How long did it take you to lose it all?or didn't you?

trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
o.k. people just a quick question out there!

After your various surgeries how long did it take you to get to your "normal" body weight(25 bmi)? or did you never get there?


  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    15 months
    Current BMW 25
    Bf% 9.3
    Have not had band tightened since September and can consume major calories if exercising loads but all tightens up if not.

    Getting there lady in red
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    About 8 months post surgery - Start weight 320...normal BMI 174 current weight 160 date 3/5/12...weight day of surgery 280.
  • mommycline
    mommycline Posts: 106 Member
    10 months
  • sapl31
    sapl31 Posts: 72 Member
    I had gasteric bypass on 2/7/12. I reached my goal of 135 on 11/15/12.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    10 months
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I am nearing my five month mark since I had my gastric bypass and I am at a BMI of 27.8. I predict I will reach the 25 mark by August, which means I did it in 11 months. My BMI the morning of my surgery was 40.9.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Had sleeve surgery 6/11/12 and on 2/11/13 hit healthy bmi at 144, so 8 months after sleeve surgery. Hit surgeon's goal back in Nov or Dec 2012. At 137 currently, would like to get to 130 for my 5'4" height and then maintain.
    Good luck!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    thx for all the replys and you are ALL doing so brill well done x :flowerforyou:
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    9 months post surgery.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Lapband installed 6/28/12 - start weight 273 - bmi 49.9, weight today 183.8 bmi 33.6, Healthy BMI weight 136. First goal to be at bmi 30 - overweight 163. I have lost 89 pounds, 34.5lbs prior to surgery. Been at this since 1/2/12
  • 130down
    130down Posts: 21 Member
    it took me about 12 months after RNY.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    THANX guys keep all the those figure coming i love hearing this! :flowerforyou:
  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    10 months TO THE DAY!
  • Hi,
    I am new here. I had lap band surgery on 2/28/13 and I have lost 10 lbs so far. Just wanted to introduce myself. I love reading all the success stories and can't wait to post a few of my own.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • well I am 10 months out on the 9th of March and I have lost a good deal of my weight over 100 lbs and I have under 40 lbs to go so I am doing good
  • Slickerb
    Slickerb Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Had my RNY on 24 Jan 12. Took me 8 months to the day to hit a "normal" BMI, and I couldn't believe it happend so fast. I was fully prepared for it to take 1 1/2 years to reach that point.
  • I'm 3 months out of surgery and I'm so scared I'm not going to lose the amount of weight that I want. I'm kinda stuck at 84 pounds... ugh!!
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    I hope that I can be as successful as some of you. I am three months out and have lost 75 pounds (some before surgery, some after), but still have 95 pounds to go. If I keep losing 10 or so pounds a month, I should be there by my one year surgeriversary. Here's to hoping!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I am 6-1/2 months post surgery, have exceeded my surgeons goal by 13 pounds, and am 12 pounds from my own personal target. But I'll still be considered overweight according to BMI. I would have to lose almost another 40 pounds to hit a "normal" BMI, and that just won't ever happen.

    But if there were some magic way to "lock in" my current weight without losing any more (or gaining), I would do so in a heartbeat. I'm already wearing clothes sizes I haven't seen since high school, and feel better and am more active than I have been in years.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Hey girlie.....

    I am 2 years 5 months and 13 days post surgical.

    I stopped loosing at 2 years out. The first 18 months it seemed to come pretty easily then it just progressed s l o w l y!! I never really had a true goal. I figured I'd just work it a 110% and see what happened. When I reached abut 130 lbs the Doctors were like OK, this is good. But in my mind I was thinking really???? I have only been doing this for how many months and you want me to change what I have so diligently practiced. So I just kept on doing what I knew and learned to do. I also had that fear of bounce back weight, I have been told by so many it is normal to gain like 10-15% back. So in my mind the more I lost, if I did have the bounce back weight I'd still look and feel proud of my efforts, sacrifices and life style change.

    Unbeknownst to me, did I realize I'd end up with this body dismorphic disorder. I have no clue what I really look like. I know my face, but my body just don't match. I look in the mirror and so many times I see my thunder thighs starring back at me. I will go clothes shopping and try something on and think OMG my thighs look ginormous and the sales ladies are looking at me like I am insane!!!!!!!! I kept a size 24 jeans I use to wear and get them out when I have those days that aren't so well. I compare them to my 00's , yes, I said double zero, to confirm that yes I have lost a 148 lbs. I even kept a pair of my granny panties, and compare them to my panties now....LOL....It is a wicked game....LOL

    I weigh a 105 lbs now, something I would of never dreamed would be possible. I am the smallest I have ever been in my adult and teen years. One of my school teachers said I have not been this size since second grade...LOL

    So my answer would be 2 years it took me to get my 148 lbs off.