Season 3 - Episode 11 "I Ain't a Judas" (02/24/13)

This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 02/24/13 episode


AMC Sneak Peek:

YouTube Trailer:


  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    Great episode. seems that Woodbury is mobilizing.

    Rick and crew need to act fast before Woodbury civies get trained.

    I think Merle had the outcome right in a confrontation. Woodbury is better equiped and getting better.

    If I were Rick I would return the walker bomb favor to Woodbury. Get a couple more vehicle filled up though and crash their gate in the dead of night and then sneak in there and take out the Gov.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i agree about returning the walker bomb. those people in woodbury may be mobilizing BUT they arent warriors. the governor seems to have went out of his way to make sure there were very few warriors there. those people are not ready to deal with walkers.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Did anyone else think Michonne was doing the Insanity workout during those pushups? :laugh:

    Andrea can't die fast enough for me. She's even surpassed Lori's annoyance factor. I think the Governor would have to hold up a neon sign "I'm a bad man" before she will turn on him. And why the knife? She's always had a gun with her at her hip before. I knew she'd wimp out at the end. But looks like Carol had some thought into what it takes to kill a man. Eff him and kill him. That's pretty badass of Carol. Now that I like Carol, I'm sure she'll die next. I was hoping the Governor would grab Andrea's knife and stab her with it. How bad can a character be when you hope they die before the Governor?
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    That's funny! I thought she was doing the prison cell pushups from P90X - how appropo! Agreed on Andrea...can't stand the bish!
    I thought the conversation between Merle and Hershel was very poignant and a nice change from the usual.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I just can't shake the feeling that Merle's up to something or he's going to let the group down in some way.

    Am I the only one ready to see Mr. Big Talk and his kid from Tyreese's group get a big reality check? Those two have annoyed me from the get-go.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I don't trust Merle either. But it's nice to see him fight for the prison group. And I was surprised he quoted from the Bible. Just like that time in the woods when Darryl said "good Lord am I the only one who is zen around here?..." He knew the word zen, I yelled out to my husband. :laugh:

    The father/son duo from Tyrese's group can die too. I hope Tyrese realizes the Governor is launching an attack on a group that consists mostly of women, a child, and a disabled old man.

    It was cute to see Darryl and Carol interact. I hope the two get together and I hope Carol dyes her gray hair. It bugs me for some reason. :laugh:

    I can't figure out if Andrea knows exactly what happened to Glenna and Maggie. As a viewer, you can only go by what's shown on the screen and it didn't look like she knew what exactly happened to them although she did say 'He beat you up", pointing to Merle. But then again even if she knew, I don't think she would change her mind about the Governor. Every single time I think "once Andrea finds out this bit of news she'll get away from the Governor", she doesn't. Her defense of the Governor was so lame. It was mostly "well Merle is just as bad and Merle did bad things too." That's how kids argue. "Well, he did it too, mom!!"

    If I were Rick, I'd go in there in a sneak attack and take out the Governor and maybe Martinez. Without them, I think Woodbury would fall apart.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I thought the conversation between Carl and Rick was pretty insightful. Appears that Carl has figured it out and thinks that maybe his dear old dad could use a rest. Appears he's growing up. Also liked that Merle was trying to apologize (kind of) to Michonne. Wish she would show some more depth and provide some more answers to her background.
  • wants2lift
    wants2lift Posts: 40 Member
    Andrea can't die fast enough for me.

  • sometimes_blondie
    Michonne finally smiled!!! A sarcastic smile, but a smile none the less! I can understand that Andrea wants to protect the people of Woodbury, but come on! I really hope that she has something up her sleeve. I keep waiting for her to redeem herself and she always disappoints.I though the gov was going to wake up and strangle her.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I'm with you guys. I'm not sure if I trust Merle 100% yet. Although I didn't hate him as much after his conversation with Herschel. I think that Rick and the group need to know what they are up against. It's not just some guy that wants their territory. It's a crazy guy that wants revenge for being embarrassed. If he just killed them all quickly he'd be doing them a favor but you can tell he wants them to suffer before they die.

    I can hardly look at Andrea at this point. I can't believe that her loyalties shifted so quickly from the people that she started off with to the people of Woodbury. After everything that she has seen the Governor do to still crawl into bed with him at night??? Really Andrea?!?!?

    I wish Maggie and Glenn would mend their fences. It makes me sad to see them not being able to be there for each other the way that they were before.

    I was glad to see Tyrone and his group back again. I'm VERY curious to see how all of that dynamic shakes out. I wouldn't be surprised if they side with the Governor. I mean it's not like they were at the prison on the best terms to begin with. Then Rick freaking out and them having to leave in a hurry wouldn't put me in a friendly mood towards that group regardless of who was in it.