I know you can't spot reduce but...

osualex Posts: 409 Member
Is there anything I can do about my thighs?! Since starting lifting, I've lost 2 inches from my waist (30 to 28, so it's not like I have many more to lose) and an inch from my bust, but barely anything from my hips and thighs and they're starting to look...disproportionate? I know I have to lose fat all over, so I am continuing to eat right and lift, but even though I know it's unlikely, I'm scared I'll lose all this weight and just have ridiculous-looking hips and thighs. Aside from liposuction, is there anything I can do at all?

Also I know this is a crazy question as well, but the other day I was squatting and the trainer told me to do light weight, high reps to slim down and that what I was doing would make muscles bigger. I ignored him and continued on (because I know it would defy the laws of physics for my body to actually gain significant muscles on a deficit) and I knew he was WRONG...he was wrong right??? Of course in my head I know this but looking at my thighs I am starting to think twice!


    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    When did you start lifting? I'm not an expert, but the term newbie gains might apply. That's when you can gain a small amount of muscle in a deficit because you are new to lifting.

    However, I wouldn't reduce your weight and increase the reps (I doubt the trainer in question would ever give this advice to a man so why should it apply to women?). Fat will go from your legs eventually and reveal a beautiful musculature.

    If you undertrain your legs you are much more likely to end up with a disproportionate body imo.

    I'm sure others can give you a much more detailed explanation though.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You cannot spot reduce, genetics will decide where your body holds onto fat.

    How lean are you overall, do you know your body fat %? There is no point trying to address stubborn areas until you are already pretty lean 10-12% range for males 20% for females.

    AS a female you will not gain significant muscle mass in a calorie deficit, squat heavy, your thighs will lean out eventually it will just take a bit longer than the rest of you.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.

    It is frustrating, we've all been there. Everyone has areas that they lose fat in slower than others, and it has to do with the composition of the fat cells themselves. Nothing you can do about it, just work hard and focus on the positives.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.

    It is frustrating, we've all been there. Everyone has areas that they lose fat in slower than others, and it has to do with the composition of the fat cells themselves. Nothing you can do about it, just work hard and focus on the positives.

    Yep! My body is constantly burning fat from places other than my stomach, where its needed the most. :ohwell:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Why do you start by saying you know you can't spot reduce, and then ask how to spot reduce?
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Why do you start by saying you know you can't spot reduce, and then ask how to spot reduce?

    Because even though she knows the right answer, there is this little bit hope that there really is a way. I think everyone has gone through that from time to time. The trainers comments didn't help either. Even though those comments were not accurate.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Why do you start by saying you know you can't spot reduce, and then ask how to spot reduce?

    Because even though she knows the right answer, there is this little bit hope that there really is a way. I think everyone has gone through that from time to time. The trainers comments didn't help either. Even though those comments were not accurate.

    ^^THIS. Plus, it'd be nice to wear jeans that fit and not feel like I'm looking in a funhouse mirror every time I look at my body.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Why do you start by saying you know you can't spot reduce, and then ask how to spot reduce?

    Because even though she knows the right answer, there is this little bit hope that there really is a way. I think everyone has gone through that from time to time. The trainers comments didn't help either. Even though those comments were not accurate.

    That fair, and I suppose I came off sounding rude (for that I apologize). Are you seeing results, even if they aren't where you want them? Keep doing what you're doing.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Why do you start by saying you know you can't spot reduce, and then ask how to spot reduce?

    Because even though she knows the right answer, there is this little bit hope that there really is a way. I think everyone has gone through that from time to time. The trainers comments didn't help either. Even though those comments were not accurate.

    ^^THIS. Plus, it'd be nice to wear jeans that fit and not feel like I'm looking in a funhouse mirror every time I look at my body.

    It can be frustrating when you know you are doing the right things. However, like others have said, we don't get to pick where we lose fat from, our genetics determines that. Keep at it! You'll see those results eventually.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.

    Honestly I think the most frustrating part about getting leaner is that the "problem areas" tend to stick out more. I swear my love handles weren't this bad when I was 10% higher in the bodyfat scale, but since it's the place holding the most fat they look awful now. It'll get there :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.

