
Hi ! I' ve been trying to lose weigh since last sept and I haven't had much luck . I've lost a quick 6 pounds last sept. Since then it seems that I lose only pound here and there. I try only to weigh myslef once a week. I want to lose aleast 40 pounds by the end of the summer. I'm only 5 foot tall so weigh really shows on me good. I weigh 150 last year at this time I was 135.


  • committed2b
    committed2b Posts: 16 Member
    I've tried & failed so many times. I finally started really being honest with myself & changed my eating habits as well as being accountable for my workouts. I use to eat ok here & there & workout here & there, noting consistent. Consistency is so important! What are you doing for exercise & how is your eating?
  • SkinnyWannabe30
    SkinnyWannabe30 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello! I hear you, I have tried my whole life it seems to lose the weight but i have never really been that serious about my diet and I know now that is what is holding me back, I am learning so much about how food affects us and I have come to realize i need to be more selective, I need to eat lower carb, lower sugar and eat more REAL food and less processed and quick foods. So far I have done really well over the last three weeks and noticed a difference so I hope I can now make a permanent lifestyle change and finally get the results I am looking for!
  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a self employed working mommy in Tampa! I love my palates machine, kick boxing classes, and the occasional Insanity DVD. I've been going up and down over the holiday's. However, lately I've been back in the groove of getting fit.
  • committed2b
    committed2b Posts: 16 Member
    Insanity is crazy but great :) Good for you!!
  • workoutchick
    workoutchick Posts: 94 Member
    For my exercise i've been walking on my treadmill and doing workout dvd's also I've been lifting weighs. I do cardio for aleast 30 minutes 5 days a week. I also drink alot of water. I eat alot of fruit and veggies and protien shakes.