Hi my name is.........



  • unidiverse
    My name is Jaclyn. I work part-time at a church. I have 4 boys (17, 14, 9, 5) who keep me pretty busy. I have been running after work...sometimes outside, but mostly on my treadmill. I am working my way up to 5 miles without having to walk, right now I can do 3 miles. I like to workout after work because that is when I have most of my snack attacks. I would like to lose 40 pounds but would be happy at 30 pounds.
  • crimsonkurls
    crimsonkurls Posts: 17 Member
    I am Kristina, I am a 30 year old mom to a 3 year old girl ! I work 2-3 nights a week and stay home the rest of the time :) I started my weight loss journey in February of 2012 with weight watchers and lost 18 pounds. I started at 175 and ended at 157.I got too comfortable and started back in my old habits.........why,oh why?!!!! I got back up to 164 and started noticing my jeans fitting tight again! So I am here now.I should add that for quite a while MFP helped me maintain my weight loss,but when you stop logging,you stop losing right? I am ready to lose another 18 lbs. and get my body to a healthy weight.I am sick of being in the "overweight" category. I am also battling a lot of emotional eating issues.But I am ready this time and it is getting easier as I start to see a difference.
    I am looking forward to getting to know each of you!
  • cbeckl
    cbeckl Posts: 79
    Hi my name is Christy. I am 33 and mother to 2 beautiful girls ages 3 & 6. I work full-time as a RN in a busy Gastroenterology practice. I started looking closer at my own diet after giving diet recommendations to patients. I wanted to practice what I preach to be able to give better insight to my patients. I can see the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise daily and want to ensure I am not only fit and healthy but to ensure my family is as well. We are a very active and outdoorsy family. I want my girls to realize that self worth comes from fitness, good eating and healthy lifestyles and not being "super skinny stick figures".
  • hamer007
    hamer007 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi my name is Candace. I have two beautiful children. A two and a half year old son, and a three month old daughter. I gained over 100 lbs while pregnant with my first, which is insane I know. I lost quite a bit but not all before getting pregnant with my daughter. I have lost 43 pounds since she was born. I now have 37 pounds to lose to get to my pre pregnancy's weight. I have been using the bowflex treadclimber about 4 times a week and trying to eat about 1200 calories and that seems to be working so far. Always looking for new tips and recipes!
  • shanoa20
    shanoa20 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello there everyone:)
    I am Shanoa a SAHM and full time student. My daughter is soon to be 13!!! yikes but she is joining me on my journey and her support really helps me stay motivated.
    Five years ago I was at my biggest, 230 at 5 foot 6. In the last few years I have gotten down to 160, but I am now at 168:( and want to get to my goal of.....145\150 depending how I feel at when I get there...
    I have started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I am on day 3 and boy can I feel it, not only in my muscles but in my attitude as well:) It feels really good to be doing something about myself for once and I KNOW THAT THIS WILL BE THE SUMMER I WILL LOOK GOOD IN A BATHING SUIT! Even if it is a one piece!
    After the 30 days are up, only 27 left! I will be starting back up with power90 and I hope I can complete the whole 90 days, that has always been my issue, the 90 days seems like forever.... but if I can do the 30 days I can do it 3 more times!
    Getting my family involved has really been helpful to me, I can buy the health stuff now. So either they like it or they quit complaining and it helps me stay on track when I don’t have to buy different foods to keep everyone happy :)
    Anyway I am so glad to be here and I hope to hear from some of you if I am not posting on MFP (my fitness pal) everyday!
    Good luck and let’s get sexy! lol
  • MzzA5
    MzzA5 Posts: 1
    Hi All......

    My name is Maya and I'm a working mommy and mother of four (12, 5 and 2 year old twins). I'm hoping to join to get motivation as I'm just starting this journey to take control before I'm really gone. I'm about 5'3" and 160lbs. but working to lose about 25 lbs and keep it off. I was previously a committed exerciser but my health and life has taken control and I'm struggling to get back in the game. This is the largest I've been my entire life so it is that time!!!

    Weight lost time.....I'm joining a local gym this week and will be getting a trainer for about 5 weeks just to get me started. Good luck to everyone and hope to get to know you all!!
  • Cinabean
    Cinabean Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, group. My name is Carrie. I'm 39 years old. I have two boys, 16 and 9. I work from home, so am a stay-at-home mom, too. I don't make much money right now, but it works for us at this phase in our lives.

    I'm tired of the way I look. I'm tired of having low self-esteem. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and thinking "ew." I'm tired of...well, you get the idea. I'm now about 5' 7" (used to be taller but had spinal fusion surgery) and weigh about 175 (it goes up and down daily by a pound or two).

    For the last month and a half, I've been working hard on working hard. Yoga, jogging, ab segment videos, gym visits while the kids have classes, that sort of thing. I do feel better (I did 3 miles the other day w/out collapsing in a heap)...but still feel like Jabba the Hut.

    I signed on to this website for motivation and to feel less alone. Working from home leaves me pretty isolated. I'm also not the most extroverted person in the world, so this whole "reaching out" thing is very new to me. I figured I'd give it a try, though, b/c going it alone was leaving me too easily frustrated. I hope to meet new people and make some friends and have company on this journey, to share the good days and the bad.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM of 2 kids. One will be 3 in June and the other will be 1 in a week (yikes!!). I'm glad I found this group (thx to Denise). I've only recently become more comfortable in my body. I gained almost 80lbs with my last pregnancy and the extra weight made me feel horrible. I always felt tired and had heartburn/indigestion 24/7. I've lost 25 pounds in the last 9 months and I'd like to lost 10-15lbs more.

    But honestly, I haven't really been paying attention to the scale as much as I used to. I'm hoping to lose more body fat and to get stronger. I plan on lifting more and cutting down on cardio. Weaning myself off cardio is gonna be hard. I'm a little addicted to the endorphins.