CF 5X a week or CF 3x a week with 2 cardio days??

Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
edited January 15 in Social Groups
Hey all, I am at a crossroad and need some advice.
Today I started my 7th week of Crossfit. I have been going 3xs a week while doing cardio 2xs a week. Last week I started running and I want to get better at it as well. My ultimate goal is to look good naked. I don't care what the scale says. :wink:

I have yet to see any drastic progress. I am wearing all the same clothing. I eat primal/paleo 80/20 and have slowly dropped my calories from about 2000/day to 1600/day. I do not eat back my exercise calories and I very rarely have a cheat meal. I also try to drink a gallon of water a day and eat raw twice a week for 2 days.

My question is do I up my CF to 5xs a week or keep doing what I am doing to see more results? I know this is going to take time, but I also need to stay motivated.

Any advice would be appreciated. Also, I LOVE Crossfit and I despise running.


  • Scar1964
    Scar1964 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey all, I am at a crossroad and need some advice.
    Today I started my 7th week of Crossfit. I have been going 3xs a week while doing cardio 2xs a week. Last week I started running and I want to get better at it as well. My ultimate goal is to look good naked. I don't care what the scale says. :wink:

    I have yet to see any drastic progress. I am wearing all the same clothing. I eat primal/paleo 80/20 and have slowly dropped my calories from about 2000/day to 1600/day. I do not eat back my exercise calories and I very rarely have a cheat meal. I also try to drink a gallon of water a day and eat raw twice a week for 2 days.

    My question is do I up my CF to 5xs a week or keep doing what I am doing to see more results? I know this is going to take time, but I also need to stay motivated.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Also, I LOVE Crossfit and I despise running.
    Found this, maybe it helps. Good Luck.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Or crossfit 3 times a week and power lifting 3 times a week. lol

    Just me I guess.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    For me I will do two exercises a day: Running/Swimming/Bicycling and then CF. At CF I sometime do the powerlifting with WOD.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Hey all, I am at a crossroad and need some advice.
    Today I started my 7th week of Crossfit. I have been going 3xs a week while doing cardio 2xs a week. Last week I started running and I want to get better at it as well. My ultimate goal is to look good naked. I don't care what the scale says. :wink:

    I have yet to see any drastic progress. I am wearing all the same clothing. I eat primal/paleo 80/20 and have slowly dropped my calories from about 2000/day to 1600/day. I do not eat back my exercise calories and I very rarely have a cheat meal. I also try to drink a gallon of water a day and eat raw twice a week for 2 days.

    My question is do I up my CF to 5xs a week or keep doing what I am doing to see more results? I know this is going to take time, but I also need to stay motivated.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Also, I LOVE Crossfit and I despise running.
    Found this, maybe it helps. Good Luck.

    oh good article! I have struggled with this as well, but bottom line it comes down to your goals:

    -if you are doing any endurance events (tough mudder, marathons, etc) than you could benefit from an additional "running" day in addition to crossfit since it doesnt focus on just running

    -if you are looking to increase your lifts, you should focus on crossfitting more with attention on the lifting aspects

    -if you want to look good naked, you should focus on crossfitting more since it gets you more bang for your buck than just running or doing cardio alone.

    That being said, cleaning up your diet to more than 80/20 may be the other answer rather than just focusing on the exercising.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I do CF 2 x week and lift/HIIT on the other 4 x days. I would love to CF 6 x days a week but can't afford it.
    If you hate running then don't do it.
    I do 5x5 stronglifts and then do basic WOD's afterwards if I have the time/energy.
    Why don't you clean up your diet and focus 100% primal/paleo for a month and see how you feel?
    Good luck.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    I do both. I crossfit 5 days per week and run 2-3, but I love running which is why I add it in on top of crossfit. I'm a former marathon runner who after qualifying for Boston needed a new challenge so I started crossfitting. I usually double up at least one day per week so I have one complete rest day each week. That being said some of thebest athletes at my box don't do anything but crossfit and they look amazing.

    I agree with those who said focus on your diet, I was 80/20 paleo for the last 6 months and didn't see huge results until I went strict Paleo this month and those last stubborn 5 lbs finally came off.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    Crossfit done right = cardio. Add more running to your WOD if you want. Even for long distance efforts you do not need lots of volume. HIIT training is no joke
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    If I'm training for a race--CF 2x a week, run 3x a week (one long run, 1 shorter run, 1 intervals run)

    If I'm training for competition or something else--CF 3x a week, run 1-2 times a week

    I love running, so I work it in according to what I'm training for.
  • bump
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I crossfit 5x a week (all workdays). Sometimes I think your body will just tell you when it needs a break....yesterday I overslept for the first time and missed my morning class lol....but I was already on my 4th in a row becasue I had added last Sunday's WOD as a bonus. Today I went back and felt awesome and ended up setting a PR for my 50 burpees in 4:01.

    But that is my initial plan - 5x a week crossfit, I play hockey Thursday, Saturday and Sunday nights and I've thrown in running at lunch - just 3 miles or so. This week I was so exhausted Monday I just walked the three miles and then I ran Wednesday. You just gotta play with what works for you I think. I'll push until my body is like umm...excuse me can we take a break?

    I think if you're just wanting to look good naked, crossfit 5x a week is the way to go, but I'm wanting to drop weight (and I'm not completely spot on with my food all the time) so I have to add all this extra crap in.

    PS - if you despise running, I'd say you need to find something else because you won't want to do it lol
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    I LOVE CF and would just do that, but my primary goal is fat loss (I have a LOT to lose :grumble: ) so my trainer says any extra aside from the 2-3x/week I do the wods needs to be cardio. So, I'm walking/running a lot. C'est la vie.
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