cardio/weights clarification?

natesangel Posts: 210 Member
so a silly (or not) question about the cardio/weights debate. first thing i get that 'weights' is meant to be heavy weights, get tush to gym, suck it up and venture into the loud part, and pick up something heavy, put it down and repeat! i have no problem with the concept, just the practice (personally, but i'm learning and evolving as i progress!)
cardio to me has always been stuff like walking, running, cycling, hiking, etc. again no issue with these walking and hiking are my favs when the weather permits (i'm a wheeny from the coast who is not loving this 4 feet of snow and -30c weather!)
so my question is, where does stuff like jillian michaels, p90x, insanity, cathe (since i know it's a preference here for some wink wink!) fall into the 'cardio/weights' issue?

little details if it helps, i prefer jillian, i received a bunch from a friend and 30ds, RI30 and 6w6p are now in full rotation in my week. i started with no weight other than my own body. over the months i've progresses through all levels and up to 10lb hand weights for most of the moves, with the idea that when 10lbs gets light/easier i will try something new (maybe some insanity?!) i am currently unable to get to a gym with my schedule/life but i am hoping to add in a little at least this fall when my girl is old enough for the community league child care programs (why pay for daycare that i can't afford when i can do a program at 75% off and just wait a little!) i am fairly new to em2wl (with a million questions as you may have noticed! lol!) and am finally at a point where the weight is coming off again!!!! i love saying that and knowing i'm eating 1750-2200 cals a day! YAY!

any suggestions on something new are welcome. would really like to know what these workouts classify as in the 'cardio/weight' issue.


  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Ha, I was just coming here to post basically THIS EXACT QUESTION. :)
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    Ha, I was just coming here to post basically THIS EXACT QUESTION. :)

    yay! glad i'm not the only one!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Most Jillian Michaels programs (30DS etc) are mainly cardio workouts, They do add some lighter weights and circuit training which can work to endurance levels but cannot really be classified as weight lifting, especially not in terms of strength work.

    P90x and Insanity are also similar in this regard. They tend to involve some cardio and some circuits, mostly bodyweight endurance work.

    Cathe DVDs vary - she does a full range some of which are heavy weights strength work and some of which is pure cardio and the full range between.
    Of her two 90 day programs (STS and Xtrain), STS is a purely weight lifting program and Xtrain is a cross training program which combines heavy weight work and cardio.

    I haven't done P90x or Insanity, but on these boards it appears that people that transition from Jillian Michaels work to these programs find them to be much harder workouts in comparison (perhaps because Jillian Michaels programs are often done by beginners).