    Honestly I think the most frustrating part about getting leaner is that the "problem areas" tend to stick out more. I swear my love handles weren't this bad when I was 10% higher in the bodyfat scale, but since it's the place holding the most fat they look awful now. It'll get there :flowerforyou:

    I find the same thing. I am not sure whether its because I am just more self critical and hyper aware of the areas that need to improve or whether they really are more noticeable. We are often out own worst critics.

    OP - as others have said, hang in there. I have exactly the same thing - my butt and thighs lose at a slower rate than the rest of me. I actually need to take more recent measurements but the last time I took them I had lost more off my waist than my butt, which is not logical as my butt had/has a lot more to lose proportionally. Unfortunately where fat comes from does not follow logic or preference but genetics. Hang in there, keep losing BF and keep lifting - you will get there.

    Oh, and you did well to ignore the trainer! Where do they get this crap from?
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Ugh....yeah, like others have said....you just have to keep at it and wait it out. I also carry my weight in my butt/thighs...they are (and have always been) larger than the rest of me. I've noticed that as I get lower and lower BF%, it is coming off. Slowly....but it is.
    Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do about the genetics we were dealt.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'm with you. Thighs are very last to go. You still have 11 pounds to g, right? At least some of that HAS to come off the thighs?

    But yeah, you might reach a point where you feel your upper body is "too skinny" while your lower body is still "too fat". I have before. You've just got to reach a middle ground some where. You aren't "disproportionate". There are a LOT of women built like you and I. If anything it's "normal". However, I've also found that building up muscle in my upper body (shoulders especially) helps balance out the fat in my thighs.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies, I guess I will just have to be patient. I'm starting to think I'll get a six pack before my thighs go down!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies, I guess I will just have to be patient. I'm starting to think I'll get a six pack before my thighs go down!

    You might. I have a "hint of abs" and fat thighs.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies, I guess I will just have to be patient. I'm starting to think I'll get a six pack before my thighs go down!

    You might. I have a "hint of abs" and fat thighs.

    I have the same thing. You are right as well regarding the getting almost 'too thin' on one part in order to try to hang in there to wait for the fat to go from another - I am starting to worry that I will get in that category myself soon - not that I am too thin by any stretch of the imagination ...just worried that I may end up having to get thinner than *I* like in some places.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I'm 29% BF according to online calculators. I know the fat will eventually go away, but it's frustrating going hard at the gym and not seeing them budge one bit, while the rest of my body seems to be losing just fine. They are getting stronger, just not smaller at all.

    It is frustrating, we've all been there. Everyone has areas that they lose fat in slower than others, and it has to do with the composition of the fat cells themselves. Nothing you can do about it, just work hard and focus on the positives.

    Yep! My body is constantly burning fat from places other than my stomach, where its needed the most. :ohwell:

    Ha we have the same "issue" then. Whenever I see the "you can't spot reduce" threads I always laugh to myself that I'm doing a great job at spot reducing. I am reducing absolutely everywhere EXCEPT my stomach. :laugh:

    It probably doesn't help that measurements of the fattest area of my stomach are also so prone to variation with how much food or water I've consumed. It's easy to see whether or not my thighs/calves/bust have all changed, but hard to get measurements I actually feel confident about for my waist and belly. Oh well, I figure it'll be the last place the fat goes from. It is what it is.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies, I guess I will just have to be patient. I'm starting to think I'll get a six pack before my thighs go down!

    You might. I have a "hint of abs" and fat thighs.

    I have the same thing. You are right as well regarding the getting almost 'too thin' on one part in order to try to hang in there to wait for the fat to go from another - I am starting to worry that I will get in that category myself soon - not that I am too thin by any stretch of the imagination ...just worried that I may end up having to get thinner than *I* like in some places.

    Exact same sentiment echoed here. I'm actually starting to see a four pack now ... but those thighs are still stubbornly clinging to their fat. Giving insanity a go - maybe that whole-body compound kind of workout will increase blood flow and somehow help get that fat out of the thighs and into the blood stream?
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    Covert Bailey (who has BF tested 8 gazillion people) has observed that in women the thighs start to thin noticeably at about 18% BF, so that's probably a reasonable place to expect it.