
well weighed in today and didn't loose a pound this week. i am really frustrated, with this. i have eaten better in the past week then i have in my life, I have kept to the gym for at least 3 days a week, i am drinking my water, and i am eating mostly right. I don't know what i expected but very disapointed. :sad:


  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    DONT GIVE UP! Its common to have a week with no weight might have to adjust alittle more in the diet. Hang in there!!! keep working at it and it will pay off!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Sometimes I think it's just your body saying, "Wait a minute...what's going on?", and it need a chance to adjust. Keep going and you'll win!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Where are you in your cycle. Some women only see loss on the scale one week out of the month. But that drop can be significant. Watch your measurements and how your clothes are fitting.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I agree that it could be that time of month... you could also be gaining muscle :)
  • lol it can' tbe that time of month for me, i had a total hystorcmy in 2010 due to cancer...sooooooo i know it isn't that, but i am not going to give up, and i appricate all of you with all you support and love, i will watch other things, like clothes and how i feel. Thank you so much for everything.
    feel free to add me...
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    lol it can' tbe that time of month for me, i had a total hystorcmy in 2010 due to cancer...sooooooo i know it isn't that, but i am not going to give up, and i appricate all of you with all you support and love, i will watch other things, like clothes and how i feel. Thank you so much for everything.
    feel free to add me...

    Mary, Just looked at your food diary and maybe your sodium is making your retain more water. Maybe try to keep your daily amount a bit lower?
  • since i found out in jan. do to a stroke caused by high blood pressure, I cut out using salt, I use mrs. Dash and don't drink even diet soda, loaded with salt, I was shocked, drank alot of soda, been drinking water and now i am finally losing weight, also watching my carbs and chos. tried all kind of things to lose, nothing worked, so if you drink alot of soda, stop and leave salt alone, see what happens after a week, you may add me if you like, I am learning like you, trial and error I'm finding out.
  • LaserMum
    LaserMum Posts: 133
    There's a similar thread recently on another forum and the general consensus there was that the weight loss doesn't come off in a straight line graph. Every now and then, you plateau and, so long as you continue doing as you're doing, the weight loss will continue again. One poster said that it was during the plateaus that he noticed his shape changing.
    Hope this helps.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Your sodium intake seems very high, try and cut that back, and see if it was making you hold water?
  • you know now that everyone is saying that i have felt swollen, i sit at a desk all day and when the day is over my ankles look swollen, but seems like all the good things to eat is full of sodium.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    I know what you are saying about all the good things are high in sodium. Try cutting out the added salt and cut back on foods that are high in sodium. I have noticed that I do best when I avoid fast food, I was eating a lot more fast food than I should when I was living alone and with just my daughter. When she wasn't around to cook for it was just easier to head to one of the fast food restaurants than to cook for myself.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Mary, I too looked at your food diary. what I see is what others saw... High sodium.. But I also noticed something else. You seem to alternate days of high sodium one day then the next sodium will be down, but your carbs will be over 200, and back and forth. There seems to be a pattern here. I would suggest lower the sodium and the carbs every day, not every other day. Hope this helps
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I know you can do this. Don't get discouraged and don't give up. As others have said, your sodium is up. I see you are eating lunch meat, which is very high in sodium. Are you drinking plenty of water? The swollen ankles would definitely tell me you are retaining the water. You may try to add in more fruits/vegetables and less processed foods. You may want to increase or decrease your caloric intake; maybe that needs a little tweaking. I don't have all the answers, just trying to give you suggestions.
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    be sure you are taking measurements, my scale hasnt moved in over a week but I am down 2 inches in the waist! Scales lie measuring tapes don't especially if you have started working out
  • ncseabrze
    ncseabrze Posts: 6 Member
    My feet and lower legs tend to swell after sitting all day, regardless of how much water I drink. Try to get up and walk around a bit, as often as your job/work allows. Volunteer to run office errands if possible, if you even have any, just to be able to walk some more. Eat fresh foods as often as you can. One thing that has helped me, is to prop my feet up in the evening if I get the chance to actually sit and read or watch TV. If the swelling is real bad, talk to your doctor.