guess I'm a bit top heavy these days. 42-30-38 Yikes! I'm psyched though b/c these measurements are my "after" measurements from the 30 day shred. I lost the most off my hips and thighs (2 inches off the hips, 1.5 off each thigh and 1.2 off my waist!).

    I'm pretty psyched about this challenge starting today. It will give me the motivation to continue on strong through the spring and into the summer.

    Let's do this thing!
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Starting Weight: 138 today
    Challenge Goal Weight: 130
    How you plan to do it: Eating 1200 calories a day, 5:2 intermittent fasting (eating 500 calories two days a week), doing video workouts (currently on 30 day shred)
    Your Strengths: Generally keeping to calorie goals and eating more heathy foods
    Your Struggles: Doing a workout everyday (especially if its a fast day or if i've had a hard day at work!)

    Starting Measurements: (in inches)
    Neck- 12.1
    Chest- 38.6
    Waist- 27.5
    Hips- 39.4
    Right Bicep- 10.2
    Left Bicep- 10.2
    Right Thigh- 22
    Left Thigh- 22
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    * Also just wanted to add my "love handles" measurement as personally it's one of my biggest problem areas...

    Lovehandles - 35 inches
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Starting Weight: 189.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 160
    How you plan to do it: Continuing to count my calories, make good choices, and doing jillian's 30DS and zumba!
    Your Strengths: Competitive, motivated...I have a wedding on the 15th of June that I will be in and I need to look great!
    Your Struggles: Eating clean and healthy. I love my fast food and pizza...its a struggle.

    Starting Measurements:
    Neck- 13
    Chest- 44 (this may be subject to change drastically because I am nursing)
    Waist- 41.5
    Hips- 43.25
    Right Bicep-14.5
    Left Bicep- 15.5
    Right Thigh- 25.5
    Left Thigh- 25.75

    ---Add me as a friend to get updates on the challenge, like when a new post goes up :)
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    * Also just wanted to add my "love handles" measurement as personally it's one of my biggest problem areas...

    Lovehandles - 35 inches

    I love that you added that in! good idea!
  • Starting Weight: 221
    Challenge Goal Weight: 195
    How you plan to do it: A lot of exercise, yoga, and sticking to my Jenny Craig plan!
    Your Strengths: Making good diet food for the whole family!
    Your Struggles: Giving in to delicious and bad for me foods!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry I didn't get this in yesterday. It was my birthday and I was out of the house most of the day. Then I didn't get home from work until after 1:00am and just fell into bed.

    Starting Weight: 212.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 192.0
    How you plan to do it: I just bought an elliptical and I will be starting Jillian Michaels 90 day Body Revolution on Monday.
    Your Strengths: Well, I'm determined not to quit, even though I'm almost at my heaviest :embarassed: (It's been a stressful few weeks and I'm a stress eater)
    Your Struggles: I lose motivation very very easily and like I said, stress eater. I'm hoping to overcome these!

    I will get my measurements in as soon as I get a tape measure. I forgot it when we were shopping last and I just didn't feel like stopping after work yesterday.

    Good luck everyone! I look forward to getting to know you all and rock this challenge!!!!
  • Starting Weight: 150.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135
    How you plan to do it: Cleaner eating, sticking to my calorie counts, and combining weight training with my favorite thing--running!
    Your Strengths: When I set my mind to it, I can do anything. I have lost 31 pounds so far, so I know I have it in me to lose the last 15-20. I also have a gym membership which eliminates weather related excuses for workouts. :)
    Your Struggles: My schedule is my biggest struggle. I work all the time. If I'm not at work, I'm at school. If I'm not at school, I'm doing house work and trying to spend quality time with my babies and my hubby. This means that working out takes time away from something else I need to be doing, so it can be a struggle to fit it in sometimes. It also means that my food choices are not always easy bc a drivethru is all I can fit in. :/

    I'll post my starting measurements tomorrow--I'm not sure if my last measurements I checked in with are credible since I can't seem to drop the 3 pounds I gained in the last challenge. :/
  • Ok, this is a new one for me, but here's hoping it keeps me on track!

    Starting weight: 162
    Challenge goal weight: 150
    How you plan to do it: eating within my calories, Wii Fit, lots of walking.
    Your strengths: I'm good at sticking to my calories during the week, and I'm pretty realistic about weight loss (although I have panicky moments!) Plus I have my first ever hen-do on June 1 which is my date-goal!
    Your weaknesses: I tend to go away to see family and friends at weekends, and as I'm not telling people I'm looking to lose weight, keeping to calories when I'm with other people can be tricky. Especially as I don't want this to take over my life and stop me taking part in social occasions.

    Starting Measurements
    Neck - 13.5
    Chest - 43
    Waist - 31.5
    Hips - 40
    L Bicep - 12
    R Bicep - 12
    L Thigh - 21.5
    R Thigh - 22
  • TimeToLoseBelly
    TimeToLoseBelly Posts: 51 Member
    Starting weight : 130 pounds

    Goal weight : 118 pounds

    i started going to gym after a long time now.Also i am planning to reduce my carb intake.
    I am good at my diet the whole day except the dinner where i tend to eat more:( hope i control this ..
  • flanary888
    flanary888 Posts: 158 Member
    Ah, sorry, I must have gotten on here before this was posted on Fri. And I can't see the groups on my phone or iPad, which is what I have at home on the weekends.

    So, here you go!! As of Friday 2/15/13

    Starting Weight: 191.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175.0
    How you plan to do it: Cutting out the junk!!! Keep up with my workouts and ADD some in! finish 30DS & move onto 6 Week 6 Pack. MAKE THE TIME FOR ME!!!
    Your Strengths: Doing my own mini challenges & once I get into the frame of mind and gain the will-power I AM successful. I just have to get there!!!
    Your Struggles: Sweets around the office, making the time to just do the workouts, not getting out of bed in the morning to work out before work

    Starting Measurements:
    Neck- 13?
    Chest- 43.0
    Hips- 47.0
    Right Bicep- 14.0
    Left Bicep-14.0
    Right Thigh-26.0
    Left Thigh- 26.0
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    That's alright! You can weigh-in whenever you'd like! Just has to be before Friday at midnight!

    First week is lookin' good guys! I'm making charts and will have the first thing for us to do this Saturday!
  • Starting Weight: 180 (February 16)
    Challenge Goal Weight:
    How you plan to do it: tracking my food; alternating weight training with cardio days
    Your Strengths: Organized, tracking my workouts, log in here every day
    Your Struggles: emotional eating, stress eating, too much soda!

    Starting Measurements:
    Right Bicep-
    Left Bicep-
    Right Thigh-
    Left Thigh-

    I will have to fill in my measurements after I take them this weekend.