Hi my name is.........

sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about you :happy:

I am Stacy I'm 29 and a SAHM to a crazy yet lovable 4 year old little boy. I have about 80 pounds to lose and for my workouts I use my treadmill or Xobx kinect workout games like Zumba. I also just started the Visalus Body by Vi 90 day challenge last week.....still not sure how I feel about it yet......but it taste good lol


  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I am Laura. Doing A P90x round atm soon to be followed by insanity. I have one son 8 with mental health challenges. Hope you all can join me in this journey to be fit. No matter what program you do.
  • Hi,
    My name is Deniece, I just started doing P90X I am on Week 2, Day 1. I have about 70 more lbs to lose. I have an adorable one year old son.
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh wow congrats y'all on doing P90X, I have tried insanity before and it kicked my tush! I am trying to work my way back up to it lol
  • Hi! My name is Laurie and I am recently getting back into the swing of things. Last year I lost 20 pounds by dieting and working out, then I slowly gained it all back (and plus some) over the course of time. I'm focusing on eating healthier and kicking my butt at the gym doing cardio and weight lifting.

    Finding balance and time has been incredibly difficult as I've been raising my daughter- it is so much easier (and more fun) to put her needs and activities before my own, but it is time I start taking care of myself.
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! My name is Lisa and I live in Western New York. I have three kids: two girls ages 6 and 4 and a son who will turn 3 in the spring. I have battled weight most of my life but after college took off about 40lbs and managed to keep it off for about 10 years. I gained 40lbs with my first pregnancy and only took off about 20lbs after and then when the second and third ones were born the scale just kept climbing. The day I had my son I weighed in at a whopping 214 lbs. then in January 2011 I got on the scale and I was 193 pounds. I started counting calories and working out again and during 2011 and into 2012 I managed to take off 35 lbs. I was maintaining at around 162-164 which actually was a good weight for me when I stopping exercising all together and just fell off the wagon. I am back up to 174 and I feel really defeated. My jeans are all tight. I don't like the way I look and I have got to pull it together. I work full time and so working out is just difficult to fit into my day. My husband is not supportive in that he does not want to be tasked with bedtime for the kids so I can sneak out and go to the gym. It's a source of conflict between us for obvious reasons. So, by th time dinner is cleaned up and the kids are in bed, I'm beat. But, I know myself and I know that working out is the only thing that is going to keep my weight in check. Sometimes I get angry and frustrated that I have to fight this constant battle with myself. I just wish I could make my peace and wake up and be 145 lbs again and look hot. I get mad at myself for letting this happen and not being more vigilant. I get mad at my husband for not cutting me any slack.

    I have lost my way and I am unhappy and I can't get my motivation back. Is there anyone out there who has been / or is in this place?
  • AmGoheen
    AmGoheen Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Amanda. I am 37. I am a SAHM to a little girl 3, and 1 year old boy. I've lost all my baby fat but i really want to loose more and get fit. I'm about 149 and would love to see the 30's again! It's been 20 years! I'm sick of being a little chubby. I want to look good! I am looking for encouragement and I hope to give it as well.
  • carlye12380
    carlye12380 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Carlye....I'm stepmama to a 10 year old boy and have a baby boy on the way! Looking for other women similar to myself who have a demanding career and even though I'm going to take a break with this new one, I will be back in the saddle soon after! Looking for support in my post partum weight loss and handling life as a career woman, mama and wife!
  • Hi! My name is Denisse, I just turned 30. I live in NY and I'm a SAHM of two boys. My oldest will be 3 in April and my little guy just turned 1. I gained 50 lbs during both pregnancies and was able to bounce back after my first, but have been stuck after having my 2nd. I'm currently on week 2 of insanity and hopefully I can finish and get some results. I'm glad we can all find support in each other.
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    Slim Shady!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist! My name is Amber, I am 34. I'm a SAHM to 3 awesome little guys who are 7, 9, and 11. I am also a full time student, working on my pre-reqs for the nursing program. I am 5'8" and at my heaviest 2 years ago, I was 231 lbs. I am now 175. I would like to lose 35 more pounds, but will reevaluate that number when I get closer depending on how I look and feel :) I lost the bulk of my weight in the beginning, and have yo-yo'd ever since. Really, I've been yo-yoing since I started gaining weight back when I was 19. Anyway, I'm back on track now and determined to get this last bit off. Looking forward to supporting you all and cheering you on in the process!
  • jsa_momto3
    jsa_momto3 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello. My name is Jen. I'm a mom to 3 girls ages 6, 8 and 10. Lost about 15 lbs 2 years ago using myfitnesspal. Stopped using it and regain the lbs. Like to stick with it this time around.
  • frogsonice
    frogsonice Posts: 28 Member

    My name is Alli! Im 24 single and a mother of two wonderful boys Logan(4.5) Landyn (almost 3)... I lost my dad 1.5 years ago and since then my diet has just gone out the window!!! I want to get back in shape! I dont want to be single forever for 1 and for 2 I want to set a healthy example for my boys!! So my friend who has lost 50+ lbs on MFP said i should join!! So here I am and Im sticking to it!!! LETS DO THIS THING!!!!

