Need some help/encouragment!

MJO7164 Posts: 10 Member
Hi...I am new to MFP and trying to lose 15 to 20 pounds before June 2013. According to the med charts, I am overweight. I'm 5'4" and weigh 147. I used to weigh 123 and loved the way I felt, but with menopause now a part of my life, cannot get the extra pounds off. Am trying the 1200 calories and will work out on the treadmill 3 days per week, but in the past, this didn't seem to help. If you have any suggestions, let me know....please! Not much time before the summer is upon us!


  • LisaO85
    LisaO85 Posts: 152
    I am 5' 4" and currently weigh 152. According to the BMI charts I am overweight but I know they don't take in muscle vs. fat so I try not to think about that to much. I do know that I have a belly that I can't get rid of and that is my ultimate goal.

    I know what you mean about the menopause, my metabolism has come to a stop. I tried just sticking to the calorie count and not eating back my exercise calories but I was way to hungry. From what I have been reading 1200 is awfully low so I know eat back at least 2/3 if not all my exercise calories.

    Besides the treadmill you should try some weight training, it will help blast calories along with the cardio you do. Feel free to add me if you want sometime to take this journey with you.
  • lilvonne80
    lilvonne80 Posts: 24 Member
    Try hanging out at the EM2LW group on here, eating 1200 is not going to get you where you need to be. You need to fuel your body is is why you have plateaued. Also lift some weights! muscle burns more calories than fat.
  • MJO7164
    MJO7164 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for responding! I'll try to buckle down with the cardio and add the weights as you suggested. I'll keep you posted and yes, I'll add you if I can figure out how!!:smile::smile:
  • MJO7164
    MJO7164 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you and yes I would like to journey with you if I can figure out how to add you!! So its weights and cardio 3x's a I come.!! :smile:
  • Laurascalderon

    I'm sort of a Dr. Oz fan... I love the man.. Lol I was reading your post and I see the same thing on my mom, you might want to get your hormones checked because I've seen him say several times that sometimes the weight won't come off because of a hormone imbalance and once you get it regulated the pounds will melt off.

    Best of luck!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    Lifting weights really helps. If you don't know how to work out with weights or your bodyweight, look up I love this site and it designs weight routines based on your goals. I did mine yesterday and am deliciously sore today.

    Another thing to realize is that while you may not be losing weight, you might be losing fat. I haven't lost any weight in the past week, but my waist is down half an inch. :D