Having trouble increasing my calories.

I am new to EM2LW I just started on Saturday trying to get to my TDEE which is 2065. I am having a hard time getting my calories up. I would welcome any suggestions or advice to help me with this
My day usually goes like this,

I have a protein shake for breakfast between 7-8 250 to 300 calories
snack between 10-11
Lunch from 12 to 1
snack between 3-4
snack at 5:30 before I go to the gym
Protein shake after I work out 6:15 this is my problem I am so full by now that I don't want to eat dinner. I make my shake with a bananna and almond milk.
I am really having to force myself to eat most of the time because I am just not feeling hungry.

Any suggestions on good snacks that are not so filling that are high in calories?




  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Need to Eat Dinner.. no protein shake for dinner.. Use protein powder with water after workout.. then make a decent dinner consisting of more protein than carb items(chicken, steak, fish)

    Depending where you are starting, you will want to slowly increase your calories and probably not just 700 calories in 1 day. that will leave ya full.
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    I am eating roughly the same amount of calories and my diary is open if you would like some ideas, but I agree, eat a good dinner - I would also try to have a real breakfast instead of a shake if possible. I typically eat 6 meals per day that are all around the same amount of calories, my 10am and 3pm meals usually consist of a shake along with a quest bar or a homemade protein bar. Let me know if you have any questions and good for you for doing this the right way!!!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Force yourself to eat dinner. And eat more than just a protein shake at breakfast. Your body will get used to more food!
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Oh yeah you need dinner and a different breakfast, try and hold off on the shake or maybe just half and get a good dinner in. Your body will adjust and get hungry, then you wont wake up early starving.

    Could you make that afternoon snack a mini meal???

    If you are like me and not really a "foody" it is hard in the beginning. My weight came from pcos hormones out of control and too much sugar from wrong foods, cortisol stress...arghhhhh!!!! My friends thought my husband was the luckiest as I could never eat all my meals so he would end up with two. Seriously 6 years ago I couldnt eat a whole buger and small fries at Mc's as I was full, thank god now I dont go near that *kitten* as it all tastes greasy, foul and repulsive...lol but I'm slowly trying to get around to saying that your appetite will change....sorry I waffle.

    I never ate breakfast at my heaviest and now at my lightest couldn't imagine not. I could honestly go till 1pm with no food then eat wrong, sugar spike = belly fat :(

    Heaps of friends here to help you.
  • sagj
    sagj Posts: 256 Member
    If you are just feeling overfull I'd recommend adding some healthy foods that are calorie dense. Some examples are nuts, nut butters, avocados, dried fruit and olive oil. These foods give you ample calories while taking up a small amount of room in your stomach. Please check out my diary because I have had trouble getting up to my TDEE (2700 cals :-0 ) and these things have been life savers :)

    Also, your stomach will start to adjust. If you are really feeling miserable it is okay to back off a little and give your body time to get use to the increase. Then increase again. Repeat until you make it to where you want to go. Moving up slowly worked really well for me :)
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    What has worked for me lately is making every meal/snack a little larger. Two tbls of walnuts in my oatmeal instead of one or 20 almonds instead of 12. I also include guacamole, cheese and peanut butter to get added calories. It takes planning and practice. You can do it!
  • prettypaleo67
    Nuts, avocado, coconut oil. At 3+ weeks into this thing, I now have NO trouble eating 2100 calories a day! :)
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    ditto what most have said already, dinner is important.
    just a thought if it helps. for myself, i hate breakfast, i've never been able to stomach eating that early unless i nibble. love my protein shake for breakfast instead! biggest help i've found is pre-planning my day, if i know i'm going to burn lots, then i'll add to my shake, have a bowl of cereal. on some days, i've added it to a smoothie instead of just milk so i get the extras from the other fruits etc. i also like to plan a nice size dinner (4-600 cals including my coffee) and then plan a snack that i can be finished an hour before bed (nuts, my frozen yogurt treat aka chapmans cheeky monkey!) a protein bar (vanilla yogurt is usually a good flavour!) on really big burn days i feel full by dinner so i break it up, chicken with the family, do the clean up, then have my salad, play for a bit then have something else. probably not the best way to eat as i'm nibbling every hour or so from 4pm till bed, but on those days, i find it's better than not eating at all or trying to stuff myself into a comma!
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    You've gotten some great advice already. All I wanted to add is that if you really want to continue with the shake for breakfast, you can add higher calorie foods to it to increase the calories. Try adding (not all at the same time; just experiment with flavors): peanut butter, avocado, banana, flax seeds, full fat Greek yogurt, coconut oil, oats, and whole milk.
  • northdog
    northdog Posts: 43 Member
    I started eating more a few weeks ago. I started eating more gradually (started at around 1600, then bumped up to 1800, etc.). I was full at first, then one day it was like a switch went off in my body. I was so hungry! I've been eating around 2200-2300 and it's no trouble at all now. I think you might find that this passes eventually. In the meantime, nuts are great, like others have suggested.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I was the same way the first week --- felt so full and sick to my stomach as I stuffed in calories (especially all the protein)...however, after about a week, my body adjusted and I was actually hungry, even with all those "extra" calories! Amazing how my body was craving those cals!
    As for high calorie and not filling, I would go with cheese, avocado and natural peanut butter. Also add olive oil and coconut oil to your food.
  • jtmurph7
    Thank you so much for all of your advice :flowerforyou: I managed to eat almost all of my calories today...:bigsmile: Yea!! I had a great work out . I have started working out with my husband rather than by myself and he is really challenging me.. I have upped my weights I am feeling really good about this.. I guess I should have said my shakes are packed full of stuff In my blender I put 1 cup Almond milk, protein powder, 3 tbsp oatmeal, tbsp flax seed, 1 tbsp pudding mix 1 tbsp natural peanut butte (that's my favorite one) sometimes I put banana and spinach in it. I also use other fruits They are very filling.

    I do see what you all mean about eating food. I am going to start eating breakfast then take my shake to sip on as a snack at work. I didn't have a shake after the gym tonight and I ate a large dinner.

    I really like looking at everyone's diary to get ideas of what to eat. It is a good feeling not being hungry.. I am really bloated though I am only 5 ft and I carry a lot of my weight in my mid section I do feel like I have gotten bigger in my stomach :noway:
    I can tell a difference in the way I look since I got back in the gym in January.

    Thanks again for all of the encouragement,