  • jmadamczyk
    jmadamczyk Posts: 25 Member
    I am 21, doing 30 day shred. :) i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy four months ago and i got about 30 more lbs to lose. I work 9-5 so much of my workouts are uber late at night :(
  • Norellaangell
    Norellaangell Posts: 31 Member
    Hello! I'm 31. Happily married & a mother to 2 awesome sons, ages 6 & 2. I am a STAM who also run a small graphic design business from home. I started MFP to finally get healthy for the 1st time in years. :)
  • Hey Ladies!!!

    My name is Roxy, and i would love to be part of this wonderful group of mothers.
    Im 36 years old and have two beautiful little girls, ages 5 & 3.

    Since the death of my baby almost 2 years ago, i feel into depression and turned to food.
    I just let myself go!!!

    About 2 months ago, i woke up and decided that this was it. I needed to change and take care of myself.

    So currently im doing P90X on day 10,, i find it very challenging but im very focused on doing this.
    Good luck to all of you on your journeys!!!
    Please feel free to add me, im on my fitness pal everyday, (my husband says im addicted lol)
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Christine! I'm 25 (Almost 26?!) and a SAHM of a beautiful 18 mo bouncing boy! I'm also a low carber, a runner, and a serious devotee to Jillian Michaels and Billy Blanks. I'm on this journey to stay in recovery from a life long struggle with eating disordered behavior, and to make sure I'm around as long as possible for hubby and our son. I'm nearly halfway to my goal weight and have never felt this good about myself, or this optimistic about my life. I love new friends, and am here every day, multiple times a day with an open diary, so feel free to add away!
  • leoniemaree
    leoniemaree Posts: 23 Member
    Hi my name is Leoniemaree, I live in Australia, I am a sahm to a 15yr old step son and a 5 yr old boy Tyler, since my tyler was born I have neglected myself (putting everyone else first), well now Tyler has just started school and I had my 39th birthday last week and its like omg I will be 40 next year! So I have to take drastic actions and try and loose 25kgs to start with, so I have started writing everything I eat and been walking and started doing yoga, also doing some light weighs, my biggest hurdles is my husband he is very overweight and loves junk food I have no hope of converting him, but I told him he is not to eat crisps, chocolate ect in front of me. I joined this group about 12 months ago but only lasted a few days, this time I have been doing it for 4 days and:smile: this time I am determined to really try for my health and children:smile:
  • MzAngel84
    MzAngel84 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Angel wife and mother of two. I have a 7y/o daugther and my son will be 4 in two days. My hub is in the military, we are currently stationed in Bucharest, Romania. My hub & I are originally from St. Louis MO, But our kids know So Cal as their home. Fitness has always been apart of my life but after having but my kids I didnt take it as seriously as I use to. Dec 2011 I weighed in at 155, and as of today i weigh in at 126. My goal is to get down to 112-117, Im 5'1 so that would be perfect. As of almost 4 weeks ago I have started a bodybuilding workout to get the look that I hope for very fit and lean and yes with muscle. I have always had an natural athletic body type so this isn't new to me. Fitness modeling is what I hope to accomplish, going pro with it is not what I really want to do. But being able to be a personal training to someone is :-) I can't is not in my vocabulary. Hoping to make friends that are the same.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Hi! I'm so glad I found this group....I'm Jen. I am a stay at home and a work at home mom of 2 boys, 10 and 6. So in a nutshell, I have a home office to satisfy my employer and never ever ever have to go into work. Best of both worlds! I live in a suburb of Chicago.

    I have always been involved in sports and dance but as I get older (I'm 35) I cannot treat my body like I'm in my 20s anymore so every day is a journey.

    I hate the gym so I do home work outs, and run when the weather permits. CW 142, GW 125 Motivation, my wedding anniversary trip in November. I want to wear a bikini and feel confident about it.
  • laurar428
    laurar428 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm Laura and a SAHM of 3 children. I have a 4, 3 and 1 year old:). I'm trying to find balance in taking care of myself and being a good mommy:) I am focused on getting back in shape and losing the last 15lbs of baby weight.
  • LoveFitNation
    LoveFitNation Posts: 43 Member
    Hi - I'm Kalina....

    I am very new to MFP - so I started looking at groups to find people and this one was def one that caught my attention :)...I am a SAHM of two amazing yet insane boys (3 and 1)... I used to be a collegiate athlete, then after graduation, I wanted to be as far away from the gym as possible...had both of my boys and realized that my muscle was not muscle anymore :( I have recently started lifting again and eating clean...I am right now following Jamie Eason LiveFit program - it's all about eating clean every 2-3 hours a day (protein and complex carb) and getting muscle on your body so that you can get your metabolism back up...It has been hard trying to find time to work out but luckily I have an amazing husband that helps and supports me...now I just need to shed some of these pounds!!