What Time?

Just curious. What is your usual time of day for erging? Do you find it harder at certain times? Do you do it before a meal or several hours after?

This is my regular schedule:

Wake up about 6am slam down a low-cal high-protein shake
Drink my two cups of coffee and enjoy my wife's company.
Erg for at least 30 mins.
Slam my second low-cal high-protein shake.
Relax for 15 mins then eat breakfast.

I noticed this last couple weeks with the robbery, things have been crazy and although I'm still working out my schedule is erratic and I'm not losing as much as I was. Evening workouts are a killer for me and I do not enjoy it as much as mornings. So back to the basics for me this coming week and we'll see if my game plan works as good as I think it does.


  • jeffreyjording
    jeffreyjording Posts: 67 Member
    As I get up a 3:30am to get to work at 5am my only time for exercise is late afternoon/evening. The saying goes the best exercise schedule is one you actually stick to.
  • skillingsrobertj
    I wake up at 5:45AM, pack lunches for the family, then get in a 5-min warm up and a 20-25 min workout nearly every morning. Exceptions are days where I have carpool duty for my sons and Sun when I take a rest day. I try to do the same workout each night after getting home at 7PM or so.

    I much prefer the morning workout due to the cold weather and rowing while the sun rises over the hills where I live. Morning workouts have an energizing effect on the coming day that evening workouts don't.

    I drink water before & after each workout to stay hydrated, but I generally don't eat much before or after working out.

    But, I agree with Jeff, the best schedule is one that you can stick to.
  • skillingsrobertj
    Re-reading your post, and projecting a lot of myself into your situation, it sounds like the robbery may have forced you to change what is obviously a very succesful routine of getting exercise and losing weight and you're a bit worried if you will be able to get back to it.

    If you're anyting like me, I both love and hate routines because even though they can be empowering when they work well, they can also be limiting when they don't. And, even though I can change my routine, I must admit I feel a bit of frustration when someone or something else forces a change to a routine that I think is working well for me.

    You've experienced a robbery, and that sucks, and it would rock anyone's life. But, you've also lost 34 pounds since Oct according to your profile, that's incredible, and it speaks of a solid commitment to getting healthy.

    The struggle is how to integrate the two so you can continue getting healthy and eventually look back on the robbery as something that may have slowed you down a bit, but it didn't stop you.

    Keep rowing my friend, you can do it !
  • BrentDry
    BrentDry Posts: 9 Member
    I much prefer early morning which to me means 7-7:30am at the gym. I do not have anything except a cup of water first. Lots of water afterwards and breakfast at work after that. I have tried eating first but that does not work for me.
    I find if I leave it to later in the day I tend to find excuses not to do it.
    Regards, Brent