Time for YOU ...

dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
I think this is one of the most difficult struggles for working moms. We already have the "work guilt" going on because we're not home for the kids as much as we'd like to be. So any personal time on top of that feels selfish, especially when there are a hundred things at home to be done! When I first started exercising regularly, I would only do it at 5 am when the kids were sleeping. As the years have progressed, I've started taking/teaching a class here or go for a run on a weekend day...

Sometimes taking that time for YOU clears your head, releases stress and actually gives you the energy to be a better YOU. And you're modeling healthy behavior to your kids. And you want to BE healthy for your kids. When you think of it that way, it's not so bad.

Hey, let's face it, they're all going to need therapy for something or another when we're done with them, ha!

Love the idea of this group! Stay strong, ladies!


  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Thanks for the post. I'm still getting up early to get my workout in because I don't want to exercise during "our time" together. When she does get up and find me woking out, she joins in, so I guess I shouldn't feel bad at all. She even asks me to go out and walk while she rides her bike. That's her idea of "our time".

    I love the fact that this group is available now too.
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    For me working out is as much about keeping me sane as it is about weight loss. Yes, as a mom and wife we are on 24/7, even when we aren't with our families. I struggled with depression for YEARS and honestly the only thing I have found that truly keeps the demons away is my daily gym routine. I am a better mom, wife, provider because I work out. The fact that my butt is much smaller is really just a bonus :)
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    . I am a better mom, wife, provider because I work out. The fact that my butt is much smaller is really just a bonus :)

    I am as well. I find that if I do not work out, I am grouchy and irritable to my kids. I also know that when I don't workout, I get down on myself and feel just plain "gross" so I am not a fun wife either! LOL
  • wscheel
    wscheel Posts: 2
    Thank you for this post - so true! When I think of myself in my 20's - I was healthy and fit - I'd even dare say athletic - daily walks, tennis 3x week - long weekend hikes. After I had my son 12 years ago - I just stopped doing anything for myself. I'm a married working mom and have always struggled with finding balance between taking care of my family and taking care of myself. Even though I wouldn't trade it for the world - I miss my 20 year old self! I definitely struggled, too, with the "working mom's guilt". I'm feeling more than ever, that I need to get myself back into shape - I want to be around to see my son tackle all the big milestones of his life - not just for him, but for me, too!
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    May I join you? I am a 46 year old wife and mom of 2 boys. I work outside the home and really struggle with juggling everything: house, work, exercise, and all there is to do to keep it all in balance.