Skinny Fat: The Reason You're the Same Fat Shape

This post was directed at my ladies soldiers however, I notice guys who are trying to lose weight are doing this too.
I notice several people on MFP recording calories burned in long cardio sessions. Rarely, do I see people who include lifting 3+ times a week in their regular routine.

One question I hear from people who lose a lot of weight, especially my ladies is, “I lost weight but I don’t like my shape”

From the guys I hear, “ I am cutting but my muscles don’t pop like yours, his or her, and I below 10% bf and can’t see my abs”

From Ladies who don’t want to lose their man or want a man, “I would lose weight but do not want to lose my shape”

C.T Army. In Your Opinion what determines shape?
Before I share my opinion I would like to hear form the Army.


  • Mrsburris40
    Mrsburris40 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning: I would like to start out by saying that I am no expert but I think that I can speak for my ladies. When I began this weight lose journey 3 years ago I did what a lot of ladies do and joined Weight Watchers a great program by the way. (But) because you can eat WHATEVER you want I was a skinny fat girl so I did some reseach and said there has to be more to this I by no means wanted to loss my curves but I did not like the way that I looked so I started to lift and finding out more about clean eating and that is where I hit the jack pot no matter what you do in the gym 80 to 85% of this is what you eat.. I do a good amount of cardio because that is what help to dial in my abs because I hate ab work.. But I lift just as much training a body part a day with weights that is simply how I changed my body.. But I think that as women we just do not know . I hear daily I want to look like you and I ask do you use weights and most of them say no I do not want to look like a man I try to stress you can not look like a man unless you use drugs... I am so glad you put this out there... Thank you
  • Chocol8teThunder
    Chocol8teThunder Posts: 124 Member

    Thanks for your response, Especially your last 3 sentences.
    Weights will NOT make a woman look like a man. Male harmone / testosterone may.

    Keep sharing y'all the army needs to hear from you.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    What I tell people when they ask for advice is cardio will change your size but weight lifting will change your shape. You can just do cardio and diet, you'll lose weight and become a smaller version of you.
  • pac_
    pac_ Posts: 57 Member

    great article by the the LEANGAINS master himself Martin Berkhan
  • Chocol8teThunder
    Chocol8teThunder Posts: 124 Member
    PAC that article was awesome

    LADIES YOU NEED to read this
  • Chocol8teThunder
    Chocol8teThunder Posts: 124 Member
    I can't agree more thanks Lauran
  • Chocol8teThunder
    Chocol8teThunder Posts: 124 Member
    Check out this video on toning & "Doing a lot of cardio makes you a smaller version of your fat self"