New to the group and newly diagnosed

I am so happy to have found this group. I was just diagnosed with PCOS last month. My husband and I had been trying for 9 months to get pregnant and I had changed insurance thinking for sure in 2013 we would have a baby and my husband has more expensive but better coverage than I do along with a free clinic that the School district he works at provides. So I was changing my Blood Presure medication over to this DR since prescriptions are free. Well when visting her she saw all of the symptoms of PCOS in me including the fact that I gained 30 lbs after going off of birth control even though I was trying to watch what I ate and was working out.
I am happy I am now equipt with the knowledge that I need to have a low carb diet, and that I am now being treated for PCOS (I am taking Metformin to combate it) But I am lacking the support from people who understand what it feels like to have a condition that contributs to Infirtility when the thing you want most in life is a child. So hoping to find support here and also offer support. Share diet and exersise tips and share food plans that work for everyone.


  • LoveFitNation
    LoveFitNation Posts: 43 Member
    I'm new to this site also - was diagnosed with PCOS in dec 2008... At that time my husband and I had been trying for close to two years - I found out after having an early miscarriage - when they did an ultrasound they found the "strand of pearls" in my ovaries...very soon after though I was able to get pregnant with our first son...I took metformin for awhile - have you found that it helps with anything?? I remember feeling a little more balanced - not as many headaches and stuff - I'm thinking about getting back on it...I'm also working on diet stuff right now - getting a little lost in it all - have you found anything to work?? Right now I am eating clean every 3 hours (complex carb and protein) but I'm not shedding any pounds - I have lost inches though so who knows...
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    That's great to hear that you were able to have a baby shortly after finding out about your PCOS. I have noticed some improvements since starting on Metformin about a month ago, I am no longer hungry all of the time, I'm not as tired, I have lost 19 lbs but I do workout alot and watch what I eat closely. I have close to a 33/33/33 diet 33% fat, 33% protien, 33% carbs (Coming from Fruits Vegetables, and Complex carbs such as quinoa, whole wheat couscous, and Farro and my little treat ever once in awhile (Dark chocolate berry juice from Costco or Trader Joes). Also this last cycle was about 32-34 days (Not sure if my period came on the 13th or 15th in January) and I was on a 38-40 day cycle so I am seeing my cycle get more normal. In a few months I will start testing for ovulation, and taking my tempurature so that if I have to go to a fertility specialist I can go in with that information. I do have the expectations that we will have to go on Clomid in 6 months whcih I figure isn't a bad expectation takes a lot of pressure off of these next 6 months.

    I'll add you I allow my friends to see my daily food diary. Good Luck.
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    I think you are well on your way to success! It sounds like you're very aware of your body and in charge of your habits, and with a doctor's help I just know you'll get this under control.

    I struggle with other symptoms of PCOS besides weight (mostly acne, hair problems, and crazy fatigue), and I'm not currently ttc (maybe next year though!), but I can still support you and I do understand how frustrating and difficult this syndrome is!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Thanks! I hear you with struggling with the Hair Problems and Fatigue, I have struggled with those, the Fatigue has greatly reduced since going on the Metformin, along with acne which I haven't struggled a whole lot with sometimes more than others but I have noticed my skin much smoother and not getting that regular pimple pop up some place on my face as often. Thanks for the support it's so nice to have people who understand what you are going through.
  • juliepoe208
    juliepoe208 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I remember having a hard time getting pregnant. Both my boys were born 7 years apart and when I got pregnant finally not trying and drinking at that brief moment (out of fun: once at age 21, and once on my honeymoon for a full week at age 28) that finally got me pregnant. But I remember thinking it was completely me and it was all my fault and never knew what was wrong with me until I was diagnosed with PCOS only 5 years ago. I never understood why I was so sick during that time of the month for years and in so much pain for years and missing and inconsistent all those years. Last year on Feb 22nd, they had to do a complete hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries, kept the cervix, because my ovaries were so full of cysts and the cysts had gone into the uterus lining that after the hysterectomy, they sent it to be tested only for me to request a copy of my report from the surgeon for me to find the diagnosis of pre cancerous cells listed. So, needless to say I remember what it was like and being on Metformin for a long time to control it, gaining so much weight so fast in a short period of time because of it all and being so devastated at it all, taking my self esteem downwards.
    Hang in there, I still deal with the hair issues on the face (not to the extremes it was), but that never goes away. Keep the sugar levels down, because that is generally what sets off the PCOS is the insulin levels and the sugars (that is what the doctors finally explained to me even if you do not have diabetes as I always watched my sugar for the most part). If you watch the sugars, the carbs (as they turn into sugars), and the calories down between 1200-1500 (your body maybe different but I am guessing probably similar situation), that may help you to be on a "healthy" path for now and to help lose some weight. It may not be fast (as it still is not with me), but going down is going down and that is what we have to look forward to since PCOS makes it that much harder for us women. A lot of people who don't have PCOS or have NEVER experienced PCOS, do not understand. They just think if you eat right and exercise, that is your answer and it isn't just the answer for us!! It is more to it than that for us.
    I wish you luck and the best and you are more than welcome to request me if you would like as a support. :-)