what Bible version do you like and why?

musky4 Posts: 126 Member
I am considering getting a new study bible - need you all's opinion - I am looking for another study bible - (mine is....looking worse for wear) - I like the NIV but open to others....I've read (and don't like the KJV) and have a NKJV which is ..ok --- so what do you have? and what do you like/don't like about it... THANKS IN ADVANCE


  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've been using the ESV(English Standard Version) and I like it a lot. It's language is like NIV but it's more of a literal translation, which is why I like it.
  • roselee1213
    roselee1213 Posts: 8 Member
    I have used the Scofield study bible in the past (KJV) and I think they have it in the NKJV too. I also have Ryries Study bible, now I have HCSB Apologetics Study Bible. I like this for me now, and the best place to buy a bible or Christian litature is at www.christianbook.com They have great selections and low prices.

    If you want to know more about the HCSB bible click on this link: http://www.christianbook.com/hcsb-apologetics-brown-duotone-simulated-leather/9781586405106/pd/405106?item_code=WW&netp_id=616292&event=ESRCQ&view=details

    I am sure you would enjoy all of them. God Bless
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    THANK YOU BOTH! I certainly have some thinking to do -
    I'd like to see if my church has these different version so i can look b/4 i buy :)
  • Ryanmariem
    Ryanmariem Posts: 46 Member
    I can understand why you don't like the KJV... but I have truly found that to be the best, as it has the least translations..... I have a Thompson Chain Reference Bible, and it is wonderful for study purposes.

    Also good to have is a good Bible dictionary like Ungers and a good concordance like Strong's.... what is nice about the Thompson Chain Reference is that it has a good concordance already...but I like the Strong's too it is way more indepth.

    The reason why I prefer the KJV is because once I started to compare bible scriptures it was amazing at how some bibles leave out verses or change a word which can change the whole meaning of the verse. I still like to look at a NIV or ESV if I am having a hard time w/the old english...but again when I find a big difference it is scary... I think the KJV has less translations from the orignal Greek & Hebrew that the chances of mistakes are fewer... but that is why having the Bible dictionary like Ungers that has the Greek & Hebrew is a big help, you really can see that the KJV is pretty on target.

    I like to go to biblegateway.com as an online souce you can look at just about any Bible verse online, it is neat to compare dif. versions.

    But I totally encourge reading and studying your Bible what ever version you have and to compare...it is a great way to have a better understanding along w/prayer for that spiritual guidance. =)
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    thanks Ryan! still considering....... :)