How much of yout prescription are you taking



  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    I've been taking 88MCG for about 2 years now.
  • sraffel
    sraffel Posts: 66 Member
    75 mcg of levothyroxine since December. I had been on 75 mcg of synthroid for years, then was told I didn't need it anymore about 2.5 years ago. Now I'm back on, diagnosed with Hashi's.

    I've been doing a lot more research into the different options, thanks to this group, and plan to ask about desiccated meds and t3/t4 tests when I have my next checkup in April. I definitely feel better than I did a few months ago, but there are some symptoms still nagging me.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    I went to my endocrinologist ( in Tampa, Florida after routine bloodwork ) about two weeks ago and he said all my levels are fine. :smile
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I am taking 100mcg right now but I just got results back and I'm still not at the right level. I'll probably have to increase again.
  • taciturnity
    taciturnity Posts: 69 Member
    I'm on 200mcg... reading everyone else's, I guess that's kind of high. But whatever works!
  • alisa1975
    I have no thyroid and I have been taking 3 grains of NT split up into 3 doses throughout the day. I feel ggod, but my labs came back to day saying FT3 was way too hig:

    FT3 6.4
    FT4 1.71
    TSH 0.01

    I was on synthroid/cytomel before and lots of different dosages over the last 5 years but switched to desicrated after reading about so many people having great results with them.

    I was hypo on 125mcg Synthroid/5mcg cytomel 2x a day
    i was hypo on 137mcg Synthroid/5mcg cytomel 2x a day
    I was hyper on 175 mcg Synthroid/5mcg cytomel once a day


    I have gained 50 lbs in the 5 years since my thryroid came out, i finally started losing on the NT, but I guess it is because I am hyper.

    Don't know what to do now. I want to get pregnant this year, but I am terrified with all these fluctuations and never feeling 100% "normal"

    Amy advice would be appreciated.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I replied on your other thread, but repeating here in case it helps anyone else.

    Did you take your meds before your morning labs, or after? If you take them before it can give an artifically high free T3 result.

    Also, how do you FEEL? Do you feel hyper?

    If you took the meds after your labs, and do feel hyper, then I'd probably drop down to 2.5 grains and see where you're at in 2 weeks. If you took meds before the labs I'd get retested now. You may not actually be hyper.
    I have no thyroid and I have been taking 3 grains of NT split up into 3 doses throughout the day. I feel ggod, but my labs came back to day saying FT3 was way too hig:

    FT3 6.4
    FT4 1.71
    TSH 0.01

    I was on synthroid/cytomel before and lots of different dosages over the last 5 years but switched to desicrated after reading about so many people having great results with them.

    I was hypo on 125mcg Synthroid/5mcg cytomel 2x a day
    i was hypo on 137mcg Synthroid/5mcg cytomel 2x a day
    I was hyper on 175 mcg Synthroid/5mcg cytomel once a day


    I have gained 50 lbs in the 5 years since my thryroid came out, i finally started losing on the NT, but I guess it is because I am hyper.

    Don't know what to do now. I want to get pregnant this year, but I am terrified with all these fluctuations and never feeling 100% "normal"

    Amy advice would be appreciated.
  • SarahHebert1
    SarahHebert1 Posts: 98 Member
    I am currently on 50mcg of levothyroxine, but going in today for another round of bloodwork and back to the doctor's next week. I am hoping that my TSH is still high, as I don't really feel better at all at this dose. If it's not high, not sure what I am going to do - my doctor is pretty terrible and I'm not sure he will listen to me if I explain that I don't feel better. He also only tests for TSH levels (although he did run TPO a couple of tests ago, I assume nothing was wrong with that).

    *fingers crossed*, I'd really like to start feeling better.
  • allie491
    allie491 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm taking 175 mcg of Synthroid, keep in mind I do not have a thyroid gland at all.