Newbie Nursing Momma!!

Hello everyone my name is Joanna. I joined my fitness pal to lose 100+ lbs and need all the support and help I can find. I gave birth to my second son in October and was blessed to be able to nurse him unlike my first son. I gained 20 lbs with this pregnancy and was able to drop the baby weight in the first month but now I'm at a stand still. I was wondering if any of the other mom as are in my situation or have been and have some tips to help me get back on track.

I know I need all the calories I can get due to the nursing and right now I'm on a 2000 calorie diet (500 included for what's lost during nursing) but I just can't seem to get them all in with exercise. Please please help=) I look forward to meeting the other ladies!!


  • sherryshell55
    sherryshell55 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi MrsScott! I'm sooo glad to find someone else on fitnesspal who breastfeeds!! I too am at a standstill after loosing most of the baby weight. My son was born August 2012 and breast feeding is going very well, but I'm trying to figure how to get fit without hurting my supply. Adding you as a friend so we can encourage each other.
  • jakkidoodles
    Sound similar to me too. I have 100lbs to lose and I'm just above my pre-pregnancy weight and now I'm not moving! :(
  • Augustsnow
    Once I got back to my pre-baby weight I stalled for a little bit. Some of it is because my son nurses less so I need to calculate only 300 cals expended instead of 500. and that changes my food intake quite a bit. I add the breastfeeding cals in as exercise so everything calculates for me. I added it in as cardio so that 120 mins equaled about 500 cals.

    Now that he nurses less I am adding in more exercise slowly. as long as you move slowly you will not hurt your supply (which will fluctuate anyway from monthly cycle, stress, baby's needs). And if you have a lot of weight to lose your going to want to add things into and out of your life slowly anyway so you don't get discouraged.

    Good luck. It can be done. Breastfeeding has made this journey easier for me let it help you too.
  • stephaninicole
    stephaninicole Posts: 12 Member
    I have about 50 pounds to lose and am looking for friends who understand the difficulties while breastfeeding. I also have 2 sons and was unable to breastfeed my first, so this is all very new to me. I try to read up and research as much as possible. I have read that after 6 months your supply may naturally decrease because baby should be satisfying some hunger with his solid foods, so you might need to decrease calories burned by breastfeeding.
    Also, I am a fitness junkie and an advocate of adding physical activity into your life. Maybe exercise could help, just be sure to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate :)
    If you are having trouble reaching your calorie goals maybe you could try protein shakes? You can make/flavor them any way you want, and they can provide nutritious calories!!
    Friend request if you want, and we can figure this out together :)