Hello... & Anyone here hoping to lose 100+ pounds?

Hello, just joined.. My name is Kelley, I live on the south side (Garfield Park Area). I'm hoping to eventually lose at least 120 pounds, maybe more, I recently had a baby and gained over 60 pounds while pregnant not to mention I was already very over weight to begin with. Before I got pregnant I managed to lose about 60 pounds just from walking an hour a day and counting calories. So hopefully I can do this again! Also I decided to become a vegetarian for two reasons; to help me watch what I eat and because its just something Ive always wanted and I figured now or never. Just wondering if anyone else is trying to lose this amount of weight?


  • Thanks for sending me a friend request. My long term goal would to lose 100 lbs or more.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    My final goal will put me right around 100 pounds... I know there are others here also in that same boat (and some that have lost over 100+ already)
  • curvydivajc
    curvydivajc Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kelley, We live in the same area! I'm new to the group and I have 100 lbs to lose. I'm a HUGE foodie and has some issues with emotional eating. My short term goal is 30 lbs. I've lost 17 so far. Send over a friend request. I was looking for a walking partner a few times a week to walk the trails at Garfield Park.
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    I have already lost 80....but got married and some 30 happy pounds showed up out of no where!!! I want to shed those 30 pounds and then 20 on top of that!!!
  • Hi guys and thanks for the comments! Awesome I would love a walking partner! I'll need to wait for the weather to rise a little, I have a 6 month old that pretty much goes anywhere I do so it needs to be warm enough for her too.. I have a short term goal as well, I'd like to lose the other 45 pounds from being pregnant that I still have.. Lol, I bought a lot of nice clothes after getting down to 235 the first time and now I can't wear any of it! I weigh 280 currently, was 293 at delivery and was at 236 when I found out I was pregnant. Tool me about a year to lose 60 pounds a couple years ago when I first decided to start dieting and counting calories so I'm hoping for a 2 year goal time line. And then I plan to lose a few more pounds before trying for baby#2.
  • Hey! I'm Lindsey. My goal was to lose over 100 pounds. I started my weightloss around 250 and now I'm at 180. So I've lost 70 pounds so far. I'm trying to get somewhere between 145 and 135 depending on how my body looks.
  • tluurtse
    tluurtse Posts: 17 Member
    Hey there! My long-term goal is to lose at least 100 pounds. I've already lost 60 from eating better & exercise, all while using MFP. It has taken me about 8 months to lose that weight. I started at 284. I was in the same spot as you. I was around 240 when I got pregnant & when it was over, I ended up with a baby & 40 pounds. I did lose the 40, but then I had baby #2, & I found the 40 again!! The second time, I waited until #2 was almost 18 months before I started losing the weight. And here I am.

    You will find the motivation. All you have to do is look at your little one & remind yourself she'll be walking soon. Then, before you know it, she'll be running & wanting to play at the park. And keeping up & climbing on the playground equipment will be easier with less weight. Trust me, I did it at 284 & got worn out even though I wouldn't have said I was all that unhealthy.

    Anyway, I work near Fountain Square & if you're ever looking for someone to walk with around lunch time, let me know. Garfield Park isn't too far away for me. Plus, when the baby is fussy, fresh air can be just the thing to calm her! :-)
  • I've been working on my 2 year plan for 200lbs. I'm halfway through & halfway there. You can do this. NW Side here.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    Ive hit my weight loss goal and lost 110lbs. I'm now working on dropping my body fat percentage and trying not to lose any additional weight.

    If I can do this you can do this!
  • thehalls98
    thehalls98 Posts: 12 Member
    My goal is to lose 125. That will get me to a reasonable weight for me. I am not looking to get uber skinny. I just want to be healthy. I am short and most things say my weight needs to be 100-105, but there is NO WAY for me to get that low. I just want to be healthy!
  • lindzann88
    lindzann88 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 150 to 175lbs. At my heaviest I was 345, so losing 175 would put me at 170 (basically half of me lol). I've dropped about 10lbs so far but am having trouble keeping motivated. I've started walking, eating healthy, and counting (some) calories. :)
  • BFarnsworth
    BFarnsworth Posts: 210 Member
    I've droped about 70lbs since I started and got another 75 to go to be where I want. It takes time just dont quit or get discouraged.
  • mgtindall
    mgtindall Posts: 8 Member
    A friend of mine in Virginia lost 108 pounds in 11 months. His before & after photos are quite impressive, He is now building muscle since he lost the weight he wanted to. What he did (and continues to do) is very awesome!
  • I have lost 68 pounds so far, 20 since joining MFP. I have about another 60 I want to lose. I try to eat all fresh foods and no processed foods. I workout 5-6 times a week doing strength training and running.
  • codiak72
    codiak72 Posts: 3
    I live on the west side and my total goal is to lose about 150pounds. Once I get there I will decide if I want to stay there or lose more. Although according to most charts that would still leave me fat...it would be smaller then I have been since....well I can't remember ever being that small.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    welcome to mfp!! this is a great tool and I am working on being disciplined enough to use it! i would also like to loose more than 100lbs! good luck and healthy eating!
  • My goal is to lose at least 100lbs, maybe even more. I started watching my calorie intake and exercising back in August and I have lost 54lbs so far! It feels amazing, thats for sure. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    My goal is to lose at least 100lbs, maybe even more. I started watching my calorie intake and exercising back in August and I have lost 54lbs so far! It feels amazing, thats for sure. Feel free to add me. :)

    Congrats on your loss! I noticed that you said 54 lbs lost, and your ticker only says 14... did you know that you can go in and set previous dates under check in so that you can show your total loss?
    RAINBOWBRITE2016 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a Mom to 2 - just had my baby girl in November and I'm wanting to lose 110+ pounds. I live on the Northeast side of Indianapolis. Feel free to add me :)
  • fallbrawl
    fallbrawl Posts: 72
    overall i am looking to lose 300lbs. I broke that goal down into 100lb sections.