weekend 250k mini challenge

MFP Rowing teammates. We have currently rowed 1402781 meters. If we plan on catching the Forum Flyers its going to take a team effort. Therefore I am issuing a 250k weekend mini challenge. Lets see if the team can row 250k by Sunday night. We may not catch them but they will know we are there. I plan on rowing 50k. LETS ROW PEOPLE.


  • jeffreyjording
    jeffreyjording Posts: 67 Member
    I am still a newbie rower but here are some tips anyway

    If your not comfortable with longer distances, break it up into short segments

    You don't need to kill yourself with every Row. You still get benefit from lower intensity workouts

    Try to maintain good form

    And enjoy the extra calories you get to eat from more exercise

    Also there is ebook called Row Everyday, Breathe Deeper Live Better on amazon.com $3. I would recommend it.
  • skillingsrobertj
    Jeff hit the nail on the head with breaking up a long row into smaller sets. I will typically do a quick warm up to make sure everuthing feels right, i.e. the seat, damper, etc and to remind the muscles what I'm about to do, then do 5k at a moderate pace, rest for 15 mins or so, then start another 5k.

    Let's get to it !
  • skillingsrobertj
    Put 7k meters in the DONE column towards the 250l mini challenge !
  • skillingsrobertj
    Numbers as of Fri, 10:20PM Pacific;
    MFP Friends 1.498M meters,
    Forum 1.652M meters.
    We can catch them !
  • skillingsrobertj
    Put another 15+K meters toward our mini challenge...keep it going !
  • BrentDry
    BrentDry Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry but completely missed the forum since late last year so missed this even though I was rowing over that period.
    I try to do 7+km in 30mins three days a week and more recently the average has been 7.2km.
    Makes me think that it is a marathon per fortnight :)
    Regards, Brent